Traditional slavery name? chattel System of labor where people worked land to pay off their rent? indentured servitude African village `action`ed other vilages for `thing` and sold to Europeans for `product` action: raid thing: slaves product: firearms What did Japan ban and close all outside connection because of? christianity Why did Ming dynasty cut off trade and outside connection? undo yuan dynasty War between European states for control of the 5 continents Seven years war What did East India Company use to take over Mughal empire hindu-muslim conflict Spanish city built on Tenochtitlan? Mexico city Treaty that put line through Americas, Brazil under Portugal and all other under Spain? Tordesillas What Native American allied with the British against the French but realized that they should switch because British more of a threat? iriquois `name` system: Spanish system of converting natives into `thing` name: Encomienda thing: serfs What is the system in which Conquistadores grow crops on land given to them as a reward Hacienda Incan Mit'a (labor) system used for what (dangerous) task? silver mining Slaves taken from home to `place`, put into `building` for storage, then sent over Atlantic journey known as `journey` place: coast building: barracoon journey: middle passage Smaller scale slave trade than Trans-Atlantic slave trade occured in `place`, but slaves had equivalent oppurtunity to `people` laborers place: indian ocean trade routes people: free