# stocki Make tiny, single feature web services. # Getting started Create a new project: ``` cargo new stocki-example ``` cd into it and install `stocki`: ``` cd stocki-example cargo install stocki ``` Replace the contents of `src/main.rs` with this: ``` fn main() { use stocki::{ run, requests::{ Request, HandleRequest }, responses::{ Response } }; fn main() { let handler = RequestHandler::new(); run( "localhost:7878".to_string(), "GET".to_string(), handler); } pub struct RequestHandler{} impl RequestHandler { fn new() -> Self{Self{}} } impl HandleRequest for RequestHandler { fn handle(&self, _request: Request) -> Response{ println!("stocki works!"); return Response::new(200); } } ``` Run the project: ``` cargo run ``` Make a `GET` request to `localhost:7878`. You should get a `200` response and see a "stocki works!" log message!