rusty+rustc 1.68.0-nightly (dfe3fe710 2022-12-09)D-798bc7c2d986ac97ܞ-f11f71ea62a32136rustc_std_workspace_coreҖ\-69892fa511d5a698 num_traits뎠n-38087d2823881823Ktraitsroots      Rootsnth_rootsqrtcbrt     signed_roots fixpointF bits log2! unsigned_roots   average)))))))Average0 average_ceil0 average_floor)3I3'a3'b33)9);  IntegerA div_floorA mod_floorAdiv_ceilAgcdAlcmAgcd_lcmA extended_gcdH Aextended_gcd_lcmAdividesAis_multiple_ofAis_evenAis_oddAdiv_remA div_mod_floorAnext_multiple_ofAprev_multiple_ofSUWY[]_aimpl_integer_for_isizeimpl_integer_for_usize IterBinomialeeaenekjjmmItemmmultiply_and_divideqbinomials multinomialuu xxx |||     goguess                                                             ExtendedGcdAxy     7771717272777778787B7B7C7C7D7D7E7E7F7F7G7G7H7H7J7J7K7K7L7L7M7N7O7O7P7P7Q7Q7R7R7p7u7y7z7{7}7~777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777A0me|x3C7 A :0< Integer trait and functions.  ## Compatibility= The `num-integer` crate is tested for rustc 1.8 and greater.@!:   !     %  6> KK A Provides methods to compute an integer's square root, cube root,UD and arbitrary `n`th root.A9 #9 Returns the truncated principal `n`th root of an integer<8 -- `if x >= 0 { ⌊ⁿ√x⌋ } else { ⌈ⁿ√x⌉ }`;= This is solving for `r` in `rⁿ = x`, rounding toward zero.@E If `x` is positive, the result will satisfy `rⁿ ≤ x < (r+1)ⁿ`.HA If `x` is negative and `n` is odd, then `(r-1)ⁿ < x ≤ rⁿ`.D # Panics  Panics if `n` is zero: ```should_panic # use num_integer::Roots;9 println!("can't compute ⁰√x : {}", 123.nth_root(0));< ```* or if `n` is even and `self` is negative:-<<; println!("no imaginary numbers... {}", (-1).nth_root(10));>= # Examples= use num_integer::Roots; let x: i32 = 12345; assert_eq!(x.nth_root(1), x);!% assert_eq!(x.nth_root(2), x.sqrt());(% assert_eq!(x.nth_root(3), x.cbrt()); ( assert_eq!(x.nth_root(4), 10); " assert_eq!(x.nth_root(13), 2); " assert_eq!(x.nth_root(14), 1); "* assert_eq!(x.nth_root(std::u32::MAX), 1); - + assert_eq!(std::i32::MAX.nth_root(30), 2); .+ assert_eq!(std::i32::MAX.nth_root(31), 1); ., assert_eq!(std::i32::MIN.nth_root(31), -2); /2 assert_eq!((std::i32::MIN + 1).nth_root(31), -1); 5 + assert_eq!(std::u32::MAX.nth_root(31), 2); .+ assert_eq!(std::u32::MAX.nth_root(32), 1); .=    9J Returns the truncated principal square root of an integer -- `⌊√x⌋` M< This is solving for `r` in `r² = x`, rounding toward zero.?/ The result will satisfy `r² ≤ x < (r+1)²`.2; $ Panics if `self` is less than zero:'<<5 println!("no imaginary numbers... {}", (-1).sqrt());8=>=?? assert_eq!((x * x).sqrt(), x);"# assert_eq!((x * x + 1).sqrt(), x);&' assert_eq!((x * x - 1).sqrt(), x - 1);*= 9; Returns the truncated principal cube root of an integer -->/ `if x >= 0 { ⌊∛x⌋ } else { ⌈∛x⌉ }`2< This is solving for `r` in `r³ = x`, rounding toward zero.?C If `x` is positive, the result will satisfy `r³ ≤ x < (r+1)³`.F0 If `x` is negative, then `(r-1)³ < x ≤ r³`.3>=? let x: i32 = 1234;# assert_eq!((x * x * x).cbrt(), x);&' assert_eq!((x * x * x + 1).cbrt(), x);*+ assert_eq!((x * x * x - 1).cbrt(), x - 1);.' assert_eq!((-(x * x * x)).cbrt(), -x);*+ assert_eq!((-(x * x * x + 1)).cbrt(), -x);.1 assert_eq!((-(x * x * x - 1)).cbrt(), -(x - 1));4= 9 = Returns the truncated principal square root of an integer --@1 see [Roots::sqrt](trait.Roots.html#method.sqrt).4T T K>1 see [Roots::cbrt](trait.Roots.html#method.cbrt).4TT T,< Returns the truncated principal `n`th root of an integer --?; see [Roots::nth_root](trait.Roots.html#tymethod.nth_root).>TT T 'V' T''AT'T'XT' XYT( TX''''))   T) T))) ) ""T)T) !T))**  '))))'')11)L Provides methods to compute the average of two integers, without overflows.;O0099-@ Returns the ceiling value of the average of `self` and `other`.C -- `⌈(self + other)/2⌉`>= use num_integer::Average;( assert_eq!(( 3).average_ceil(&10), 7);+( assert_eq!((-2).average_ceil(&-5), -3);+( assert_eq!(( 4).average_ceil(& 4), 4);+3 assert_eq!(u8::max_value().average_ceil(&2), 129);64 assert_eq!(i8::min_value().average_ceil(&-1), -64);7? assert_eq!(i8::min_value().average_ceil(&i8::max_value()), 0);B= 00 19 .> Returns the floor value of the average of `self` and `other`.A -- `⌊(self + other)/2⌋`>=^) assert_eq!(( 3).average_floor(&10), 6);,) assert_eq!((-2).average_floor(&-5), -4);,) assert_eq!(( 4).average_floor(& 4), 4);,4 assert_eq!(u8::max_value().average_floor(&2), 128);75 assert_eq!(i8::min_value().average_floor(&-1), -65); 8A assert_eq!(i8::min_value().average_floor(&i8::max_value()), -1); D=   0 0 29 )44 h 56 5h 6hh 56hhh 56hhh 56hh 56hh 56hh Ah hh h h      'b A 33 7h&= Returns the ceil value of the average of `self` and `other`.@ 33 8h19 Returns the floor value of the average of `x` and `y` --<I see [Average::average_floor](trait.Average.html#tymethod.average_floor).L ::T0T 9T0; Returns the ceiling value of the average of `x` and `y` -->G see [Average::average_ceil](trait.Average.html#tymethod.average_ceil).J <<Tn ;T&    6AA9999 99qqq qr * Floored integer division.> ~~~ # use num_integer::Integer;$ assert!(( 8).div_floor(& 3) == 2); '$ assert!(( 8).div_floor(&-3) == -3); '$ assert!((-8).div_floor(& 3) == -3); '$ assert!((-8).div_floor(&-3) == 2); ' $ assert!(( 1).div_floor(& 2) == 0); '$ assert!(( 1).div_floor(&-2) == -1); '$ assert!((-1).div_floor(& 2) == -1); '$ assert!((-1).div_floor(&-2) == 0); 'r  A A B9*$ Floored integer modulo, satisfying: ' r r  # let n = 1; let d = 1; 4 assert!(n.div_floor(&d) * d + n.mod_floor(&d) == n) 7r  > rr$ assert!(( 8).mod_floor(& 3) == 2);'$ assert!(( 8).mod_floor(&-3) == -1);'$ assert!((-8).mod_floor(& 3) == 1);'$ assert!((-8).mod_floor(&-3) == -2);'$ assert!(( 1).mod_floor(& 2) == 1);'$ assert!(( 1).mod_floor(&-2) == -1);'$ assert!((-1).mod_floor(& 2) == 1);'$ assert!((-1).mod_floor(&-2) == -1);'r AA C9( Ceiled integer division.>rr$ assert_eq!(( 8).div_ceil( &3), 3);'$ assert_eq!(( 8).div_ceil(&-3), -2);'$ assert_eq!((-8).div_ceil( &3), -2);'$ assert_eq!((-8).div_ceil(&-3), 3);'# assert_eq!(( 1).div_ceil( &2), 1);&# assert_eq!(( 1).div_ceil(&-2), 0);&# assert_eq!((-1).div_ceil( &2), 0);&# assert_eq!((-1).div_ceil(&-2), 1);&rAA D9$ Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).">rr assert_eq!(6.gcd(&8), 2); assert_eq!(7.gcd(&3), 1);rAA E9$ Lowest Common Multiple (LCM).!>rr assert_eq!(7.lcm(&3), 21); assert_eq!(2.lcm(&4), 4); assert_eq!(0.lcm(&0), 0);rAA F9/" Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and%' Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) together.*8 Potentially more efficient than calling `gcd` and `lcm`;# individually for identical inputs.&>rr% assert_eq!(10.gcd_lcm(&4), (2, 20));($ assert_eq!(8.gcd_lcm(&9), (1, 72));'rAA G9#X2 Greatest common divisor and Bézout coefficients.5>r # extern crate num_integer;  # extern crate num_traits;  # fn main() { + # use num_integer::{ExtendedGcd, Integer}; . # use num_traits::NumAssign;! > fn check(a: A, b: A) -> bool {!A< let ExtendedGcd { gcd, x, y, .. } = a.extended_gcd(&b);!? gcd == x * a + y * b" }"! assert!(check(10isize, 4isize));"$! assert!(check(8isize, 9isize));#$ # }#r## A#A9$ H9&HIIIIHI9 99 9+mJ Greatest common divisor, least common multiple, and Bézout coefficients.*M+A+A,9, J9-(* Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead.---A-A K9//3 Returns `true` if `self` is a multiple of `other`.-6.>..r.r.( assert_eq!(9.is_multiple_of(&3), true);.+) assert_eq!(3.is_multiple_of(&9), false);/,r//A/A L91& Returns `true` if the number is even.0)0>00r0r0 assert_eq!(3.is_even(), false);1# assert_eq!(4.is_even(), true);1"r11A2A M93% Returns `true` if the number is odd.2(2>22r2r2 assert_eq!(3.is_odd(), true);3! assert_eq!(4.is_odd(), false);3"r33A3A N9805 Simultaneous truncated integer division and modulus.48! Returns `(quotient, remainder)`.4$4>55r5r5) assert_eq!(( 8).div_rem( &3), ( 2, 2));5,) assert_eq!(( 8).div_rem(&-3), (-2, 2));5,) assert_eq!((-8).div_rem( &3), (-2, -2));6,) assert_eq!((-8).div_rem(&-3), ( 2, -2));6,7) assert_eq!(( 1).div_rem( &2), ( 0, 1));7,) assert_eq!(( 1).div_rem(&-2), ( 0, 1));7,) assert_eq!((-1).div_rem( &2), ( 0, -1));7,) assert_eq!((-1).div_rem(&-2), ( 0, -1));8,r88A8A O9>53 Simultaneous floored integer division and modulus.969$:>::r:r:/ assert_eq!(( 8).div_mod_floor( &3), ( 2, 2));:2/ assert_eq!(( 8).div_mod_floor(&-3), (-3, -1));;2/ assert_eq!((-8).div_mod_floor( &3), (-3, 1));;2/ assert_eq!((-8).div_mod_floor(&-3), ( 2, -2));;2</ assert_eq!(( 1).div_mod_floor( &2), ( 0, 1));<2/ assert_eq!(( 1).div_mod_floor(&-2), (-1, -1));<2/ assert_eq!((-1).div_mod_floor( &2), (-1, 1));=2/ assert_eq!((-1).div_mod_floor(&-2), ( 0, -1));=2r>> A>A P9DO+ Rounds up to nearest multiple of argument.?.? # Notes? ?I For signed types, `a.next_multiple_of(b) = a.prev_multiple_of(b.neg())`.?L@>@@r@r@. assert_eq!(( 16).next_multiple_of(& 8), 16);A1. assert_eq!(( 23).next_multiple_of(& 8), 24);A1. assert_eq!(( 16).next_multiple_of(&-8), 16);A1. assert_eq!(( 23).next_multiple_of(&-8), 16);B1. assert_eq!((-16).next_multiple_of(& 8), -16);B1. assert_eq!((-23).next_multiple_of(& 8), -16);C1. assert_eq!((-16).next_multiple_of(&-8), -16);C1. assert_eq!((-23).next_multiple_of(&-8), -24);D1rDDADAE Q9LO- Rounds down to nearest multiple of argument.F0GG GI For signed types, `a.prev_multiple_of(b) = a.next_multiple_of(b.neg())`.GLH>HHrHrH. assert_eq!(( 16).prev_multiple_of(& 8), 16);H1. assert_eq!(( 23).prev_multiple_of(& 8), 16);I1. assert_eq!(( 16).prev_multiple_of(&-8), 16);I1. assert_eq!(( 23).prev_multiple_of(&-8), 24);J1. assert_eq!((-16).prev_multiple_of(& 8), -16);J1. assert_eq!((-23).prev_multiple_of(& 8), -24);K1. assert_eq!((-16).prev_multiple_of(&-8), -16);K1. assert_eq!((-23).prev_multiple_of(&-8), -16);K1rLLALAM R9P0* Simultaneous integer division and modulusO-PTTTPXP STPPQ- Floored integer divisionPQ VVTQXQ UTQQQ- Floored integer modulusQQ XXTRXR WTRRR62 Simultaneous floored integer division and modulusR5R ZZTSXS YTSSS, Ceiled integer divisionSS\\TTXT [TTTU'L Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`. TheTO result is always non-negative.U"U^^TUXU ]TUUV'G Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`.UJV``TVXV _TVVX01 Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) andW48 Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`.W;XbbTXXX aTXXX#X#( An iterator over binomial coefficients.Փ+ ffTee g h i ʉTeeTeeTeeTkkTĔXĔĔ#S For a given n, iterate over all binomial coefficients binomial(n, k), for k=0...n.VΕC Note that this might overflow, depending on `T`. For the primitive֕FI integer types, the following n are the largest ones for which there willL be no overflow: type | n  -----|---  u8 | 10  i8 | 9Ǘ  u16 | 18ٗ  i16 | 17  u32 | 34  i32 | 33  u64 | 67  i64 | 66 Ř+ For larger n, `T` should be a bigint type.͘.jj lT$nnTXǚTњޚ mmTmm pTArrTX qT8$ Calculate the binomial coefficient.'K Note that this might overflow, depending on `T`. For the primitive integerNJ types, the following n are the largest ones possible such that there willM be no overflow for any k:̢ǽТ ݽݢ     о   ͣ ۣ4 For larger n, consider using a bigint type for `T`.ߣ7ttTX sTa' Calculate the multinomial coefficient.* vvרTXèͨwT wTwTT uT "xx y""x"x z$$x$x { "|| }""|"| ~$$|$|  " """ $$$ " """" """""" "$"$"$ + +"++ +"+"+" +$+$+$ 4 4"44 4"4"4" 4$4$4$ A+  A+" A+A+ A, A, A>A>A>A>A> A>A>A> A>A> A>A> A> A@ Ӎ   AC ACAC AD AD ALAKAKAKAK AKAKAK AKAK AKAK AL AN ӍAO AOAO AO AO A_A^A^A^A^ A^A^A^ A^A^ A^A^ A_ A` ӍE+  E+" E+E+ E, E, E>E>E>E>E> E>E>E> E>E> E>E> E> E@ Ӎ  EC ECEC ED ED ELEKEKEKEK EKEKEK EKEK EKEK EL EN ӍEO EOEO EO EO E_E^E^!E^E^ E^E^E^ E^E^ E^E^ E_ E` ӍI+  I+" I+I+ I, I, I>I>I>#I>I> I>I>I> I>I> I>I> I> I@ Ӎ IC ICIC ID ID ILIKIK%IKIK IKIKIK IKIK IKIK IL IN ӍIO IOIO IO IO I_I^I^'I^I^ I^I^I^ I^I^ I^I^ I_ I` ӍM+  M+" M+M+ M, M, M>M>M>*M>M> M>M>M> M>M> M>M> M> M@ Ӎ  MC MCMC MD MD MLMKMK,MKMK MKMKMK MKMK MKMK ML MN ӍMO MOMO MO MO M_M^M^.M^M^ M^M^M^ M^M^ M^M^ M_ M` ӍQ+  Q+" Q+Q+ Q, Q, Q>Q>Q>0Q>Q> Q>Q>Q> Q>Q> Q>Q> Q> Q@ Ӎ  QC QCQC QD QD QLQKQK2QKQK QKQKQK QKQK QKQK QL QN ӍQO QOQO QO QO Q_Q^Q^5Q^Q^ Q^Q^Q^ Q^Q^ Q^Q^ Q_ Q` ӍU+ hU+"U+U+ U,U, U>U>U>7U>U> U>U>U> U>U> U>U>U> U@Ӎ hh hUCUCUC UDUD ULUKUK9UKUK UKUKUK UKUK UKUKUL UNӍUOUOUO UOUO U_U^U^;U^U^ U^U^U^ U^U^ U^U^U_ U`ӍɁO1 Greatest common divisor and Bézout coefficientsM4M ```no_buildN# let e = isize::extended_gcd(a, b);N&" assert_eq!(e.gcd, e.x*a + e.y*b);N%=NO O뷆ݽ*OOO OOOOOYNYNYN<YNROCYNOROYNRYNYN ZNZNZN<ZNSOZNOSOZNSZNZN [N[N[N=[NTO[NOTO\O \O \O =\O UOOUO\O \O \O =\O UO\O OUO\O U\O \O ]O]O]O=]OVOOVO]O]O]O>]OVO]OOVO]O]O]O>]O]O ]O]O]O]O>]OV]O]O ^Y5^Z)ͮ^Y^Z ^Z ^^) Floored integer modulo^]^^ ^^ ^b56 Calculates `div_floor` and `mod_floor` simultaneously^a9^b ^b ^f(^f^f ^j#? Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and^hB, `other`. The result is always non-negative.^i/^j^j ^vE^v^v ^{#> Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and^zA `other`.^z ^{^{ ^}/^{4׶^|;^}^} ^ۀ'Ï^-^ހ^ ^.7 Returns `true` if the number is a multiple of `other`.^ˁ:^^ ^ф1 Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`^4^Ԅ^܄ ^5 Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`^8^^ ^/ږ^چ8^^ ^0^.^^ ^0^ы0^^ _Y5_Z)ͮ_Y_Z _Z _^)_]_^ _^ _b5_a9_b _b _f(_f_f _j#_hB_i/_j_j _vE_v_v _{#_zA_z _{_{ _}/_{4׶_|;_}_} _ۀ'Ï_-_ހ_ _.Ö_ˁ:__ _ф_4_Ԅ_܄ __8__ _/ږ_چ8__ _0_.__ _0_ы0__ `Y5`Z)ͮ`Y`Z `Z `^)`]`^ `^ `b5`a9`b `b `f(`f`f `j#`hB`i/`j`j `vE`v`v `{#`zA`z `{`{ `}/`{4׶`|;`}`} `ۀ'Ï`-`ހ` `.Ö`ˁ:`` `ф`4`Ԅ`܄ ``8`` `/ږ`چ8`` `0`.`` `0`ы0`` aY5aZ)ͮaYaZ aZ a^)a]a^ a^ ab5aa9ab ab af(afaf aj#ahBai/ajaj avEavav a{#azAaz a{a{ a}/a{4׶a|;a}a} aۀ'Ïa-aހa a.Öaˁ:aa aфa4aԄa܄ aa8aa a/ږaچ8aa a0a.aa a0aы0aa bY5bZ)ͮbYbZ bZ b^)b]b^ b^ bb5ba9bb bb bf(bfbf bj#bhBbi/bjbj bvEbvbv b{#bzAbz b{b{ b}/b{4׶b|;b}b} bۀ'Ïb-bހb b.Öbˁ:bb bфb4bԄb܄ bb8bb b/ږbچ8bb b0bы0bb cY5cZ)ͮcYcZ cZ c^)c]c^ c^ cb5ca9cb cb cf(cfcf cj#chBci/cjcj cvEcvcv c{#czAcz c{c{ c}/c{4׶c|;c}c} cۀ'Ïc-cހc c.Öcˁ:cc cфc4cԄc܄ cc8cc c/ږcچ8cc c0cы0cc dd)C Unsigned integer division. Returns the same result as `div` (`/`).dFd d d)K Unsigned integer modulo operation. Returns the same result as `rem` (`%`).dNd d d(dd d#G Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`dJdd dEdd d#dJdd d/d4׶d;dd d'Ïd-dd d.Öd:dd d2 Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`.d5dd d6 Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`.d9dd d/ږd8dd ee)eFe e e)eNe e e(ee e#eJee eEee e#eJee e/e4׶e;ee e'Ïe-ee e.Öe:ee ee5ee ee9ee e/ږe8ee ff)fFf f f)fNf f f(ff f#fJff fEff f#fJff f/f4׶f;ff f'Ïf-ff f.Öf:ff ff5ff ff9ff f/ږf8ff gg)gFg g g)gNg g g(gg g#gJgg gEgg g#gJgg g/g4׶g;gg g'Ïg-gg g.Ög:gg gg5gg gg9gg g/ږg8gg hhh)hFh h h)hNh h h(hh h#hJhh hEhh h#hJhh h/h4׶h;hh h'Ïh-hh h.Öh:hh hh5hh hh9hh h/ږh8hh ii)iFi i i)iNi i i(ii i#iJii iEii i#iJii i/i4׶i;ii i'Ïi-ii i.Öi:ii ii5ii ii9ii i/ږi8ii      #$++--/02389>>DDLLר"$"$"$""""$++"+$44"4$A+ACAOE+ECEOI+ICIOM+MCMOQ+QCQOU+UCUOYNYNYNZN\O\O]O^Z^Z^^^^^b^b^f^f^j^j^v^w^{^{^}^}^^^^Ȃ^܄^^^·^^^^ƌ_Z_Z_^_^_b_b_f_f_j_j_v_w_{_{_}_}____Ȃ_܄___·____ƌ`Z`Z`^`^`b`b`f`f`j`j`v`w`{`{`}`}````Ȃ`܄```·````ƌaZaZa^a^ababafafajajavawa{a{a}a}aaaaȂa܄aaa·aaaaƌbZbZb^b^bbbbbfbfbjbjbvbwb{b{b}b}bbbbȂb܄bbb·bbbbƌcZcZc^c^cbcbcfcfcjcjcvcwc{c{c}c}ccccȂc܄ccc·ccccƌddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij )ASUWY[]_acdeqsu"mem  AddNumSignedZero    0 ;  9 !# ݎ    checked_pow%   PrimInt> 6KA K  7 7997 7997 799TTTT TT%     U  %    %           "                                  "    !     !!!&even roots of a negative are imaginary!(! !!!!! !! wrapping_neg! !! !! !! !!!  ! ! !""" 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