Problems with industrialization (money, conditions) low wages long hours unsanitary dangerous What did people create to advocate for better conditions labor unions Unions led to what movement (among men) right to vote Ism that addresses problems with capitalism without too many changes, moderate utilitarianism Karl Marx made `pamphlet`, with `working class name` and `middle class name` who owned machines - means of production, argued that working class should own means of production and share money pamphlet: Communist Manifesto working class name: proletariat middle class name: bourgouisie `name`: Ottoman Sultan that tries to industrialize, builds roads, doesn't allow military to collect taxes, postal system, etc. Called `reform name` name: Mahmud II reform name: Tanzimat Industrialization in Ottoman leads to power going to what men China movement in response to foreign power self strengthening movement China tries to reform, but aunt of emperor, `name` prevents reform because conservative name: Cixi Foreign powers for China to become what republic Industrialization leads japan to disband what Samurai Japan literacy improved because of what new schools