--- source: struckdown/tests/test_snapshots.rs expression: events input_file: struckdown/tests/inputs/directives.md --- - type: document_start - - type: start_tag tag: paragraph - offset: 0 len: 39 line: 1 column: 0 - - type: text text: "Example directive with nested parsing:" - offset: 0 len: 38 line: 1 column: 0 - - type: end_tag tag: paragraph - offset: 0 len: 39 line: 1 column: 0 - - type: directive name: video argument: inline-argument front_matter: url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" title: Rick Roll body: "Raw body content that goes with the directive.\n\n```{nested} nested-inline-argument\nThis is an inline directive without front-matter arguments.\n```\n" - offset: 40 len: 254 line: 3 column: 0 - - type: start_tag tag: paragraph - offset: 296 len: 22 line: 16 column: 0 - - type: text text: "Invalid front matter:" - offset: 296 len: 21 line: 16 column: 0 - - type: end_tag tag: paragraph - offset: 296 len: 22 line: 16 column: 0 - - type: directive name: invalid argument: ~ front_matter: ~ body: "---\n[[[[\n---\nstuff\n" - offset: 319 len: 35 line: 18 column: 0