use { flowcontrol::{ shed, superif, }, litrs::StringLit, proc_macro2::{ Span, TokenStream, }, quote::{ quote, ToTokens, }, regex_syntax::ast::{ Ast as ReAst, GroupKind, }, std::{ collections::HashMap, }, syn::{ self, parse_macro_input, spanned::Spanned, DataEnum, DataStruct, Field, Ident, Type, }, }; struct ReUnnamedCapture { optional: bool, } struct ReNamedCapture { index: usize, optional: bool, } #[derive(Default)] struct ReFlatData { unnamed_captures: HashMap, named_captures: HashMap, } fn flatten_re(out: &mut ReFlatData, re: &ReAst, optional_context: bool) { match re { ReAst::Flags(_) => (), ReAst::Dot(_) => (), ReAst::Assertion(_) => (), ReAst::Empty(_) => (), ReAst::Literal(_) => (), ReAst::ClassUnicode(_) => (), ReAst::ClassPerl(_) => (), ReAst::ClassBracketed(_) => (), ReAst::Repetition(e) => flatten_re(out, &e.ast, optional_context || match &e.op.kind { regex_syntax::ast::RepetitionKind::ZeroOrOne => true, regex_syntax::ast::RepetitionKind::ZeroOrMore => true, regex_syntax::ast::RepetitionKind::OneOrMore => false, regex_syntax::ast::RepetitionKind::Range(r) => match r { regex_syntax::ast::RepetitionRange::Exactly(x) => *x == 0, regex_syntax::ast::RepetitionRange::AtLeast(x) => *x == 0, regex_syntax::ast::RepetitionRange::Bounded(x, _) => *x == 0, }, }), ReAst::Group(g) => match &g.kind { regex_syntax::ast::GroupKind::CaptureIndex(index) => { out.unnamed_captures.insert(*index as usize, ReUnnamedCapture { optional: optional_context }); }, regex_syntax::ast::GroupKind::CaptureName { name, .. } => { out.named_captures.insert(, ReNamedCapture { index: name.index as usize, optional: optional_context, }); }, regex_syntax::ast::GroupKind::NonCapturing(_) => flatten_re(out, &g.ast, optional_context), }, ReAst::Concat(c) => { for c in &c.asts { flatten_re(out, c, optional_context); } }, ReAst::Alternation(a) => { for child in &a.asts { flatten_re(out, child, true); } }, } } // Someone please save me #[derive(Clone)] enum SimpleSimpleTypeType { TryFrom, FromStr, } #[derive(Clone)] struct SimpleSimpleType { span: Span, type_: TokenStream, typetype: SimpleSimpleTypeType, } #[derive(Clone)] enum SimpleType { Simple(SimpleSimpleType), Option(SimpleSimpleType), Tuple(Vec), } fn simple_simple_type(ty: &Type) -> SimpleSimpleType { let ty_tokens = ty.to_token_stream(); let typetype; match ty_tokens.to_string().as_str() { "u8" | "u16" | "u32" | "u64" | "u128" | "usize" | "i8" | "i16" | "i32" | "i64" | "i128" | "isize" | "f8" | "f16" | "f32" | "f64" | "f128" | "bool" | "char" | "std::net::IpAddr" | "net::IpAddr" | "IpAddr" | "std::net::Ipv4Addr" | "net::Ipv4Addr" | "Ipv4Addr" | "std::net::Ipv6Addr" | "net::Ipv6Addr" | "Ipv6Addr" | "std::net::SocketAddr" | "net::SocketAddr" | "SocketAddr" | "std::net::SocketAddrV4" | "net::SocketAddrV4" | "SocketAddrV4" | "std::net::SocketAddrV6" | "net::SocketAddrV6" | "SocketAddrV6" | "std::ffi::OsString" | "ffi::OsString" | "OsString" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "std::num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "num::NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" | "NonZero" => { typetype = SimpleSimpleTypeType::FromStr; }, _ => { typetype = SimpleSimpleTypeType::TryFrom; }, } return SimpleSimpleType { span: ty.span(), type_: ty_tokens, typetype: typetype, }; } /// Reduce a type to a handleable, semantically meaningful type (i.e. 1-tuples are /// unwrapped, parens unwrapped, etc). fn simple_type(ty: &Type) -> Result { match ty { Type::Path(p) => { let opt = shed!{ if p.qself.is_some() { break None; } if p.path.segments.len() != 1 { break None; }; let seg = p.path.segments.get(0).unwrap(); if seg.ident != "Option" { break None; }; let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(args) = &seg.arguments else { unreachable!(); }; let syn::GenericArgument::Type(arg_type) = args.args.get(0).unwrap() else { unreachable!(); }; break Some(arg_type); }; if let Some(opt_inner) = opt { return Ok(SimpleType::Option(simple_simple_type(opt_inner))); } else { return Ok(SimpleType::Simple(simple_simple_type(ty))); } }, Type::Paren(t) => { return Ok(simple_type(&t.elem)?); }, Type::Group(t) => { return Ok(simple_type(&t.elem)?); }, Type::Tuple(t) => { let mut children = vec![]; for e in &t.elems { children.push(simple_type(e)?); } return Ok(SimpleType::Tuple(children)); }, Type::Reference(_) => { return Ok(SimpleType::Simple(simple_simple_type(ty))); }, _ => { }, } return Err(syn::Error::new(ty.span(), "This type does not support parsing from regex")); } fn gen_from_capture(str_lifetime: &TokenStream, path: &str, t: &SimpleSimpleType, cap: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let p = &t.type_; match &t.typetype { SimpleSimpleTypeType::TryFrom => { return quote!( < #p as std:: convert:: TryFrom <& #str_lifetime str >>:: try_from( #cap ).map_err(| e | structre:: Error:: Field { field: #path, error: e.to_string() }) ? ); }, SimpleSimpleTypeType::FromStr => { return quote!(< #p as std:: str:: FromStr >:: from_str(#cap).map_err(| e | structre:: Error:: Field { field: #path, error: e.to_string() }) ?); }, } } fn gen_named_fields( str_lifetime: &TokenStream, re_flat: &mut ReFlatData, next_unnamed_index: &mut usize, path: &str, fields: &mut dyn Iterator, ) -> Result { let mut field_tokens = vec![]; for field in fields { let name = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap(); let name_str = name.to_string(); let path = format!("{}.{}", path, name_str); match simple_type(&field.ty)? { SimpleType::Option(p) => { let Some(cap) = re_flat.named_captures.remove(&name.to_string()) else { return Err( syn::Error::new(p.span, format!("No named capture `{}` for field `{}`", name_str, path)), ); }; let cap_index = cap.index; if !cap.optional { return Err( syn::Error::new(p.span, "Field is optional but corresponding capture always matches"), ); } let from_cap = gen_from_capture(str_lifetime, &path, &p, quote!(m.as_str())); field_tokens.push(quote!(#name: match captures.get(#cap_index) { Some(m) => Some(#from_cap), None => None, })); }, SimpleType::Tuple(p) => { let parse_tuple = gen_unnamed_fields( str_lifetime, re_flat, next_unnamed_index, &path, &mut p.iter().map(|x| x).cloned(), )?; field_tokens.push(quote!(#name:(#parse_tuple))); }, SimpleType::Simple(p) => { let Some(cap) = re_flat.named_captures.remove(&name.to_string()) else { return Err( syn::Error::new(field.span(), format!("No named capture `{}` for field `{}`", name_str, path)), ); }; let cap_index = cap.index; if cap.optional { return Err( syn::Error::new( field.span(), "Field is not optional but corresponding capture optionally matches", ), ); } let from_cap = gen_from_capture(str_lifetime, &path, &p, quote!(captures.get(#cap_index).unwrap().as_str())); field_tokens.push(quote!(#name: #from_cap)); }, } } return Ok(quote!(#(#field_tokens,) *)); } fn gen_unnamed_fields( str_lifetime: &TokenStream, re_flat: &mut ReFlatData, next_unnamed_index: &mut usize, path: &str, fields: &mut dyn Iterator, ) -> Result { let mut out = vec![]; for (field_index, ty) in fields.enumerate() { let path = format!("{}.{}", path, field_index); match ty { SimpleType::Option(p) => { let cap_index = *next_unnamed_index; *next_unnamed_index += 1; let Some(cap) = re_flat.unnamed_captures.remove(&cap_index) else { return Err(syn::Error::new(p.span, format!("Missing unnamed capture for `{}`", path))); }; if !cap.optional { return Err( syn::Error::new(p.span, "Field is optional but corresponding capture always matches"), ); } let from_cap = gen_from_capture(str_lifetime, &path, &p, quote!(m.as_str())); out.push(quote!(match captures.get(#cap_index) { Some(m) => { Some(#from_cap) }, None => None, })); }, SimpleType::Tuple(p) => { let child = gen_unnamed_fields(str_lifetime, re_flat, next_unnamed_index, &path, &mut p.iter().cloned())?; out.push(quote!((#child))); }, SimpleType::Simple(p) => { let cap_index = *next_unnamed_index; *next_unnamed_index += 1; let Some(cap) = re_flat.unnamed_captures.remove(&cap_index) else { return Err(syn::Error::new(p.span, format!("Missing unnamed capture for `{}`", path))); }; if cap.optional { return Err( syn::Error::new(p.span, "Field is not optional but corresponding capture optionally matches"), ); } out.push( gen_from_capture(str_lifetime, &path, &p, quote!(captures.get(#cap_index).unwrap().as_str())), ); }, } } return Ok(quote!(#(#out,) *)); } fn gen_struct( str_lifetime: &TokenStream, re: &ReAst, ident: &Ident, struct_: &DataStruct, ) -> Result { let mut re_flat = ReFlatData::default(); flatten_re(&mut re_flat, re, false); let mut next_unnamed_index = 1; let path = ident.to_string(); let out = match &struct_.fields { syn::Fields::Named(n) => { let fields = gen_named_fields(str_lifetime, &mut re_flat, &mut next_unnamed_index, &path, &mut n.named.iter())?; quote!({ #fields }) }, syn::Fields::Unnamed(u) => { if !re_flat.named_captures.is_empty() { return Err( syn::Error::new( struct_.struct_token.span, "Tuples must have only unnamed captures, but named captures are present in the regex", ), ); } let field_tokens = gen_unnamed_fields(str_lifetime, &mut re_flat, &mut next_unnamed_index, &path, &mut { let mut out = vec![]; for n in &u.unnamed { out.push(simple_type(&n.ty)?); } out }.into_iter())?; quote!((#field_tokens)) }, syn::Fields::Unit => { quote!() }, }; if !re_flat.named_captures.is_empty() { return Err( syn::Error::new( struct_.struct_token.span, format!("Named captures never used: {:?}", re_flat.named_captures.keys()), ), ); } if !re_flat.unnamed_captures.is_empty() { return Err( syn::Error::new( struct_.struct_token.span, format!("Unnamed captures never used: {} remain", re_flat.unnamed_captures.len()), ), ); } return Ok(quote!(return Ok(#ident #out);)); } fn gen_enum( str_lifetime: &TokenStream, re: &ReAst, ident: &Ident, enum_: &DataEnum, ) -> Result { // Find the topmost re alternatives (variants) fn find_re_variants<'a>(re: &'a ReAst) -> Result>, String> { match re { ReAst::Repetition(x) => { if find_re_variants(&x.ast)?.is_some() { return Err(format!("Reptition with regex alternates isn't supported: `{}`", re)); } else { return Ok(None); } }, ReAst::Group(x) => { match x.kind { GroupKind::CaptureIndex(_) | GroupKind::CaptureName { .. } => { return Err( format!( "All capturing groups must occur within alternates in an enum, but found a capturing group above an enum: `{}`", re ), ); }, GroupKind::NonCapturing(_) => { return find_re_variants(&x.ast); }, } }, ReAst::Concat(x) => { let mut found = None; for x in &x.asts { if let Some(new_found) = find_re_variants(x)? { if found.is_some() { return Err( format!( "Enums support only a single alternation in the corresponding regex but found multiple parallel alternates in regex: second = `{}`", re ), ); } else { found = Some(new_found); } } } return Ok(found); }, ReAst::Alternation(x) => { return Ok(Some(&x.asts)); }, ReAst::Empty(_) => return Ok(None), ReAst::Flags(_) => return Ok(None), ReAst::Literal(_) => return Ok(None), ReAst::Dot(_) => return Ok(None), ReAst::Assertion(_) => return Ok(None), ReAst::ClassUnicode(_) => Ok(None), ReAst::ClassPerl(_) => Ok(None), ReAst::ClassBracketed(_) => Ok(None), } } let Some(re_variants) = find_re_variants(re).map_err(|e| syn::Error::new(enum_.enum_token.span, e))? else { return Err(syn::Error::new(enum_.enum_token.span, "Regex doesn't contain any alternates (|)")); }; if re_variants.len() != enum_.variants.len() { return Err( syn::Error::new( enum_.enum_token.span, format!( "Regex alternate count and enum variant counts don't match: found {} regex alternates but {} enum variants", re_variants.len(), enum_.variants.len() ), ), ); } // Generate each variant code. let mut code_variants = vec![]; for re_variant in re_variants { let mut re_flat = ReFlatData::default(); flatten_re(&mut re_flat, re_variant, false); // Identify a key field (a named capture that will always be present) in each // variant to identify it. let (key, key_index) = shed!{ 'found_key _; for (k, v) in &re_flat.named_captures { if !v.optional { break 'found_key (k.clone(), v.index); } } return Err( syn::Error::new( enum_.enum_token.span, format!( "Regex alternatives must have at least one non-optional named capture to use as a key when parsing; this alternative has none: {}", re_variant ), ), ); }; // Find the corresponding enum variant and generate the field parser code let mut next_unnamed_index = 1; let parse_variant; shed!{ 'matched_enum_variant _; for enum_variant in &enum_.variants { let variant_ident = &enum_variant.ident; match &enum_variant.fields { syn::Fields::Named(fields) => { superif!({ for f in &fields.named { if f.ident.as_ref().unwrap().to_string() == key && // A tuple is actually multiple unnamed fields - the parent field name is unused !matches!(f.ty, Type::Tuple(_)) { break 'matched_named; } } } 'matched_named { let parse_fields = gen_named_fields( str_lifetime, &mut re_flat, &mut next_unnamed_index, &format!("{}::{}", ident, variant_ident), &mut fields.named.iter(), )?; parse_variant = quote!(#ident:: #variant_ident { #parse_fields }); break 'matched_enum_variant; }); }, syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => { superif!({ if fields.unnamed.len() == 1 { let root = simple_type(&fields.unnamed.get(0).unwrap().ty)?; let mut at = &root; loop { match at { SimpleType::Option(_) => break, SimpleType::Tuple(t) => { if t.len() == 1 { at = t.get(0).unwrap(); } else { break; } }, SimpleType::Simple(_) => { if key == variant_ident.to_string() { break 'match_unnamed; } else { break; } }, } } } else { return Err( syn::Error::new( enum_variant.span(), "Multi-field unnamed variants have no fields that can be used to discriminate when parsing", ), ); } } 'match_unnamed { let cap = re_flat.named_captures.remove(&key).unwrap(); let cap_index = cap.index; let field_ty = &fields.unnamed.get(0).as_ref().unwrap().ty; let path = format!("{}::{}", ident, variant_ident); parse_variant = quote!( #ident:: #variant_ident( < #field_ty as std:: convert:: TryFrom <& #str_lifetime str >>:: try_from( captures.get(#cap_index).unwrap().as_str() ).map_err(| e | structre:: Error:: Field { field: #path, error: e.to_string() }) ? ) ); break 'matched_enum_variant; }); }, syn::Fields::Unit => return Err( syn::Error::new( enum_variant.span(), "Unit variants have no fields that can be used to discriminate when parsing", ), ), }; } return Err( syn::Error::new( enum_.enum_token.span, format!("No enum variant found matching key field [{}] in regex alternative: {}", key, re_variant), ), ); }; // Assemble code if !re_flat.named_captures.is_empty() { return Err( syn::Error::new( enum_.enum_token.span, format!("Named captures never used: {:?}", re_flat.named_captures.keys()), ), ); } if !re_flat.unnamed_captures.is_empty() { return Err( syn::Error::new( enum_.enum_token.span, format!("Unnamed captures never used: {} remain", re_flat.unnamed_captures.len()), ), ); } code_variants.push(quote!{ if captures.get(#key_index).is_some() { return Ok(#parse_variant); } }); } // Generate return Ok(quote!{ #(#code_variants) * unreachable !(); }); } fn parse_re(regex_raw: &str) -> Result { return regex_syntax::ast::parse::Parser::new().parse(regex_raw); } fn gen_root(regex_span: Span, regex_raw: &str, ast: syn::DeriveInput) -> Result { let re = parse_re(regex_raw).map_err(|e| syn::Error::new(regex_span, e.to_string()))?; let type_generics; if ast.generics.lt_token.is_some() { type_generics = ast.generics.to_token_stream(); } else { type_generics = quote!(); }; let no_lifetime; let str_lifetime; let impl_generics; superif!({ if !ast.generics.lt_token.is_some() { break 'no_lifetime; }; let Some(l) = ast.generics.lifetimes().next() else { break 'no_lifetime; }; no_lifetime = false; str_lifetime = l.to_token_stream(); impl_generics = ast.generics.to_token_stream(); } 'no_lifetime { no_lifetime = true; str_lifetime = quote!('structre); impl_generics = quote!(< #str_lifetime >); }); let root; match & { syn::Data::Struct(d) => { root = gen_struct(&str_lifetime, &re, &ast.ident, d)?; }, syn::Data::Enum(d) => { root = gen_enum(&str_lifetime, &re, &ast.ident, d)?; }, syn::Data::Union(_) => return Err(syn::Error::new(ast.span(), "Union not supported")), }; let name = &ast.ident; let mut out = vec![ast.to_token_stream()]; out.push(quote!{ impl #impl_generics std:: convert:: TryFrom <& #str_lifetime str > for #name #type_generics { type Error = structre::Error; fn try_from(input:& #str_lifetime str) -> Result < Self, Self:: Error > { static RE: std::sync::OnceLock = std::sync::OnceLock::new(); let captures = RE.get_or_init( || structre:: regex:: Regex:: new(#regex_raw).unwrap() ).captures(input).ok_or(structre::Error::NoMatch) ?; #root } } }); if no_lifetime { out.push(quote!{ impl #impl_generics std:: str:: FromStr for #name #type_generics { type Err = structre::Error; fn from_str(input: &str) -> Result { return Self::try_from(input); } } }) } return Ok(TokenStream::from_iter(out)); } #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn structre(args: proc_macro::TokenStream, body: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { // (Outside body because this macro actually generates compile_error `return`s and // needs to be in a function returning `proc_macro::TokenStream` directly) let ast = parse_macro_input!(body as syn::DeriveInput); match move || -> Result { let mut args = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(args).into_iter(); let Some(first_arg) = else { panic!("structre() proc macro call missing regex argument!"); }; let regex_span = first_arg.span(); let regex_raw = match first_arg { proc_macro2::TokenTree::Literal(l) => match StringLit::try_from(&l) { Ok(l) => l.value().to_string(), Err(_) => panic!("First arg must be literal string, got {}", l), }, t => panic!("First arg must be literal, got {}", t), }; if let Some(next_arg) = { return Err(syn::Error::new(next_arg.span(), "Only takes one arg, got more than one")); } return Ok(gen_root(regex_span, ®ex_raw, ast)?); }() { Ok(t) => { return t.into(); }, Err(e) => { return e.into_compile_error().into(); }, } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use { crate::{ gen_enum, gen_struct, parse_re, }, genemichaels_lib::FormatConfig, proc_macro2::TokenStream, quote::{ format_ident, quote, }, }; fn comp(got: TokenStream, expected: TokenStream) { let cfg = FormatConfig::default(); let try_format = |t: TokenStream| -> String { match genemichaels_lib::format_str("e!(fn x() { #t }).to_string(), &cfg) { Ok(s) => return s.rendered, Err(_) => return t.to_string(), } }; let got = try_format(got); let expected = try_format(expected); assert_eq!(got, expected, "Mismatch:\n\nGot:\n{}\n\nExpected:\n{}", got, expected); } fn comp_struct(re: &str, ident: &str, rust: TokenStream, expected: TokenStream) { comp( gen_struct( "e!('zzz), &parse_re(re).unwrap(), &format_ident!("{}", ident), &match syn::parse2::(rust).unwrap().data { syn::Data::Struct(d) => d, _ => unreachable!(), }, ).unwrap(), expected, ); } fn comp_enum(re: &str, ident: &str, rust: TokenStream, expected: TokenStream) { comp( gen_enum( "e!('zzz), &parse_re(re).unwrap(), &format_ident!("{}", ident), &match syn::parse2::(rust).unwrap().data { syn::Data::Enum(d) => d, _ => unreachable!(), }, ).unwrap(), expected, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_unit() { comp_struct( //. . "a", "Parsed", quote!{ struct Parsed; }, quote!{ return Ok(Parsed); }, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_unnamed_1() { comp_struct( //. . "(a)", "Parsed", quote!{ struct Parsed(String); }, quote!{ return Ok( Parsed( >::try_from( captures.get(1usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.0", error: e.to_string(), })?, ), ); }, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_unnamed_2() { comp_struct( //. . "(a)(b)", "Parsed", quote!( struct Parsed(String, usize); ), quote!{ return Ok( Parsed( >::try_from( captures.get(1usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.0", error: e.to_string(), })?, ::from_str( captures.get(2usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.1", error: e.to_string(), })?, ), ); }, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_unnamed_tuple() { comp_struct( //. . "(a)(b)", "Parsed", quote!( struct Parsed((String, usize)); ), quote!{ return Ok( Parsed( ( >::try_from( captures.get(1usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.0.0", error: e.to_string(), })?, ::from_str( captures.get(2usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.0.1", error: e.to_string(), })?, ), ), ); }, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_named() { comp_struct( //. . "(?Pa)(?Pb)", "Parsed", quote!( struct Parsed { b: usize, a: String, } ), quote!{ return Ok(Parsed { b: ::from_str( captures.get(2usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.b", error: e.to_string(), })?, a: >::try_from( captures.get(1usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.a", error: e.to_string(), })?, }); }, ); } #[test] fn test_enum() { comp_enum( //. . "(?Pa)|(?Pb)", "Parsed", quote!( enum Parsed { A(String), B { b: String, }, } ), quote!{ if captures.get(1usize).is_some() { return Ok( Parsed::A( >::try_from( captures.get(1usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed::A", error: e.to_string(), })?, ), ); } if captures.get(2usize).is_some() { return Ok( Parsed::B { b: >::try_from( captures.get(2usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed::B.b", error: e.to_string(), })?, }, ); } unreachable!(); }, ); } #[test] fn test_borrowed() { comp_struct( //. . "(?.*)", "Parsed", quote!( struct Parsed<'a> { x: &'a str, } ), quote!{ return Ok( Parsed { x: <&'a str as std::convert::TryFrom<&'zzz str>>::try_from( captures.get(1usize).unwrap().as_str(), ).map_err(|e| structre::Error::Field { field: "Parsed.x", error: e.to_string(), })?, }, ); }, ) } }