from pathlib import Path import subprocess import pandas as pd import sys def run_command( repeat_seqs, str_catalog, output, match_score=None, mismatch_score=None, gap_open_score=None, gap_extend_score=None, visualize=False, ): command = f"cargo run --release -- profile {repeat_seqs} {str_catalog} {output}" if match_score is not None: command += f" -A={match_score}" if mismatch_score is not None: command += f" -B={mismatch_score}" if gap_open_score is not None: command += f" -O={gap_open_score}" if gap_extend_score is not None: command += f" -E={gap_extend_score}" if visualize: command += " -z", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) return command def create_stat_df(truth_path, profile_path): truth = pd.read_csv(truth_path, sep="\t") profile = pd.read_csv(profile_path, sep="\t") truth = truth.rename(columns={"interruption": "true_interruption"}) profile = profile.rename(columns={"interruption": "pred_interruption"}) merged = pd.merge(truth, profile, on=["locus_id", "motif"], how="outer") merged = merged.fillna("") merged = merged.drop(columns=["seq", "count", "total_count"]) merged["exact_match"] = merged["true_interruption"] == merged["pred_interruption"] merged["exact_match"] = merged["exact_match"].astype(int) # inexact match is true if true interruption is a substring of predicted interruption merged["inexact_match"] = merged.apply( lambda row: row["true_interruption"] in row["pred_interruption"], axis=1 ) merged["inexact_match"] = merged["inexact_match"].astype(int) return merged def compute_mean_precision(stat_df, match_col): mean_precision = ( stat_df.groupby("locus_id").agg({match_col: "mean"})[match_col].mean() ) return mean_precision def compute_mean_recall(stat_df, match_col): mean_precision = ( stat_df.groupby("locus_id").agg({match_col: "sum"})[match_col].mean() ) return mean_precision def compute_metrics(stats_df): exact_mean_precision = compute_mean_precision(stats_df, "exact_match") exact_mean_recall = compute_mean_recall(stats_df, "exact_match") inexact_mean_precision = compute_mean_precision(stats_df, "inexact_match") inexact_mean_recall = compute_mean_recall(stats_df, "inexact_match") return ( exact_mean_precision, exact_mean_recall, inexact_mean_precision, inexact_mean_recall, ) def main(): dir_path = Path(sys.argv[1]) run_test = False if len(sys.argv) > 2: run_test = sys.argv[2] == "test" # load prefixes file prefixes = [] with open(dir_path / "prefixes.txt", "r") as f: for line in f: prefixes.append(line.strip()) overall_stats = [] # run tool on each prefix for prefix in prefixes: # don't run test sets if not specified if "test" in prefix and not run_test: print(f"Skipping {prefix}") continue run_command( dir_path / prefix / f"{prefix}.repeat_seqs.tsv", dir_path / prefix / f"{prefix}.str_catalog.json", dir_path / prefix / f"{prefix}.strif_profile.tsv", visualize=True, ) stat_df = create_stat_df( dir_path / prefix / f"{prefix}.truth.tsv", dir_path / prefix / f"{prefix}.strif_profile.tsv", ) stat_df.to_csv( dir_path / prefix / f"{prefix}.compare.tsv", sep="\t", index=False ) ( exact_mean_prec, exact_mean_rec, inexact_mean_prec, inexact_mean_rec, ) = compute_metrics(stat_df) overall_stats.append( ( prefix, exact_mean_prec, exact_mean_rec, inexact_mean_prec, inexact_mean_rec, ) ) print(f"Completed {prefix}:") print( f" - Exact mean precision, recall: {exact_mean_prec:.2f}, {exact_mean_rec:.2f}" ) print( f" - Inexact mean precision, recall: {inexact_mean_prec:.2f}, {inexact_mean_rec:.2f}" ) overall_stats_df = pd.DataFrame( overall_stats, columns=[ "prefix", "exact_precision", "exact_recall", "inexact_precision", "inexact_recall", ], ) overall_stats_df.to_csv(dir_path / f"overall_stats.tsv", sep="\t", index=False) if __name__ == "__main__": main()