Later empires made possible by? mongol trade Song Dynasty replaced which dynasty? Tang What did Song Dynasty end by? mongols Anyone (poor or rich) could enter bureacracy through `exam` which was `system`, created to balance military & scholars exam: Civil Service Exam system: meritocracy How did the Civil Service Exam hurt bureacracy? pay too many people Civil Service Exam religion? Confucianism What increased China's agricultural productivity? champa rice irrigation fertilizer plows Where was Champa rice from? Vietnam `metal` was made by China using `material` they discovered metal: steel material: coal Chinese invent `explosive`, use for `type` warfare explosive: gunpowder type: Siege China experienced `industrialization kind` - Where rural people make more goods than their community needs industrialization kind: proto-industrialization `route` built by government made internal trade inexpensive route: Grand Canal The Song Dynasty accomplished infrastructure through `what` instead of forced labor (which put more money in circulation) what: salary with taxes To trade with China, rulers from other countries must first `1` (to acknowledge superiority), then `2` which have to `3` 1: bow down 2: give gifts 3: impress emperor Chinese social structure (top-to-bottom): `1`, `2`, `3` and `other 3`, `4` 1: aristocrats 2: scholar gentry 3: farmers other 3: artisans 4: merchants For status, upper-class women would do what? footbinding Which gender dominated in China (because of Confucian standards)? male Song Dynasty mass-produced books through `technology`, which increased `feature`. technology: woodblock printing feature: literacy Buddhism focuses on `four` and `eight` four: Four Noble Truths eight: Eight-fold path Tang reaction to Buddhism was `_`, while Song `__` Buddhism _: dislike __: accepted `thing`: Confucian respect to elders, trying to bring good name to ancestors thing: filial piety `type`/`type2` Buddhism: Very popular, Syncretic, combination of `religion` and Buddhism type: Zen type2: Chan religion: Daoism Chinese used special kilns to make `good`, desired all over the world for beauty & strength good: Porcelain The Chinese added whats to ships/navigation? rudder compass compartments Neo-Confucianism: Emphasized `thing` over God/nature thing: ethics Japanese society before China was `type`, aristocrats (daimyo) fought over land, everyone else is `job`, emperor has no power type: Feudalism job: Rice Farmer Japan accepted from China religion printing During Heian period, Japan accepted from China art writing politics Since Korea & China were near, they copied government religion writing Korean aristocracy prevented what Chinese system? civil service exam Vietnam accepted `academic thing` and `aesthetic thing` but still `action` with China academic thing: writing system aesthetic thing: architecture action: fought Vietnam had `type` central government, lived in `family type` families type: no family type: nuclear