syntax = "proto3"; package tensorflow; option cc_enable_arenas = true; option java_outer_classname = "ControlFlowProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework"; option go_package = ""; // Control flow context related protocol buffers. // Protocol buffer representing the values in ControlFlowContext. message ValuesDef { // Value names that have been seen in this context. repeated string values = 1; // Value names referenced by but external to this context. map external_values = 2; } // Container for any kind of control flow context. Any other control flow // contexts that are added below should also be added here. message ControlFlowContextDef { oneof ctxt { CondContextDef cond_ctxt = 1; WhileContextDef while_ctxt = 2; } } // Protocol buffer representing a CondContext object. message CondContextDef { // Name of the context. string context_name = 1; // Name of the pred tensor. string pred_name = 2; // Name of the pivot tensor. string pivot_name = 3; // Branch prediction. 0 or 1. int32 branch = 4; // Values and external values in control flow context. ValuesDef values_def = 5; // Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested conds). repeated ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 6; } // Protocol buffer representing a WhileContext object. message WhileContextDef { // Name of the context. string context_name = 1; // The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. int32 parallel_iterations = 2; // Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop. bool back_prop = 3; // Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop. bool swap_memory = 4; // Name of the pivot tensor. string pivot_name = 5; // Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor. string pivot_for_pred_name = 6; // Name of the pivot_for_body tensor. string pivot_for_body_name = 7; // List of names for exit tensors. repeated string loop_exit_names = 8; // List of names for enter tensors. repeated string loop_enter_names = 10; // Values and external values in control flow context. ValuesDef values_def = 9; // Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor. string maximum_iterations_name = 11; // Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles). repeated ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12; // Next available id: 13. }