# Rust (i)nflector Adds String based inflections for Rust. Snake, kebab, train, camel, sentence, class, and title cases as well as ordinalize, deordinalize, demodulize, deconstantize, foreign key, table case, and pluralize/singularize are supported as both traits and pure functions acting on &str and String types. forked from: https://github.com/whatisinternet/Inflector ----- ## Documentation: Documentation can be found here at the README or via rust docs below. [Rust docs with examples](https://docs.rs/inflector) ----- ## Installation: ### As a [crate](http://crates.io) ```toml [dependencies] inflector = "*" ``` ### Compile yourself: 1. Install [Rust and cargo](http://doc.crates.io/) 2. git clone https://github.com/abumni/inflector 3. Library: cd inflector && cargo build --release --lib 4. You can find the library in target/release ## Usage / Example: ```rust ... // to use methods like String.to_lower_case(); extern crate inflector; use inflector::inflector; ... fn main() { ... let camel_case_string: String = "some_string".to_camel_case(); ... } ``` Or ```rust ... // to use methods like to_snake_case(&str); extern crate inflector; // use inflector::cases::classcase::to_class_case; // use inflector::cases::classcase::is_class_case; // use inflector::cases::camelcase::to_camel_case; // use inflector::cases::camelcase::is_camel_case; // use inflector::cases::pascalcase::to_pascal_case; // use inflector::cases::pascalcase::is_pascal_case; // use inflector::cases::screamingsnakecase::to_screamingsnake_case; // use inflector::cases::screamingsnakecase::is_screamingsnake_case; // use inflector::cases::snakecase::to_snake_case; // use inflector::cases::snakecase::is_snake_case; // use inflector::cases::kebabcase::to_kebab_case; // use inflector::cases::kebabcase::is_kebab_case; // use inflector::cases::traincase::to_train_case; // use inflector::cases::traincase::is_train_case; // use inflector::cases::sentencecase::to_sentence_case; // use inflector::cases::sentencecase::is_sentence_case; // use inflector::cases::titlecase::to_title_case; // use inflector::cases::titlecase::is_title_case; // use inflector::cases::tablecase::to_table_case; // use inflector::cases::tablecase::is_table_case; // use inflector::numbers::ordinalize::ordinalize; // use inflector::numbers::deordinalize::deordinalize; // use inflector::suffix::foreignkey::to_foreign_key; // use inflector::suffix::foreignkey::is_foreign_key; // use inflector::string::demodulize::demodulize; // use inflector::string::deconstantize::deconstantize; // use inflector::string::pluralize::to_plural; // use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular; ... fn main() { ... let camel_case_string: String = to_camel_case("some_string"); ... } ``` ## Advanced installation and usage: If the project doesn't require singularize, pluralize, class, table, demodulize, deconstantize. Then in your `cargo.toml` you may wish to specify: ```toml [dependencies.inflector] version = "*" default-features = false ``` Or ```toml inflector = {version="*", default-features=false} ``` To test this crate locally with features off try: ```shell cargo test --no-default-features ``` ## [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct.