use clap::Parser; use image::{ImageBuffer, Luma}; use show_image::{ create_window, event::{VirtualKeyCode, WindowEvent}, }; use std::time::Instant; use stroke_width_transform::StrokeWidthTransform; /// Testing Stroke Width Transforms. #[derive(Parser)] #[clap(version = "0.1", author = "Markus Mayer ")] struct Opts { /// Enables bright on dark stroke detection. #[arg(short, long)] bright_on_dark: bool, /// Displays the image. #[arg(short, long)] show: bool, /// The image file to process. #[arg(value_parser = file_exists)] input: String, } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let opts: Opts = Opts::parse(); let img = image::open(opts.input)?; let swt = if opts.bright_on_dark { StrokeWidthTransform::default_bright_on_dark() } else { StrokeWidthTransform::default() }; let start = Instant::now(); let result = swt.apply(&img.into_rgb8()); let duration = start.elapsed(); println!("Processed image in {duration:?}"); if { show_image::run_context(move || display_image(result)); } Ok(()) } fn display_image(img: ImageBuffer, Vec>) -> Result<(), Box> { let window = create_window("image", Default::default())?; window.set_image("Source", img)?; for event in window.event_channel()? { if let WindowEvent::KeyboardInput(event) = event { println!("{:#?}", event); if event.input.key_code == Some(VirtualKeyCode::Escape) && event.input.state.is_pressed() { break; } } } Ok(()) } fn file_exists(val: &str) -> Result { let meta = match std::fs::metadata(val) { Ok(meta) => meta, Err(_) => return Err(format!("The specified file does not exist: {}", val)), }; if !meta.is_file() { return Err(format!("Not a file: {}", val)); } Ok(String::from(val)) }