use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr}; use structform::{ derive_form_input, impl_numeric_input_with_stringops, impl_text_input_with_stringops, ParseAndFormat, ParseError, StructForm, }; // This example shows how to handle models that don't implement // Default by providing a custom `submit` function. // This example builds on the [login example](./ // This example is written assuming that you're already familiar with // the login example, so if not please refer to that first. // We start with some strongly typed data. In this case, we're // capturing network connection details. However, in this example, our // struct does not implement Default! #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct ConnectionDetails { ip: IpAddr, port: u16, } // The derived implementation of `submit` assumes that the model // implements `Default`, so this is a problem. The solution is to // provide a custom `submit_with` function. #[derive(Default, Clone, StructForm)] #[structform(model = "ConnectionDetails", submit_with = "submit_connection_details")] struct ConnectionDetailsForm { ip: FormTextInput, port: FormNumberInput, } fn submit_connection_details( form: &mut ConnectionDetailsForm, ) -> Result { // Note that in a custom submit function, you should call submit // on all the required fields first, and then exit by returning // the error from any of them afterwords while constructing your // result. This is to make sure that `is_edited` is set correctly // on all the inputs. let ip = form.ip.submit(); let port = form.port.submit(); Ok(ConnectionDetails { ip: ip?, port: port?, }) } // Out of the box, StructForm doesn't provide any inputs for us to put in // our form. Luckily, it gives us the tools to derive our own. // On this form, we have a text inputs, which are parsed into IpAddrs, // and number inputs that are parsed into u16s. derive_form_input! {FormTextInput} impl_text_input_with_stringops!(FormTextInput, IpAddr); derive_form_input! {FormNumberInput} impl_numeric_input_with_stringops!(FormNumberInput, "a number", u16, u16); #[test] fn we_can_submit_our_form_using_the_custom_submit_function() { let mut form = ConnectionDetailsForm::default(); form.set_input(ConnectionDetailsFormField::Ip, "".to_string()); form.set_input(ConnectionDetailsFormField::Port, "80".to_string()); assert_eq!( form.submit(), Ok(ConnectionDetails { ip: IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), port: 80 }) ); }