# StylusZeppelin [![crates.io version]][crates.io link] A Rust Crate for secure smart contract development For Arbitrum Stylus View this [example]() on how to use styluszeppelin crate in your project. A simple [video]() demo on usage of styluszeppelin. ## Installation Run the following Cargo command in your project directory: ```bash cargo add styluszeppelin ``` Or add the following to your Cargo.toml file: ```bash [dependencies] styluszeppelin = "0.1.2" ``` ## Usage you can use any contract available in styluszeppelin like this: ```bash use styluszeppelin::access::ownable::ownable::Ownable; ``` [crates.io link]: https://crates.io/crates/styluszeppelin [crates.io version]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/styluszeppelin.svg?style=flat-square