p = 761; q61 = 765; q = 6*q61+1; t = 143 Zx. = ZZ[]; R. = Zx.quotient(x^p-x-1) Fq = GF(q); Fqx. = Fq[]; Rq. = Fqx.quotient(x^p-x-1) F3 = GF(3); F3x. = F3[]; R3. = F3x.quotient(x^p-x-1) import hashlib def hash(s): h = hashlib.sha512(); h.update(s); return h.digest() def random32(): return randrange(-2^31,2^31) def random32even(): return random32() & (-2) def random321mod4(): return (random32() & (-3)) | 1 def randomrange3(): return ((random32() & 0x3fffffff) * 3) >> 30 import itertools def concat(lists): return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lists)) def nicelift(u): return lift(u + q//2) - q//2 def nicemod3(u): # r in {0,1,-1} with u-r in {...,-3,0,3,...} return u - 3*round(u/3) def int2str(u,bytes): return ''.join(chr((u//256^i)%256) for i in range(bytes)) def str2int(s): return sum(ord(s[i])*256^i for i in range(len(s))) def seq2str(u,radix,batch,bytes): # radix^batch <= 256^bytes return ''.join(int2str(sum(u[i+t]*radix^t for t in range(batch)),bytes) for i in range(0,len(u),batch)) def str2seq(s,radix,batch,bytes): u = [str2int(s[i:i+bytes]) for i in range(0,len(s),bytes)] return concat([(u[i]//radix^j)%radix for j in range(batch)] for i in range(len(u))) def encodeZx(m): # assumes coefficients in range {-1,0,1} m = [m[i]+1 for i in range(p)] + [0]*(-p % 4) return seq2str(m,4,4,1) def decodeZx(mstr): m = str2seq(mstr,4,4,1) return Zx([m[i]-1 for i in range(p)]) def encodeRq(h): h = [q//2 + nicelift(h[i]) for i in range(p)] + [0]*(-p % 5) return seq2str(h,6144,5,8)[:1218] def decodeRq(hstr): h = str2seq(hstr,6144,5,8) if max(h) >= q: raise Exception("pk out of range") return Rq([h[i]-q//2 for i in range(p)]) def encoderoundedRq(c): c = [q61 + nicelift(c[i]/3) for i in range(p)] + [0]*(-p % 6) return seq2str(c,1536,3,4)[:1015] def decoderoundedRq(cstr): c = str2seq(cstr,1536,3,4) if max(c) > q61*2: raise Exception("c out of range") return 3*Rq([c[i]-q61 for i in range(p)]) def randomR(): # R element with 2t coeffs +-1 L = [random32even() for i in range(2*t)] L += [random321mod4() for i in range(p-2*t)] L.sort() L = [(L[i]%4)-1 for i in range(p)] return Zx(L) def keygen(): while True: g = Zx([randomrange3()-1 for i in range(p)]) if R3(g).is_unit(): break grecip = [nicemod3(lift(gri)) for gri in list(1/R3(g))] f = randomR() h = Rq(g)/(3*Rq(f)) pk = encodeRq(h) return pk,encodeZx(f) + encodeZx(grecip) + pk def encapsulate(pk): h = decodeRq(pk) r = randomR() hr = h * Rq(r) m = Zx([-nicemod3(nicelift(hr[i])) for i in range(p)]) c = Rq(m) + hr fullkey = hash(encodeZx(r)) return fullkey[:32] + encoderoundedRq(c),fullkey[32:] def decapsulate(cstr,sk): f,ginv,h = decodeZx(sk[:191]),decodeZx(sk[191:382]),decodeRq(sk[382:]) confirm,c = cstr[:32],decoderoundedRq(cstr[32:]) f3mgr = Rq(3*f) * c f3mgr = [nicelift(f3mgr[i]) for i in range(p)] r = R3(ginv) * R3(f3mgr) r = Zx([nicemod3(lift(r[i])) for i in range(p)]) hr = h * Rq(r) m = Zx([-nicemod3(nicelift(hr[i])) for i in range(p)]) checkc = Rq(m) + hr fullkey = hash(encodeZx(r)) if sum(r[i]==0 for i in range(p)) != p-2*t: return False if checkc != c: return False if fullkey[:32] != confirm: return False return fullkey[32:] ### Additional code ### ### Write To File ### import json def byte2hex(bytestr): return ''.join( ["%02X" % ord(x) for x in bytestr]).strip() kat_list = [] for i in range(100): pk,sk = keygen() c,k = encapsulate(pk) assert decapsulate(c,sk) == k kat = {"c": byte2hex(c), "k": byte2hex(k), "pk": byte2hex(pk), "sk": byte2hex(sk)} kat_list.append(kat) output = json.dumps(kat_list, indent=4) f = open("kat.json", "w") f.write(output)