# Steel-Copper ## Simple system monitoring using graphs Steel-Copper is a web-server which renders rrd database files to graphs using rrdtool. ## Screenshot ![Screenshot of monitoring website with multiple graphs](https://assets.schanur.net/steel-copper/screenshots/graphs_dark_v1.png) ## Usage After starting the steel-copper binary, the integrated web server starts on port 8000. If you want to modify startup parameter (TCP port, etc.), you have multiple options: * Create Rocket.toml file in the directory where you run steel-copper. [Rocket.toml configuration manual](https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/configuration/) * Use environment variables. [Examples](https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/config/index.html#environment-variables) ## Dependencies * collectd service has to be installed and running to create/update periodic sample databases (rrd database files). * rrdgraph binary is required to render the graphs. On most Linux distributions, the tool is included in the rrdtool package. ## Build ``` cargo build --release ``` builds a single executable file steel-copper in the directory target/release. ## Contribute This is a very young project with a small feature set. Two types of input I would like to get are feature requests of things you are missing and of course bug reports.