# Jackal Storage Outpost The outpost wraps the controller functionality from the interchain accounts standard. This contract can port all of canine-chain's functionality over to any cosmos chain, so long as that chain supports cosmwasm. The outpost has been deployed on Archway's mainnet! Dapp and Documentation below: [Archway Outpost](https://www.jackalprotocol.com/outpost-archway) [Documentation](https://docs.jackalprotocol.com/devs/archway-quickstart.html) ## Contributors The outpost contract is an implementation of the cw-ica-controller contract, found here: [cw-ica-controller GitHub](https://github.com/srdtrk/cw-ica-controller) The Jackal team thanks Serdar Turkmenafsar for developing the cw-ica-controller, and for his continued support in integrating it with canine-chain modules and jackal.js. <3 Special shout out to @Reecepbcups for always being there for us since the outpost was tested on Juno's testnet way back in the bear market. <3