/// class ELGSDPlugin { #data = {}; #language = 'en'; #localization; test = new Set(); on = EventEmitter.on; emit = EventEmitter.emit; localizationLoaded = false; constructor () { // super(); if(ELGSDPlugin.__instance) { return ELGSDPlugin.__instance; } ELGSDPlugin.__instance = this; const pathArr = location.pathname.split("/"); const idx = pathArr.findIndex(f => f.endsWith('sdPlugin')); this.#data.__filename = pathArr[pathArr.length - 1]; this.#data.__dirname = pathArr[pathArr.length - 2]; this.#data.__folderpath = `${pathArr.slice(0, idx + 1).join("/")}/`; this.#data.__folderroot = `${pathArr.slice(0, idx).join("/")}/`; this.#data.__parentdir = `${pathArr.slice(0, idx-1).join("/")}/`; } set language(value) { this.#language = value; this.loadLocalization(this.#data.__folderpath) .then(l => { this.emit('languageChanged', value); }) .catch(() => console.warn(`Localization for '${this.#language}' couldn't be loaded`)) } get language() { return this.#language; } set localization(value) { this.#localization = value; this.localizeUI(); this.emit('localizationChanged', value); } get localization() { return this.#localization; } get __filename() { return this.#data.__filename; } get __dirname() { return this.#data.__dirname; } get __folderpath() { return this.#data.__folderpath; } get __folderroot() { return this.#data.__folderroot; } get data() { return this.#data; } /** * Finds the original key of the string value * Note: This is used by the localization UI to find the original key (not used here) * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ localizedString(str) { return Object.keys(this.localization).find(e => e == str); } /** * Returns the localized string or the original string if not found * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ localize(s) { if(typeof s === 'undefined') return ''; let str = String(s); try { str = this.localization[str] || str; } catch(b) {} return str; }; /** * Searches the document tree to find elements with data-localize attributes * and replaces their values with the localized string * @returns {} */ localizeUI = () => { const el = document.querySelector('.sdpi-wrapper'); if(!el) return console.warn("No element found to localize"); const selectorsList = '[data-localize]'; // see if we have any data-localize attributes // that means we can skip the rest of the DOM el.querySelectorAll(selectorsList).forEach(e => { const s = e.innerText.trim(); e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(s, this.localize(s)); if(e.placeholder && e.placeholder.length) { e.placeholder = this.localize(e.placeholder); } if(e.title && e.title.length) { e.title = this.localize(e.title); } }); }; /** * Fetches the specified language json file * @param {string} pathPrefix * @returns {Promise} */ async loadLocalization(pathPrefix) { if(!pathPrefix) { pathPrefix = this.#data.__folderpath; } // here we save the promise to the JSON-reader result, // which we can later re-use to see, if the strings are already loaded this.localizationLoaded = this.readJson(`${pathPrefix}${this.language}.json`); const manifest = await this.localizationLoaded; this.localization = manifest['Localization'] ?? null; window.$localizedStrings = this.localization; this.emit('localizationLoaded', this.localization); return this.localization; } /** * * @param {string} path * @returns {Promise} json */ async readJson(path) { if(!path) { console.error('A path is required to readJson.'); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onerror = reject; req.overrideMimeType('application/json'); req.open('GET', path, true); req.onreadystatechange = (response) => { if(req.readyState === 4) { const jsonString = response?.target?.response; if(jsonString) { resolve(JSON.parse(response?.target?.response)); } else { reject(); } } }; req.send(); }); } } class ELGSDApi extends ELGSDPlugin { port; uuid; messageType; actionInfo; websocket; appInfo; #data = {}; /** * Connect to Stream Deck * @param {string} port * @param {string} uuid * @param {string} messageType * @param {string} appInfoString * @param {string} actionString */ connect(port, uuid, messageType, appInfoString, actionString) { this.port = port; this.uuid = uuid; this.messageType = messageType; this.actionInfo = actionString ? JSON.parse(actionString) : null; this.appInfo = JSON.parse(appInfoString); this.language = this.appInfo?.application?.language ?? null; if(this.websocket) { this.websocket.close(); this.websocket = null; } this.websocket = new WebSocket('ws://' + this.port); this.websocket.onopen = () => { const json = { event: this.messageType, uuid: this.uuid, }; this.websocket.send(JSON.stringify(json)); this.emit(Events.connected, { connection: this.websocket, port: this.port, uuid: this.uuid, actionInfo: this.actionInfo, appInfo: this.appInfo, messageType: this.messageType, }); }; this.websocket.onerror = (evt) => { const error = `WEBSOCKET ERROR: ${evt}, ${evt.data}, ${SocketErrors[evt?.code]}`; console.warn(error); this.logMessage(error); }; this.websocket.onclose = (evt) => { console.warn('WEBSOCKET CLOSED:', SocketErrors[evt?.code]); }; this.websocket.onmessage = (evt) => { const data = evt?.data ? JSON.parse(evt.data) : null; const {action, event} = data; const message = action ? `${action}.${event}` : event; if(message && message !== '') this.emit(message, data); }; } /** * Write to log file * @param {string} message */ logMessage(message) { if(!message) { console.error('A message is required for logMessage.'); } try { if(this.websocket) { const json = { event: Events.logMessage, payload: { message: message, }, }; this.websocket.send(JSON.stringify(json)); } else { console.error('Websocket not defined'); } } catch(e) { console.error('Websocket not defined'); } } /** * Send JSON payload to StreamDeck * @param {string} context * @param {string} event * @param {object} [payload] */ send(context, event, payload = {}) { this.websocket && this.websocket.send(JSON.stringify({context, event, ...payload})); } /** * Save the plugin's persistent data * @param {object} payload */ setGlobalSettings(payload) { this.send(this.uuid, Events.setGlobalSettings, { payload: payload, }); } /** * Request the plugin's persistent data. StreamDeck does not return the data, but trigger the plugin/property inspectors didReceiveGlobalSettings event */ getGlobalSettings() { this.send(this.uuid, Events.getGlobalSettings); } /** * Opens a URL in the default web browser * @param {string} url */ openUrl(url) { if(!url) { console.error('A url is required for openUrl.'); } this.send(this.uuid, Events.openUrl, { payload: { url, }, }); } /** * Registers a callback function for when Stream Deck is connected * @param {function} fn * @returns ELGSDStreamDeck */ onConnected(fn) { if(!fn) { console.error('A callback function for the connected event is required for onConnected.'); } this.on(Events.connected, (jsn) => fn(jsn)); return this; } /** * Registers a callback function for the didReceiveGlobalSettings event, which fires when calling getGlobalSettings * @param {function} fn */ onDidReceiveGlobalSettings(fn) { if(!fn) { console.error( 'A callback function for the didReceiveGlobalSettings event is required for onDidReceiveGlobalSettings.' ); } this.on(Events.didReceiveGlobalSettings, (jsn) => fn(jsn)); return this; } /** * Registers a callback function for the didReceiveSettings event, which fires when calling getSettings * @param {string} action * @param {function} fn */ onDidReceiveSettings(action, fn) { if(!fn) { console.error( 'A callback function for the didReceiveSettings event is required for onDidReceiveSettings.' ); } this.on(`${action}.${Events.didReceiveSettings}`, (jsn) => fn(jsn)); return this; } }