{{!-- This is a comment --}} {{! This is also a comment }} The device {{info.id}} is a {{info.part}} part with {{info.ram_size}} Kb of memory and {{info.flash_size}} Kb of flash on a {{info.package}} package. {{# if (str_eq info.part "R8") ~}} This is a R8 device. {{/ if }} {{! Use the `with` helper to modify the scope ~}} {{# with info ~}} {{! Now the field is directly accessible ~}} id: {{ id }} {{~/ with }} {{# with peripherals.gpio ~}} {{# each banks ~}} {{# each pins ~}} {{PIN}} is the {{../GPIO}} {{n}}th pin. {{/ each ~}} {{/ each ~}} {{/ with }} {{# with peripherals.rcc ~}} {{# each buses ~}} {{peripheral}} is on {{bus}}. {{/ each ~}} {{/ with ~}}