// Copyright 2020-2021 IOTA Stiftung // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //! Simple example where Alice sends a Ping to Bob and Bob responds with a Pong. use futures::{channel::mpsc, future::join, StreamExt}; #[cfg(not(feature = "tcp-transport"))] use libp2p::tcp::TokioTcpConfig; use p2p::{ firewall::FirewallRules, ChannelSinkConfig, EventChannel, ReceiveRequest, StrongholdP2p, StrongholdP2pBuilder, }; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::time::Duration; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Ping; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Pong; async fn init_peer() -> (mpsc::Receiver>, StrongholdP2p) { let (dummy_tx, _) = mpsc::channel(10); let (request_channel, rq_rx) = EventChannel::new(10, ChannelSinkConfig::BufferLatest); let builder = StrongholdP2pBuilder::new(dummy_tx, request_channel, None, FirewallRules::allow_all()) .with_connection_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)) .with_request_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)); #[cfg(not(feature = "tcp-transport"))] let peer = builder .build_with_transport(TokioTcpConfig::new(), |fut| { tokio::spawn(fut); }) .await .unwrap(); #[cfg(feature = "tcp-transport")] let peer = builder.build().await.unwrap(); (rq_rx, peer) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let (mut bob_request_rx, mut bob) = init_peer().await; let bob_id = bob.peer_id(); let bob_addr = bob .start_listening("/ip4/".parse().unwrap()) .await .unwrap(); let (_, mut alice) = init_peer().await; // Alice adds Bob's address. alice.add_address(bob_id, bob_addr).await; // Alice sends a request. let alice_send_req = async { println!("[Alice] Sending Ping to Bob."); let res = alice.send_request(bob_id, Ping).await; println!("[Alice] Result: {:?}.", res); }; // Bob receives the request and sends a response. let bob_recv_req = async { let ReceiveRequest { response_tx: bob_response_tx, .. } = bob_request_rx.next().await.unwrap(); println!("[Bob] Received Ping from Alice."); bob_response_tx.send(Pong).unwrap(); println!("[Bob] Sending Pong back to Alice."); }; join(alice_send_req, bob_recv_req).await; }