# stratisd A daemon that manages a pool of block devices to create flexible filesystems. ## Background Stratis (which includes [stratisd](https://github.com/stratis-storage/stratisd) as well as [stratis-cli](https://github.com/stratis-storage/stratis-cli)), provides ZFS/Btrfs-style features by integrating layers of existing technology: Linux's devicemapper subsystem, and the XFS filesystem. `stratisd` manages collections of block devices, and exports a D-Bus API. Stratis-cli's `stratis` provides a command-line tool which itself uses the D-Bus API to communicate with `stratisd`. ## Website See [https://stratis-storage.github.io/](https://stratis-storage.github.io/). ## Getting involved ### Communication channels If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask them, either on the mailing list or IRC. #### Mailing list Development mailing list: stratis-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org, -- subscribe [here](https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/stratis-devel.lists.fedorahosted.org/). #### IRC irc.libera.chat #stratis-storage. ## For Developers Stratisd is written in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org), which helps the implementation be small, correct, and avoid requiring shipping with a large language runtime. ### Issue tracking and Development Stratisd development uses GitHub issue tracking, and new development occurs via GitHub pull requests (PRs). Patches or bug reports may also be sent to the mailing list, if preferred. ### Setting up for development #### Development Toolchain stratisd can be built using a range of Rust toolchain versions. The recommended development toolchain usually tracks the Rust stable version, although it may lag it slightly. stratisd is guaranteed to be able to be built on its lowest supported toolchain, which may lag the recommended development toolchain by a few minor versions. Contributors should use the recommended development toolchain if possible, since the CI makes use of the Rust linter and formatter for that version. The recommended development toolchain version can be determined by inspecting the CI configuration files for the project. #### Building Stratisd requires Rust and Cargo to build. These may be available via your distribution's package manager. If not, [Rustup](https://www.rustup.rs/) is available to install and update the Rust toolchain. Once toolchain and other dependencies are in place, run `make build` to build, and then run the `stratisd` executable as root. ##### Building tests The Makefile provides a target, `build-tests` which allows compiling the tests without running any of them, as a convenience to developers. ##### Secondary dependencies The [Stratis ci repo](https://github.com/stratis-storage/ci) includes a script, `dependencies_fedora.sh`, which installs all the development dependencies for stratisd and its CLI on Fedora. #### Formatting Stratisd makes use of `rustfmt` to enforce consistent formatting in Rust files. PRs must pass the `fmt` task in the CI in order to be merged. Run `make fmt` to ensure your changes conform to the expected formatting before submitting a pull request. Formatting changes a bit with different versions of the compiler; make sure to use the current development version. #### Linting Stratisd makes use of `clippy` to detect Rust lints. PRs must pass the `clippy` task in the CI in order to be merged. To check for lints, run `make clippy`. The lints change a bit with different versions of the compiler; make sure to use the current development version. #### Configuring Stratisd runs as root, and requires access to the D-Bus system bus. Thus in order to work properly, a D-Bus conf file must exist to grant access, either installed by distribution packaging; or manually, by copying `stratisd.conf` to `/etc/dbus-1/system.d/`. #### Setting Log Levels The command-line option, `--log-level`, may be used to set the stratisd log level. This option sets the level for the stratisd components only. For finer-grained control over the log level of any stratisd component or dependency use the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. Please consult the documentation for the `env_logger` crate for additional information on the use of `RUST_LOG`. #### Testing Stratisd is tested in two ways. The first way makes use of the Rust test infrastructure and has more access to stratisd internals. The second way makes use of the stratisd D-Bus interface. ##### Tests that make use of the Rust test infrastructure Stratisd incorporates two testing modalities: * safe unit tests, which can be run without affecting your storage configuration * unsafe unit tests, which may create and destroy devices during execution To run the safe unit tests: ```bash $ make test ``` For a description of the unsafe unit tests, necessary setup steps, and how to run them, see [`README_tests.md`](README_tests.md). ##### Test that interact with stratisd via the D-Bus For a description of the D-Bus-based tests see [`tests/client-dbus/README.rst`](tests/client-dbus/README.rst). ## Allowed Bugs `stratisd` has some bugs; most of these we intend to address in due course. There is one bug that we have chosen not to fix. This is a bug in our D-Bus layer that will allow incorrect un-marshalling of certain D-Bus values if a D-Bus method is invoked with arguments that do not conform to the expected signature of the method. See [the GitHub issue](https://github.com/stratis-storage/project/issues/11) for additional details about this bug. Behavior of `stratisd` is undefined if a method is called under the particular circumstances that allow the bug to manifest. ## Licensing [MPL 2.0](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/). All contributions retain ownership by their original author, but must also be licensed under the MPL 2.0 to be merged.