What spread through the Silk Roads? disease ideas goods After collapse of Rome and Han dynasty, first silk road time over, but 700-800s Arabian traders from `place` revive Silk Roads place: Abbasid `group` made Silk Road a lot better by `method` group: Mongols method: safety Merchants traveled in `group type` on Silk Road to increase safety group type: caravan Cities on Silk Road that thrive with trade because in river, surrounded by desert Samarkand Kashgar Trade cities called `name` popped up every ~100 miles (Camel distance), very diverse & rich, lots of `thing` exchanged (in addition to goods) name: caravanserai thing: ideas China introduced `economic innovation` that improved trade over copper coins economic innovation: paper money European `thing` re-awakened European need for goods from other places (like silk), increased trade thing: crusades `large disease` came to Europe from China through Silk Road (during Mongols) large disease: black plague Major places Silk Road goes to? mediterranean india china Merchants created `place` along Silk Road place: buddhist monasteries Long-lasting impact of Silk Road? cultural diffusion