import { SRGBColorSpace, LinearSRGBColorSpace, DisplayP3ColorSpace, LinearDisplayP3ColorSpace, Rec709Primaries, P3Primaries, SRGBTransfer, LinearTransfer, NoColorSpace, } from '../constants.js'; import { Matrix3 } from './Matrix3.js'; /** * Matrices converting P3 <-> Rec. 709 primaries, without gamut mapping * or clipping. Based on W3C specifications for sRGB and Display P3, * and ICC specifications for the D50 connection space. Values in/out * are _linear_ sRGB and _linear_ Display P3. * * Note that both sRGB and Display P3 use the sRGB transfer functions. * * Reference: * - */ const LINEAR_SRGB_TO_LINEAR_DISPLAY_P3 = /*@__PURE__*/ new Matrix3().set( 0.8224621, 0.177538, 0.0, 0.0331941, 0.9668058, 0.0, 0.0170827, 0.0723974, 0.9105199, ); const LINEAR_DISPLAY_P3_TO_LINEAR_SRGB = /*@__PURE__*/ new Matrix3().set( 1.2249401, - 0.2249404, 0.0, - 0.0420569, 1.0420571, 0.0, - 0.0196376, - 0.0786361, 1.0982735 ); /** * Defines supported color spaces by transfer function and primaries, * and provides conversions to/from the Linear-sRGB reference space. */ const COLOR_SPACES = { [ LinearSRGBColorSpace ]: { transfer: LinearTransfer, primaries: Rec709Primaries, toReference: ( color ) => color, fromReference: ( color ) => color, }, [ SRGBColorSpace ]: { transfer: SRGBTransfer, primaries: Rec709Primaries, toReference: ( color ) => color.convertSRGBToLinear(), fromReference: ( color ) => color.convertLinearToSRGB(), }, [ LinearDisplayP3ColorSpace ]: { transfer: LinearTransfer, primaries: P3Primaries, toReference: ( color ) => color.applyMatrix3( LINEAR_DISPLAY_P3_TO_LINEAR_SRGB ), fromReference: ( color ) => color.applyMatrix3( LINEAR_SRGB_TO_LINEAR_DISPLAY_P3 ), }, [ DisplayP3ColorSpace ]: { transfer: SRGBTransfer, primaries: P3Primaries, toReference: ( color ) => color.convertSRGBToLinear().applyMatrix3( LINEAR_DISPLAY_P3_TO_LINEAR_SRGB ), fromReference: ( color ) => color.applyMatrix3( LINEAR_SRGB_TO_LINEAR_DISPLAY_P3 ).convertLinearToSRGB(), }, }; const SUPPORTED_WORKING_COLOR_SPACES = new Set( [ LinearSRGBColorSpace, LinearDisplayP3ColorSpace ] ); export const ColorManagement = { enabled: true, _workingColorSpace: LinearSRGBColorSpace, get legacyMode() { console.warn( 'THREE.ColorManagement: .legacyMode=false renamed to .enabled=true in r150.' ); return ! this.enabled; }, set legacyMode( legacyMode ) { console.warn( 'THREE.ColorManagement: .legacyMode=false renamed to .enabled=true in r150.' ); this.enabled = ! legacyMode; }, get workingColorSpace() { return this._workingColorSpace; }, set workingColorSpace( colorSpace ) { if ( ! SUPPORTED_WORKING_COLOR_SPACES.has( colorSpace ) ) { throw new Error( `Unsupported working color space, "${ colorSpace }".` ); } this._workingColorSpace = colorSpace; }, convert: function ( color, sourceColorSpace, targetColorSpace ) { if ( this.enabled === false || sourceColorSpace === targetColorSpace || ! sourceColorSpace || ! targetColorSpace ) { return color; } const sourceToReference = COLOR_SPACES[ sourceColorSpace ].toReference; const targetFromReference = COLOR_SPACES[ targetColorSpace ].fromReference; return targetFromReference( sourceToReference( color ) ); }, fromWorkingColorSpace: function ( color, targetColorSpace ) { return this.convert( color, this._workingColorSpace, targetColorSpace ); }, toWorkingColorSpace: function ( color, sourceColorSpace ) { return this.convert( color, sourceColorSpace, this._workingColorSpace ); }, getPrimaries: function ( colorSpace ) { return COLOR_SPACES[ colorSpace ].primaries; }, getTransfer: function ( colorSpace ) { if ( colorSpace === NoColorSpace ) return LinearTransfer; return COLOR_SPACES[ colorSpace ].transfer; }, }; export function SRGBToLinear( c ) { return ( c < 0.04045 ) ? c * 0.0773993808 : Math.pow( c * 0.9478672986 + 0.0521327014, 2.4 ); } export function LinearToSRGB( c ) { return ( c < 0.0031308 ) ? c * 12.92 : 1.055 * ( Math.pow( c, 0.41666 ) ) - 0.055; }