use submillisecond::params::Params; use submillisecond::response::Response; use submillisecond::{router, Application, Guard, Handler, RequestContext}; fn global_middleware(req: RequestContext) -> Response { println!("[GLOBAL] ENTRY"); let res = req.next_handler(); println!("[GLOBAL] EXIT"); res } struct LoggingMiddleware { level: u8, } impl LoggingMiddleware { const fn new(level: u8) -> Self { LoggingMiddleware { level } } } impl Handler for LoggingMiddleware { fn handle(&self, req: RequestContext) -> Response { if self.level == 0 { return req.next_handler(); } println!("{} {}", req.method(), req.uri().path()); let res = req.next_handler(); println!("[EXIT]"); res } } fn foo_bar_handler() -> &'static str { "foo bar" } fn foo_handler(params: Params) -> &'static str { println!("{params:#?}"); "foo" } fn bar_handler() -> &'static str { "bar" } struct BarGuard; impl Guard for BarGuard { fn check(&self, _: &RequestContext) -> bool { true } } struct FooGuard; impl Guard for FooGuard { fn check(&self, _: &RequestContext) -> bool { true } } fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { const LOGGER: LoggingMiddleware = LoggingMiddleware::new(1); Application::new(router! { with global_middleware; "/foo" if FooGuard => { with LOGGER; GET "/bar" if BarGuard => foo_bar_handler } GET "/bar" if BarGuard with LOGGER => bar_handler POST "/foo" with LOGGER => foo_handler }) .serve("") }