version: "0.4.0" enums: - name: "Severity" doc: > Severities (as defined in RFC 5424) describe the level of importance of a given log entry. They range from extremely important to ignorable. The underlying values of this enumeration will match those provided in syslog.h if it was available during build. Check for the definition of STUMPLESS_SYSLOG_H_COMPATIBLE to see if you can rely on this behavior. namespace: "stumpless" includes: "stumpless/severity.h" elements: - name: "EMERGENCY" doc: "System is unusable." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_EMERG" - name: "ALERT" doc: "Action must be taken immediately." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_ALERT" - name: "CRITICAL" doc: "Critical conditions." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_CRIT" - name: "ERR" doc: "Error conditions." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_ERR" - name: "WARNING" doc: "Warning conditions." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_WARNING" - name: "NOTICE" doc: "Normal but significant conditions." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_NOTICE" - name: "INFO" doc: "Informational messages." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_INFO" - name: "DEBUG" doc: "Debug-level messages." value: "STUMPLESS_SEVERITY_DEBUG"