[tasks.lint] description = "Apply lint" command = "cargo" args = ["clippy", "--all-features", "--all-targets", "--", "--deny", "warnings"] dependencies = [ "fmt-check", "sort-check", ] [tasks.fmt-check] description = "Check format" command = "cargo" args = ["fmt", "--check"] [tasks.sort-check] description = "Check if Cargo.toml dependencies sorted" install_crate = { crate_name = "cargo-sort" } command = "cargo" args = ["sort", "--workspace", "--check"] [tasks.outdated-check] description = "Check to see if the dependencies are up-to-date" install_crate = { crate_name = "cargo-outdated" } command = "cargo" args = [ "outdated", "--exit-code", "1", ] [tasks.sort] description = "sort Cargo.toml dependencies" install_crate = { crate_name = "cargo-sort" } command = "cargo" args = ["sort", "--workspace"] [tasks.bench] description = "Run benchmarks" install_crate = { crate_name = "cargo-criterion" } command = "cargo" args = ["criterion"] [tasks.benchmark] alias = "bench" [tasks.test] description = "Run nextest" install_crate = { crate_name = "cargo-nextest" } command = "cargo" args = ["nextest", "run"] [tasks.install-tools] description = "Install tools" command = "cargo" args = ["install", "cargo-nextest", "cargo-criterion", "cargo-sort"]