How did European states govern themselves monarchs England kings were given power by `what` and maintained power through `group` what: god group: gentry officials Unlike England, France had what kind of power for the king absolute French leaders kept nobles at `place` so that they couldn't plot against them place: Versailles Noble landowning class in Russia boyars Ivan IV in Russia kept boyars in what place so they don't plot Moscow Conflicting forces in Russia church boyars royalty Peter the great was in `name` dynasty, established `structure`, and worked with `thing` at first before losing support name: Romanov structure: provinces thing: church Ottoman devshirme: young `religion` boys are given `thing` and integrated into `group` or `group2` religion: Christian thing: education group: military group2: bureaucracy Elite devshirme group to protect king Jannisaries After Mongols fell, Ming dynasty brought back `system` and established `thing` system: civil service exam thing: national school 3 daimyo unified Japan through gunpowder weapons Japan finally unified by person, who started shogunate Tokugawa Shogunate require daimyo to keep family in Tokyo Japan divided into 250 `thing` that is administered by `people` thing: hans people: daimyo `name`: Famous Mughal leader that made fair laws, put `people`s in charge of government and allowed them to keep some taxes name: Akbar people: zamindar Governments used what architecture to legitimize impressive structures `leader` like Mansa Musa in Songhai spread `thing` leader: Askia thing: Islam Mughal impressive structure Taj mahal Ottoman residence palace Topkapi Russia built `thing` according to Western designs and taxed `group` instead of land, leading to peasant oppresion thing: ships group: peasants Ottoman empire used `tax system`, where `group` collected taxes, which grew to use more taxes and brought down govt. tax system: tax farming group: 3rd party What groups took Tribute in addition to taxes china aztec songhai