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Code snippets are dynamically tested to see if the `rustc`NQD will accept them, rather than hard-coding specific version support.G ## Usage  Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:" ```toml  [build-dependencies] autocfg = "1" ```H Then use it in your `` script to detect compiler features. ForKB example, to test for 128-bit integer support, it might look like:E ```rust  extern crate autocfg; fn main() {= # // Normally, cargo will set `OUT_DIR` for build scripts.@, # std::env::set_var("OUT_DIR", "target");/ let ac = autocfg::new();  ac.emit_has_type("i128");!@ // (optional) We don't need to rerun for anything external.C% autocfg::rerun_path("");( }M If the type test succeeds, this will write a `cargo:rustc-cfg=has_i128` linePM for Cargo, which translates to Rust arguments `--cfg has_i128`. Then in thePO rest of your Rust code, you can add `#[cfg(has_i128)]` conditions on code thatR3 should only be used when the compiler supports it.6  ## Caution  O Many of the probing methods of `AutoCfg` document the particular template they RO use, **subject to change**. The inputs are not validated to make sure they are RN semantically correct for their expected use, so it's _possible_ to escape and QM inject something unintended. However, such abuse is unsupported and will not P4 be considered when making changes to the templates. 7 $*     "'/4=BA  ( A? %F/ ,  ! ) J  $'$49$C$KK$RR$ $<++ ,6 ++A-....-10 Writes a config flag for rustc on standard out.3' This looks like: `cargo:rustc-cfg=CFG`*= Cargo will use this in arguments to rustc, like `--cfg CFG`.@ 0I Writes a line telling Cargo to rerun the build script if `path` changes.L/ This looks like: `cargo:rerun-if-changed=PATH`2K This requires at least cargo 0.7.0, corresponding to rustc 1.6.0. EarlierN4 versions of cargo will simply ignore the directive.7  1I Writes a line telling Cargo to rerun the build script if the environmentL variable `var` changes.2 This looks like: `cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=VAR`5M This requires at least cargo 0.21.0, corresponding to rustc 1.20.0. EarlierP7  2! Create a new `AutoCfg` instance.$ # Panics - Panics if `AutoCfg::new()` returns an error.0 3 9 #$ # Common errors< - `rustc` can't be executed, from `RUSTC` or in the `PATH`.?3 - The version output from `rustc` can't be parsed.6K - `OUT_DIR` is not set in the environment, or is not a writable directory.N  44 5$@E Create a new `AutoCfg` instance with the specified output directory."H""""?#6% - `dir` is not a writable directory.#($$4774?$?2$  6?$$%688886?/E@ Test whether the current `rustc` reports a version greater than.C or equal to "`major`.`minor`".."/4/4 91<G Sets a `cfg` value of the form `rustc_major_minor`, like `rustc_1_29`,0J1 if the current `rustc` is at least that version.041414 :2?24<<342?R2  ;?2233i=53 Tests whether the given sysroot crate can be used.;6<> The test code is subject to change, but currently looks like:?,H Emits a config value `has_CRATE` if `probe_sysroot_crate` returns true.>K?4?4 ?B,* Tests whether the given path can be used.@-AAAAA  pub use PATH;BBB 4B4 @D'> Emits a config value `has_PATH` if `probe_path` returns true.CACB Any non-identifier characters in the `path` will be replaced withCE# `_` in the generated config value.D&D 4D4 AF2: Emits the given `cfg` value if `probe_path` returns true.E=F 4F4 BI-+ Tests whether the given trait can be used.G.GGAHH " pub trait Probe: TRAIT + Sized {}H%II 4I4 CK(@ Emits a config value `has_TRAIT` if `probe_trait` returns true.JCJH Any non-identifier characters in the trait `name` will be replaced withJKK&L4L4 DM3; Emits the given `cfg` value if `probe_trait` returns true.M>M4M4 EP,* Tests whether the given type can be used.N-OOAOO  pub type Probe = TYPE;OPP 4P4 FR'> Emits a config value `has_TYPE` if `probe_type` returns true.QAQG Any non-identifier characters in the type `name` will be replaced withRJR&S 4S4 GT2: Emits the given `cfg` value if `probe_type` returns true.T=T 4T4 HW20 Tests whether the given expression can be used.U3VVAVV ! pub fn probe() { let _ = EXPR; }V$WW4W4 IY8@ Emits the given `cfg` value if `probe_expression` returns true.XCY4Y4 J\09 Tests whether the given constant expression can be used.Z<ZZA[[ $ pub const PROBE: () = ((), EXPR).0;['[\4\4 K]6> Emits the given `cfg` value if `probe_constant` returns true.]A]4^4 L^^_ M_MNNNNM`x`` OaOPPPPObOQQQQOcORRRROתdOSSSSOeBe eLrTUUUUT- A common error type for the `autocfg` crate.H0AVV̷ #A#XX Y ̷ZZ [ZZ \  ZZEZZ ^ZZ _ZZZZ aZZ bZZZZ dZZ e  ZZܾ $̷$gg h $ii $ii $ii %$%mm n&$&oo p    '$    '$ ' rr s($($ (uu v    )$ ) ww x*$*yy zF Helper to detect compiler features for `cfg` output in build scripts.I 9 {{2 {{2  {{ {{4  {{  {{6####+9#+## $$$$,9$,$$  /13==??BBDEFFFIILLMMNPPSSTTTWWYYY\\^^^_``ee#$$$+4${0123MOT fsw Write&%(u(ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT $\  V  i      e e ~   ~ VZ !"  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