A 500 (a UTF-8) A Gathering: Chicago A <540 (a UTF-8) Who Moved My Cheese?: The Story A <580 (a UTF-8) The Mice: Sniff & Scurry A >580 (a UTF-8) The Little people: Hem & Haw A <640 (a UTF-8) A Discussion: Later That Same Da A >640+ (a UTF-8) y A <700 (a UTF-8) the mice: "Sniff" and "Scurry;' A >700+ (a UTF-8) and A >700 (a UTF-8) the Little people: "Hem" and "Ha A >700+ (a UTF-8) w" A 900 (a UTF-8) hing in common: A 1a80 (a UTF-8) common: every morning, they each A >1a80+ (a UTF-8) pu A 1ac0+ (a UTF-8) t on their jogging suits and run A >1ac0+ (a UTF-8) ning A 27c0 (a UTF-8) them smile. One read: A 2ec0 (a UTF-8) Who Moved My Cheese? The Movie: A 2fc0 (a UTF-8) Aft A-Mawng Change Profile: A 3200 (a UTF-8) To learn more, visit: B <10272 (b UTF-16LE) input device path: "%s" B <102b2 (b UTF-16LE) sub-path (%hhd,%hhd): "%s" B <10332 (b UTF-16LE) Could not get file info: %r B <10372 (b UTF-16LE) Couldn't open "%s": %r B <104b2 (b UTF-16LE) Could not create variable: %r B 10572 (b UTF-16LE) nbootorder: %d B <105b2 (b UTF-16LE) BootOrder: B >105b2 (b UTF-16LE) file DP: %s B 105f2 (b UTF-16LE) device path: "%s" B <10632 (b UTF-16LE) CSV data: "%s" B >10632 (b UTF-16LE) filename: "%s" B <10672 (b UTF-16LE) label: "%s" B >10672 (b UTF-16LE) arguments: "%s" B <106f2 (b UTF-16LE) Could not read file "%s": %r B <10732 (b UTF-16LE) File looks like: B 107b2 (b UTF-16LE) t get info for "%s": %r B <107f2 (b UTF-16LE) Could not read \EFI\%s\: %r B <10872 (b UTF-16LE) Couldn't open \EFI\%s\%s: %r B <108b2 (b UTF-16LE) Could not process \EFI\%s\%s: %r B <108f2 (b UTF-16LE) Couldn't find file system: %r B <10932 (b UTF-16LE) Couldn't open file system: %r B <10972 (b UTF-16LE) Couldn't open EFI: %r B <109b2 (b UTF-16LE) Couldn't set file position: %r B <109f2 (b UTF-16LE) Could not read \EFI\: %r B <10a72 (b UTF-16LE) %d Couldn't open %s: %r B <10ab2 (b UTF-16LE) LoadImage failed: %r B >10ab2 (b UTF-16LE) Device path: "%s" B <10af2 (b UTF-16LE) StartImage failed: %r B 10bf2 (b UTF-16LE) find loaded image: %r B <10cb2 (b UTF-16LE) Error: could not find boot optio B >10cb2+ (b UTF-16LE) ns: %r B <10ef2 (b UTF-16LE) TPM logging failed: %r B 10fb2 (b UTF-16LE) w%a:%d %a() B <11072 (b UTF-16LE) Failed to read the keystroke: %r B 110b2+ (b UTF-16LE) OK B <11472 (b UTF-16LE) %s: (0x%x) %s B <114b2 (b UTF-16LE) SSL Error: %a:%d %a(): %r B 117b2 (b UTF-16LE) x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x B <11fb2 (b UTF-16LE) %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d%c B 12132 (b UTF-16LE) %*a%X: %-.48a *%a* B <12172 (b UTF-16LE) Press Enter to continue : B 125f2 (a UTF-8) %lu:%s:%s:%d:%s B 12632 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: *(unsigned int B >12632+ (a UTF-8) *)lock == 1 B <12832 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: *sbuffer != NU B >12832+ (a UTF-8) LL || bu B 12872+ (a UTF-8) ffer != NULL B >12872 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: *currlen <= *m B >12872+ (a UTF-8) axlen B <128b2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: *sbuffer != NU B >128b2+ (a UTF-8) LL B >128b2 (a UTF-8) %s:%d: OpenSSL internal error: % B 128f2+ (a UTF-8) s B >128f2 (a UTF-8) error:%08lX:%s:%s:%s B <1d7f2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: ctx->digest->m B >1d7f2+ (a UTF-8) d_size <= EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE B <1d832 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: l <= sizeof(c- B 1d872+ (a UTF-8) >iv) B >1d872 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: j <= sizeof(c- B >1d872+ (a UTF-8) >iv) B 1d8b2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: EVP_CIPHER_key B >1d8b2+ (a UTF-8) _length(cipher) <= (int) B 1d8f2+ (a UTF-8) sizeof(md_tmp) B >1d8f2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: EVP_CIPHER_iv_ B >1d8f2+ (a UTF-8) length(cipher) < B 1d932+ (a UTF-8) = 16 B >1d932 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: keylen <= size B >1d932+ (a UTF-8) of key B 1d972 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: j <= (int)size B >1d972+ (a UTF-8) of(ctx-> B 1d9b2+ (a UTF-8) key) B <1d9f2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: chunk >= 0 B <1deb2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: i != 0 B <1e0f2 (a UTF-8) :BAD OBJECT B >1e0f2 (a UTF-8) :BAD BOOLEAN B >1e0f2 (a UTF-8) [HEX DUMP]: B <1e132 (a UTF-8) :BAD INTEGER B >1e132 (a UTF-8) :BAD ENUMERATED B 1e7f2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: vv == NULL B <1ecf2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: ctx->cipher->b B >1ecf2+ (a UTF-8) lock_size == 1 || ctx->cipher->b B >1ecf2+ (a UTF-8) lock_size == 8 | B 1ed32+ (a UTF-8) | ctx->cipher->block_size == 16 B >1ed32 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: EVP_CIPHER_CTX B 1ed72+ (a UTF-8) _iv_length(ctx) <= (int)sizeof(c B >1ed72+ (a UTF-8) tx->iv) B 1edb2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: bl <= (int)siz B >1edb2+ (a UTF-8) eof(ctx->buf) B <1edf2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: b <= sizeof ct B >1edf2+ (a UTF-8) x->buf B >1edf2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: b <= sizeof ct B >1edf2+ (a UTF-8) x->final B 1f232 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: num == 1 && ct B >1f232+ (a UTF-8) x->num_untrusted == num B <1f272 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: num > i && i > B >1f272+ (a UTF-8) 0 && ss == 0 B <1f2b2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: ctx->num_untru B >1f2b2+ (a UTF-8) sted <= num B >1f2b2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: num == ctx->nu B >1f2b2+ (a UTF-8) m_untrus B 1f2f2+ (a UTF-8) ted B <1f5f2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: pp == NULL || B >1f5f2+ (a UTF-8) *pp != NULL B <1f772 (a UTF-8) %*sPolicy: B >1f772 (a UTF-8) %*sCPS: %s B >1f772 (a UTF-8) %*sUser Notice: B <1f7b2 (a UTF-8) %*sUnknown Qualifier: B >1f7b2 (a UTF-8) %*sOrganization: %s B >1f7b2 (a UTF-8) %*sNumber%s: B <1f7f2 (a UTF-8) %*sExplicit Text: %s B <1fa32 (a UTF-8) %*sFull Name: B <1fa72 (a UTF-8) %*sRelative Name: B 1faf2 (a UTF-8) %*sCRL Issuer: B <1fd72 (a UTF-8) IP Address: B <1fdb2 (a UTF-8) %*sPath Length Constraint: B >1fdb2 (a UTF-8) %*sPolicy Language: B <1fdf2 (a UTF-8) %*sPolicy Text: %s B <1ff32 (a UTF-8) Not Before: B >1ff32 (a UTF-8) Not After: B <200f2 (a UTF-8) %*sVersion: %ld (0x%lX) B <20132 (a UTF-8) %*sZone: %s, User: B <201f2 (a UTF-8) %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d%.*s %d%s B <202b2 (a UTF-8) '()+,-./:=? B <206f2 (a UTF-8) %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %d%s B <20a32 (a UTF-8) :EXTERNAL TYPE %s B <20a72 (a UTF-8) ERROR: selector [%d] invalid B <21fb2 (a UTF-8) :':+:1:K:Q:[:c:g:m:y: B <229b2 (a UTF-8) assertion failed: bits > prime_m B >229b2+ (a UTF-8) ultiplier_bits B <22a32 (a UTF-8) %s: (%d bit) B >22a32 (a UTF-8) private-key: B >22a32 (a UTF-8) public-key: B >22a32 (a UTF-8) generator: B >22a32 (a UTF-8) subgroup order: B <22a72 (a UTF-8) subgroup factor: B <22ab2 (a UTF-8) recommended-private-length: %d b B >22ab2+ (a UTF-8) its B 22bb2 (a UTF-8) Content-Type: application/ocsp-r B >22bb2+ (a UTF-8) equest B >22bb2 (a UTF-8) Content-Length: %d B 22bf2 (a UTF-8) %*scrlUrl: B >22bf2 (a UTF-8) %*scrlNum: B >22bf2 (a UTF-8) %*scrlTime: B <22c32 (a UTF-8) %*sIssuer: B >22c32 (a UTF-8) Private-Key: (%d bit) B <22c72 (a UTF-8) publicExponent: B >22c72 (a UTF-8) Public-Key: (%d bit) B >22c72 (a UTF-8) privateExponent: B <22cb2 (a UTF-8) exponent1: B >22cb2 (a UTF-8) exponent2: B >22cb2 (a UTF-8) coefficient: B <22cf2 (a UTF-8) Hash Algorithm: B >22cf2 (a UTF-8) Mask Algorithm: B <22d32 (a UTF-8) Salt Length: 0x B <22d72 (a UTF-8) Trailer Field: 0x B <22e32 (a UTF-8) Certificate: B <22e72 (a UTF-8) %8sVersion: %ld (0x%lx) B >22e72 (a UTF-8) %8sVersion: Unknown (%ld) B >22e72 (a UTF-8) Serial Number: B <22eb2 (a UTF-8) Issuer:%c B 22ef2 (a UTF-8) Not Before: B <22f32 (a UTF-8) Not After : B >22f32 (a UTF-8) Subject:%c B >22f32 (a UTF-8) Subject Public Key Info: B <22f72 (a UTF-8) %12sPublic Key Algorithm: B <22fb2 (a UTF-8) %8sIssuer Unique ID: B >22fb2 (a UTF-8) %8sSubject Unique ID: B <22ff2 (a UTF-8) Subject OCSP hash: B >22ff2 (a UTF-8) Public key OCSP hash: B <23032 (a UTF-8) Signature Algorithm: B >23032 (a UTF-8) %*sTrusted Uses: B <23072 (a UTF-8) %*sRejected Uses: B <230b2 (a UTF-8) %*sAlias: %s B >230b2 (a UTF-8) %*sKey Id: B <231f2 (a UTF-8) othername: B >231f2 (a UTF-8) X400Name: B <23232 (a UTF-8) EdiPartyName: B >23232 (a UTF-8) IP Address:%d.%d.%d.%d B <23272 (a UTF-8) IP Address: B >23272 (a UTF-8) Registered ID: