import { WasmMemory, Ptr} from "./wasm_mem.js"; import { isResultErr, isResultOk, ResultError} from "./stepflow_wasm_result.js"; export type SessionId = number; type WasmExports = { createSession: (flowJsonStr: Ptr) => SessionId, advanceSession: (sessionId: SessionId, stepOutputJsonStr: Ptr | null) => Ptr, getStateData: (sessionId: SessionId) => Ptr, alloc: (size: number) => Ptr, dealloc: (ptr: Ptr, size: number) => void, deallocStr: (cstring_ptr: Ptr) => void, }; /// StepFlowWasm /// /// Gives access to the APIs in StepFlow while making the API /// more manageable for JS/TS. export class StepFlowWasm { private exports: WasmExports; private memory: WasmMemory; constructor(wasmInstance: any) { this.exports = { createSession: wasmInstance.exports.createSession, advanceSession: wasmInstance.exports.advanceSession, getStateData: wasmInstance.exports.getStateData, alloc: wasmInstance.exports.alloc, dealloc: wasmInstance.exports.dealloc, deallocStr: wasmInstance.exports.dealloc_str, }; this.memory = new WasmMemory(wasmInstance.exports.memory, this.exports.alloc, this.exports.dealloc, this.exports.deallocStr); } createSession(flowJsonStr: string): SessionId { return this.callExportedFnWithString(flowJsonStr, this.exports.createSession); } advanceSession(sessionId: SessionId, stepOutputJsonStr: string | null): AdvanceBlockedOn { let result; if (stepOutputJsonStr === null || stepOutputJsonStr === undefined) { result = this.callExportedFn(() => this.exports.advanceSession(sessionId, 0)); } else { result = this.callExportedFnWithString(stepOutputJsonStr, (stepOutputPtr: Ptr) => this.exports.advanceSession(sessionId, stepOutputPtr)); }; return result; } getStateData(sessionId: SessionId): StateData { return this.callExportedFn(() => this.exports.getStateData(sessionId)); } private execFnWithString(s: string, fn: any): any { // FUTURE: support multiple strings and do a single block allocation for all the strings const [strPtr, size] = this.memory.allocString(s); try { const result = fn(strPtr);, size); return result; } catch(e) {, size); throw e; } } private callExportedFn(fn: any) { const resultStrPtr = fn(); const resultStr = this.memory.decodeCstr(resultStrPtr); const result: any = JSON.parse(resultStr); if (isResultErr(result)) { throw new ResultError(result); } else if (!isResultOk(result)) { throw new Error("Did not receive a valid StepFlowResult"); } return result.ok; } private callExportedFnWithString(s: string, fn: any) { return this.callExportedFn(() => this.execFnWithString(s, fn)); } } export function loadStepflowWasm(wasmSrc: string): Promise { return instantiateWasm(wasmSrc) .then(wasmInstance => new StepFlowWasm(wasmInstance)); } async function instantiateWasm(wasmSrc: string) { return fetch(wasmSrc) .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) .then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes)) .then(results => results.instance) } export type AdvanceBlockedOnStartWith = { blockedOn: "StartWith", startWith: any, actionName?: string, actionType?: "SetData" | "HtmlForm" | "UriStringTemplate" | "HtmlStringTemplate" | "Other", }; export type AdvanceBlockedOnCannotFulfill = { blockedOn: "CannotFulfill", } export type AdvanceBlockedOnFinishedAdvancing = { blockedOn: "FinishedAdvancing", } export type AdvanceBlockedOn = AdvanceBlockedOnStartWith | AdvanceBlockedOnCannotFulfill | AdvanceBlockedOnFinishedAdvancing; export type StateData = { [k: string]: any, };