use std::env::current_dir; //use std::fs::read; use std::path::Path; use steganer::_run; use steganer::_create_configuration; use test_common::fs::{ops::copy_files, crypto::hash_file, tmp::TestEnvironment}; const SOURCE_FOLDER: &str = "tests/resources/"; const HIDDEN_FILE: &str = "loren.txt"; // By Original full portrait: "Playmate of the Month". Playboy Magazine. November 1972, // photographed by Dwight Hooker. This 512x512 electronic/mechanical scan of a section of the // full portrait: Alexander Sawchuk and two others[1] - The USC-SIPI image database, // Fair use, const HOST_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX: &str = "Lenna_(test_image)"; const CORRECT_TESTED_EXTENSIONS: [&str; 3] = ["png", "bmp", "ppm"]; const INCORRECT_TESTED_EXTENSIONS: [&str; 2] = ["jpg", "tga"]; //const HOST_FILE: &str = "Lenna_(test_image).png"; const FILE_RECOVERED: &str = "lenna_recovered.txt"; struct TestImages<'a> { extensions: Vec<&'a str>, image_name_suffix: &'a str, } impl <'a> TestImages<'a> { #[must_use] fn new(extensions: Vec<&'a str>, image_name_suffix: &'a str)-> Self{ TestImages {extensions, image_name_suffix} } } impl <'a> Iterator for TestImages<'a>{ type Item = String; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self.extensions.pop() { Some(current_extension)=> Some(format!("{}.{}",self.image_name_suffix, current_extension)), None=> None } } } fn hide_test(host_file: &str) { // Create test temp folder and populate it with test files. let test_folder = TestEnvironment::new(); let test_folder_path = test_folder.path(); let current_folder = current_dir() .expect("Error obtaining current working folder"); let current_folder_path = Path::new(current_folder.as_path()); let file_hidden_absolute_path = current_folder_path.join(SOURCE_FOLDER).join(HIDDEN_FILE) .into_os_string().into_string() .expect("File to hide name has non valid unicode characters."); let host_file_absolute_path = current_folder_path.join(SOURCE_FOLDER).join(host_file) .into_os_string().into_string() .expect("Host file name has not valid unicode characters."); let files_to_copy: Vec<&str> = vec![file_hidden_absolute_path.as_str(), host_file_absolute_path.as_str()]; copy_files(files_to_copy, test_folder_path.to_str() .expect("Test folder path contains non valid unicode characters that made conversion impossible.")); let test_hidden_file = test_folder_path.join(HIDDEN_FILE).into_os_string().into_string() .expect("Hidden file name has no valid unicode characters"); let test_host_file = test_folder_path.join(host_file).into_os_string().into_string() .expect("Host file name has no valid unicode characters"); // Start test. // Check hiding does not raise any error. let hiding_config = _create_configuration(test_hidden_file.as_str(), test_host_file.as_str(), false); assert_eq!((), _run(&hiding_config).expect(format!("Error happened with {}", host_file).as_str())); // Check extraction does not raise any error. let recovered_file_absolute_path = test_folder_path.join(FILE_RECOVERED).into_os_string().into_string() .expect("Error generating recovered file absolute path."); let host_file_loaded_absolute_path = test_folder_path.join(host_file).into_os_string().into_string() .expect("Error generating host file loaded absolute path"); let extraction_config = _create_configuration(recovered_file_absolute_path.as_str(), host_file_loaded_absolute_path.as_str(), true); assert_eq!((), _run(&extraction_config).expect(format!("Error happened with {}", host_file).as_str())); // Test destination file has same content than source file. let original_file_hash = hash_file(file_hidden_absolute_path.as_str()) .expect("Something wrong happened when calculating hash for source file."); let recovered_file_hash = hash_file(recovered_file_absolute_path.as_str()) .expect("Something wrong happened when calculating hash for destination file."); assert_eq!(original_file_hash.as_ref(), recovered_file_hash.as_ref(), "Recovered file content is not the same as original file content. \ Original hash is {:X?} and recovered. is {:X?} \ after using {} as host image.", original_file_hash.as_ref(), recovered_file_hash.as_ref(), host_file); } #[test] fn test_simple_hiding() { let correct_images = TestImages::new(CORRECT_TESTED_EXTENSIONS.to_vec(), HOST_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX); for image in correct_images{ hide_test(image.as_str()); } } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_incorrect_hiding() { let incorrect_images = TestImages::new(INCORRECT_TESTED_EXTENSIONS.to_vec(), HOST_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX); for image in incorrect_images { hide_test(image.as_str()); } }