In 1450 Europe changed from `old time period` period to `new time period` period old time period: medieval new time period: early modern Developments in Europe in 1450-1750: gutenberg press end of 100 year war end of plagues Ruler in Russia named `name` expanded to `place` to control `item` trade name: Ivan the terrible place: Volga item: fur Russia in between `place` and `place2` place: Europe place2: Asia Yuan Dynasty replaced by Ming Ming taken over, replaced by Qing Bad ruler in Qing dynasty Qianlong Qianlong killed people in Xinjiang, who were `religion` and made government `thing`, killed 100k peasants in `rebellion` religion: Muslim thing: corrupt rebellion: White Lotus What were Islamic, Turkic empires? Ottoman Safavid Mughal Who started short lasting but huge Islam empire in Samarkhand using gunpowder cannons Tamerlane What remains of Tamerlane's empire after he leaves Mughal Major conflict in 1450-1750 with Tamerlane Mongols v Arabs Eurasian Steppes birthplace of Ghazi ideal, which is `religion` and `type` life which mixes `type2` life religion: Islam type: warrior type2: nomad Constantinople became what in Ottoman empire Istanbul `leader` took over Constantinople with `weapon` and started Ottoman empire leader: Mehmed II weapon: cannons Peak ruler of Ottoman Suleiman I Ottoman Navy took control of? Tripoli Safavid empire didn't have Navy natural defense Safavid empire used what to take over gunpowder Leader of Safavid empire at height Shah abbas i Safavid religion Shia islam Safavid conflicted with `empire` because that empire was `type` islam empire: Ottoman type: sunni Ottoman empire blocked what for Safavid Trade Descendent of Tamerlane (Timur) named what made Mughal india Babur Gunpowder empires declined when Western Europe rose Europeans beat Ottoman in what navy battle, causing decline battle of lepanto Safavid fell because of what action by rulers Lavish lifestyle Why did Mughal decline corruption no money Mughal ended by British