# strfmt: rust library for formatting dynamic strings This library is for rust developers who want to bring rust-like formatting to non-static strings. ## Basic use of formatting Display types ``` rust extern crate strfmt; use strfmt::strfmt; use std::collections::HashMap; #[test] fn it_works() { let mut vars = HashMap::new(); vars.insert("name".to_string(), "bob"); vars.insert("job".to_string(), "python developer"); let fmt = "hi, my name is {name} and I am a {job}!".to_string(); assert_eq!( strfmt(&fmt, &vars).unwrap(), "hi, my name is bob and I am a python developer!") } ``` In addition to the `strfmt` function, this library has the `Format` trait which adds the `format` method to `str` and `String` types. ``` rust assert_eq!("hi, my name is {name}".format(&vars), "hi, my name is bob") ``` You can use this library any time you have dynamic strings you want to format, such as if you are providing your users a ui or are reading configuration files. strfmt does not support empty identifiers (i.e. `{}` or `{:<10}`. Integer identifiers will be read as str keys to the hashmap (i.e. `{1:<10}` will have key == "1") ## Legacy In the 0.2.0 update, the signature of `strfmt` and `Format::format` changed to fix a bug with numeric formatting. For easy migration the `strfmt_display` and `Format::format_display` function provide the old behaviour. ## **BETA**: Formatting numeric types > This feature is in Beta and may change. I expect it to be fairly stable > at this point but would appreciate feedback on development. > > In addition, "signed 0 padding" (i.e. +000042) is not yet supported > for numeric types Using `strfmt_map` it is also possible to format integers and floats: ``` rust let mut vars: HashMap = HashMap::new(); vars.insert("x".to_string(), 42.4242); vars.insert("y".to_string(), -100.11111); vars.insert("z".to_string(), 0.); let f = |mut fmt: Formatter| { fmt.f64(*vars.get(fmt.key).unwrap()) }; assert_eq!(strfmt_map("{x:<7.2}", f).unwrap(), "42.42 "); assert_eq!(strfmt_map("{y:+.2E}", f).unwrap(), "-1.00E2"); assert_eq!(strfmt_map("{z:+.2E}", f).unwrap(), "+0.00E0"); ``` # Status and Goals **strfmt** aims to support all of the formatting options defined in [`std::fmt`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/). Currently it officially only supports the format options for strings (beta support for i64 and f64) See the [syntax](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/#syntax) for how to create a formatted string ### Current Status (in order of priority) - [ ] get strfmt_map out of Beta and create Format.format_map method - [ ] handle sign aware zero padding for numeric types - [x] format any Display type - [x] stabilize `strfmt_map` and add `format_map` to the `Format` trait. - [x] add `f64` method to `Formatter` allowing those using `strfmt_map` to format f64s according to the spec - [x] add `i64` method to `Formatter` allowing those using `strfmt_map` to format i64s according to the spec - [x] use DisplayStr trait for formatting, permitting proper formatting of integer types. - [ ] look for a rust library has "unbounded float" (like python) and add that to the formatter - [ ] look for a rust library has "unbounded integer" (like python) and add that to the formatter - [ ] Implement `vec` method to `Formatter` allowing those usin `strfmt_map` to format types of `Vec` in a way that uses precision and width (precision will limit the number of elements displayed, width the width of each element) - [ ] special suppport to format HashMap for improved speed - [ ] special suppport to format HashMap for improved speed - [ ] special suppport to format HashMap<&str, &str> for improved speed ### HELP I (@vitiral) am no longer an active maintainer of this library or any rust code, but I accept pull requests that fix bugs or implement the above features. All pull requests must be tested appropriately. Adding functionality should be fairly easy, the main piece of work is checking and handling the flags correctly and creating comprehensive tests. Hopefully I will be creating the `f64` method soon to show how it can be done, but I could really use all the help I can get on making this libray complete.