`time` BCE: Start of Rome empire as small city-state time: 800 `time` BCE: Wealthy defeat king and make society where wealthy (`class name`) dominate, two `position` advised by Senate (made of wealthy) rule, poor (`poor class name`) conflict with wealthy led to law code, `office` blocked bad laws time: 509 class name: Patricians position: consuls poor class name: Plebians office: Office of Tribune `start`-`end` BCE: Romans launch empire building, dominate neighbors in Italy start: 500 end: 490 `start`-`end` BCE: Punic wars with `city`, makes Rome have good navy start: 264 end: 146 city: Carthage `time` BCE: Romans have taken over Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia time: 200 Roman army is "well-..." trained fed rewarded `time` CE: Old Roman values go away, women can become elites time: Early What was the religion in Rome? Christianity `start`-`end` CE: `period of Rome`, Roman Empire at greatest extent start: 0 end: 200 period of Rome: Pax Romana `time` CE: Dead Roman Emperors regarded as gods, Christians resist time: 100 `time` CE: Rome Civil war begins, leaders like Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Ceaser recruit from poor time: 100 `time` CE: `name` revolt (free farmers get bought by rich landowners, revolt) time: 184 name: Yellow Turban `time` CE: Roman Citizenship given to all free men time: 212 `start`-`end` CE: Disease kills 25% of Roman population start: 250 end: 450 `start`-`end` CE: ~26 people claim to be Emperor, rivalry among elite start: 235 end: 284 `start`-`end` CE: Fleeing `people` (Germanic) enter Roman northern border start: 300 end: 400 people: Huns `time` CE: Roman empire collapses after centuries of decline, `name` empire remains in East time: 476 name: Byzantine