Enlightenment made religion less powerful New thoughts about government led to what age age of isms Ideas of enlightenment led to what Revolutions `scientist` in 1600s says scientific observation makes things true, not `thing` scientist: Francis Bacon thing: religion `thinker` in 1651 says people live by Social Contract where they give up their freedom to `thing` for protection/liberties thinker: Hobbes thing: government `thinker` says that due to Hobbes' ideas, it is the right/responsibility for people to `do what` against unjust government thinker: Locke do what: revolt Locke says peoples natural rights are life liberty pursuit of property Locke says `thing` is more important than `old thing` for development of individual thing: environment old thing: ancestry `Person` advocates for tripartite (executive, legislative, judiciary) system in government and praises `thing` Person: Montesquieu thing: checks and balances `Person` famous for criticism of French social structure, appreciated social structure of `place`, wanted religious `thing` Person: Voltaire place: England thing: freedom `person` advocates for extension of social contract to add `thing` person: Rousseau thing: child education `person` calls for free trade in response to `thing` and wanted government to refrain from acting on `thing2`, fondation of `system` person: Adam Smith thing: mercantilism thing2: economy system: capitalism `religious system`: People believe god made natural laws, but `thing` can explain world, famous author is `author` religious system: Deism thing: science author: Thomas Paine `ism`: Old social constructs were good, proved by poor conditions caused by urbanization ism: Conservatism `thing ism`: Ideal societies can be created where workers are happy in their jobs and people live in good conditions, foundational for `author` thing ism: utopian socialism author: Marx Who established small utopian societies in places (british)? Robert Owen Classic `ism`: Want constitution, more `thing`, support `thing2` representation in Britain ism: liberalism thing: democracy thing2: cities `Person` argues that Women should receive same education as men (1792) Person: Mary Wollstonecraft When did women get right to vote 1928 Landmark convention in New York for womens right (1828) Seneca convention Ism for freeing slaves Abolitionism Slave trade abolished in 180x No more slave trade led to no more Slavery Europe serfdom in Britain ended in `time1`, France in `time2`, Russia in `time3` time1: 1574 time2: 1789 time3: 1861 Ism for Jews to get new homeland Zionism Person leading Zionism Theodor Herzl Ism against Jews Anti-semitism Zionism grew until `thing` was founded (had to compete with Ottoman empire, arabs, etc.) thing: Israel