version: "0.5.0" classes: - name: "JournaldTarget" doc: > A target allowing entries to be sent to a systemd journald service. Journald supports structured logging but does not use the same hierarchy as RFC 5424, instead providing a simple key/value pairing. To compensate for this these targets perform a number of transformations to map the elements and params into the flat hierarchy. By default element and param names are converted to uppercase and are joined together using underscores, but this behavior can be customized as needed. Because RFC 5424 allows most printable ASCII characters while journald only allows letters and numbers, incompatible characters of the generated field name will be replaced with an underscore to comply with journald requirements. namespace: "stumpless" equivalent-struct: name: "stumpless_target" includes: "stumpless/target.h" constructors: - doc: "Creates a new target with the given function." wrapped-function: name: "stumpless_open_journald_target" includes: "stumpless/target/function.h" params: - name: "name" doc: "The name of this target." type: "const char *" return: type: "equivalent-struct-pointer" use-template: "pointer-return-error-check" destructor: doc: > Closes this target and releases all memory and other resources held by it. wrapped-function: name: "stumpless_close_journald_target" includes: "stumpless/target/journald.h" params: - name: "equivalent-struct-pointer" functions: - use-template: "common-target-functions"