meta sp_corecrypto,AccountId32 [u8; 32]  0frame_system,AccountInfoIndex,AccountDatanonceIndex$consumers RefCount$providers RefCount,sufficients RefCountdata,AccountData <@@(sp_runtimegenericdigest(DigestItem(PreRuntimeDDConsensusEngineId4Vec$ConsensusDDConsensusEngineId4VecSealDDConsensusEngineId4VecOther4VecdRuntimeEnvironmentUpdatedDHLL0frame_system,EventRecordEPT0 phasePhaseeventPEtopicsVecP8kusama_runtime0RuntimeEventSystemTpframe_system::EventIndicesxxpallet_indices::Event Balances||pallet_balances::EventHTransactionPaymentpallet_transaction_payment::Event!Stakingxpallet_staking::Event OffencesXpallet_offences::EventSessionTpallet_session::EventGrandpaTpallet_grandpa::Event ImOnlinepallet_im_online::Event Treasury|pallet_treasury::Event@ConvictionVotingpallet_conviction_voting::Event$Referendapallet_referenda::EventPFellowshipCollective 9pallet_ranked_collective::EventLFellowshipReferendapallet_referenda::Event$Whitelistpallet_whitelist::Event,Claims1Xclaims::EventUtility5Tpallet_utility::Event Identity=|pallet_identity::EventSocietyAxpallet_society::Event RecoveryE|pallet_recovery::EventVestingIxpallet_vesting::Event$SchedulerMpallet_scheduler::EventProxyUppallet_proxy::Event MultisigY|pallet_multisig::Event Preimage]|pallet_preimage::Event Bountiesa|pallet_bounties::Event#4ChildBountiesepallet_child_bounties::Event(hElectionProviderMultiPhaseipallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Event% Nisyhpallet_nis::Event&XNisCounterpartBalances}pallet_balances::Event-$VoterListpallet_bags_list::Event'),FastUnstakepallet_fast_unstake::Event*4ParaInclusionparachains_inclusion::Event5Paras\parachains_paras::Event8Hrmp|parachains_hrmp::Event<4ParasDisputesparachains_disputes::Event>$Registrar|paras_registrar::EventFSlotsTslots::EventG Auctions`auctions::EventH$Crowdloandcrowdloan::EventI$XcmPallethpallet_xcm::Eventc0MessageQueuepallet_message_queue::EventdT 0frame_systempalletEventT@ExtrinsicSuccess4dispatch_infoX0DispatchInfoAn extrinsic completed successfully. tip0BalanceOfYA transaction fee `actual_fee`, of which `tip` was added to the minimum inclusion fee,\has been paid by `who`. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. 8pallet_stakingpalletpalletEventT<EraPaid $era_index EraIndex@validator_payout0BalanceOf$remainder0BalanceOfUThe era payout has been set; the first balance is the validator-payout; the second isthe remainder from the maximum amount of reward. Rewardedstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfThe nominator has been rewarded by this amount.Slashedstaker0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfA staker (validator or nominator) has been slashed by the given amount.4SlashReported $validator0T::AccountId fractionPerbill$slash_era EraIndexYA slash for the given validator, for the given percentage of their stake, at the givenTera as been reported.hOldSlashingReportDiscarded4session_index0SessionIndexAn old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it couldDnot be processed.8StakersElectedA new set of stakers was elected.Bondedstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfAn account has bonded this amount. \[stash, amount\]MNOTE: This event is only emitted when funds are bonded via a dispatchable. Notably,!it will not be emitted for staking rewards when they are added to stake. Unbondedstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfAn account has unbonded this amount.$Withdrawnstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfYAn account has called `withdraw_unbonded` and removed unbonding chunks worth `Balance`dfrom the unlocking queue.Kicked$nominator0T::AccountIdstash0T::AccountId A nominator has been kicked from a validator.TStakingElectionFailed The election failed. No new era is planned.Chilledstash0T::AccountId !An account has stopped participating as either a validator or nominator.4PayoutStarted$era_index EraIndex>)At the end of the session, at least one validator was found to be offline. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. @pallet_im_onlinesr25519,app_sr25519Public>8pallet_stakingHIndividualExposure$AccountIdBalance who$AccountIdvalueBalance We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds.Awarded 8proposal_index4ProposalIndexawardaccount0T::AccountId|Some funds have been allocated. Rejected8proposal_index4ProposalIndexslashedA proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.Burnt,burnt_fundsSome of our funds have been burnt. Rollover@rollover_balance-Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend.Depositvalue|Some funds have been deposited.4SpendApproved 8proposal_index4ProposalIndexamount,beneficiary0T::AccountIdA new spend proposal has been approved.,deactivatedThe inactive funds of the pallet have been updated. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. `pallet_conviction_votingpalletEventTI$Delegated0T::AccountId0T::AccountIdAn account has delegated their vote to another account. \[who, target\],Undelegated0T::AccountIdAn \[account\] has cancelled a previous delegation operation. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. @pallet_referendapalletEventTI@$Submitted index%The track (and by extension proposal dispatch origin) of this referendum. proposalLBoundedCallOfThe proposal for the referendum.A referendum has been submitted.TDecisionDepositPlaced indexThe amount placed by the account.The decision deposit has been placed.\DecisionDepositRefunded indexThe amount placed by the account.The decision deposit has been refunded.8DepositSlashed who0T::AccountIdThe account who placed the deposit.amountThe amount placed by the account.pA deposit has been slashaed.%The track (and by extension proposal dispatch origin) of this referendum. proposalLBoundedCallOfThe proposal for the referendum.tally  T::TallyThe current tally of votes in this referendum.A referendum has moved into the deciding phase.8ConfirmStartedindexThe amount placed by the account. The submission deposit has been refunded.,MetadataSetindexBabe self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor$Timestamp9self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForIndices=self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor BalancesQself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForStakingYself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForSession}self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForGrandpaself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor ImOnlineself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Treasuryself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor@ConvictionVotingself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor$Referendaself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForPFellowshipCollective=self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForLFellowshipReferendaAself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor$WhitelistEself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor,ClaimsIself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForUtilitymself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Identityuself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForSocietyself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Recovery!self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForVesting%self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor$Scheduler-self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForProxy9self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor MultisigEself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor PreimageQself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor BountiesUself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor#4ChildBountiesYself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor(hElectionProviderMultiPhase]self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor% Nisself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor&XNisCounterpartBalancesself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor-$VoterListself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor'),FastUnstakeself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor*4Configurationself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor3,ParasSharedself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor44ParaInclusionself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor50ParaInherentself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor6Parasself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor8,Initializerself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor9Hrmpself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor<4ParasDisputesself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor>4ParasSlashingself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor?$Registrarself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForFSlotsself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForG Auctionsself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForH$Crowdloanself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForI$XcmPalletself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForc0MessageQueueself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFord 0frame_systempalletCallT remarkremark4Vec hMake some on-chain remark. - `O(1)`8set_heap_pagespages, u64Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap. set_codecode4VecdSet the new runtime code.\set_code_without_checkscode4VecSet the new runtime code without doing any checks of the given `code`.,set_storageitems4VechSet some items of storage.0kill_storagekeys  VectKill some items from storage.,kill_prefixprefix4 Keysubkeys u32Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix.9**NOTE:** We rely on the Root origin to provide us the number of subkeys under=the prefix we are removing to accurately calculate the weight of this function.Dremark_with_eventremark4VecMake some on-chain remark and emit event.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.44 4  ,pallet_babepalletCallT Lreport_equivocationHequivocation_proofBox>>>indexindex$Address32 [u8; 32]$Address20M [u8; 20]EIEMQ value(T::BalanceTransfer some liquid free balance to another account.5`transfer_allow_death` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a resultof the transfer, the account will be reaped.The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.Xset_balance_deprecated  whoAPAccountIdLookupOf new_free(T::Balance0old_reserved(T::BalanceUSet the regular balance of a given account; it also takes a reserved balance but thismust be the same as the account's current reserved balance.The dispatch origin for this call is `root`. WARNING: This call is DEPRECATED! Use `force_set_balance` instead.8force_transfer sourceAPAccountIdLookupOfdestAPAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::BalanceaExactly as `transfer_allow_death`, except the origin must be root and the source accountDmay be specified.Ltransfer_keep_alivedestAPAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::BalanceYSame as the [`transfer_allow_death`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not`kill the origin account.99% of the time you want [`transfer_allow_death`] instead.[`transfer_allow_death`]: struct.Pallet.html#method.transfer0transfer_alldestAPAccountIdLookupOf(keep_alivebool<Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller account.YNOTE: This function only attempts to transfer _transferable_ balances. This means thataany locked, reserved, or existential deposits (when `keep_alive` is `true`), will not be]transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account,Eyou might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage@deposits, etc...The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.- `dest`: The recipient of the transfer.Y- `keep_alive`: A boolean to determine if the `transfer_all` operation should send allM of the funds the account has, causing the sender account to be killed (false), orY transfer everything except at least the existential deposit, which will guarantee to keep the sender account alive (true).amount(T::Balance Unreserve some balance from a user by force.lCan only be called by ROOT.@upgrade_accounts whoUDVec pUpgrade a specified account.t- `origin`: Must be `Signed`.- `who`: The account to be upgraded.UThis will waive the transaction fee if at least all but 10% of the accounts needed toAbe upgraded. (We let some not have to be upgraded just in order to allow for the\possibililty of churn). transferdestAPAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::Balance 1Alias for `transfer_allow_death`, provided only for name-wise compatibility.WARNING: DEPRECATED! Will be released in approximately 3 months.Dforce_set_balance whoAPAccountIdLookupOf new_free(T::Balance Set the regular balance of a given account.The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.UY8pallet_stakingpalletpalletCallThbondvalue0BalanceOfpayee]|RewardDestination8aAdd some extra amount that have appeared in the stash `free_balance` into the balance up0for staking.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.MUse this if there are additional funds in your stash account that you wish to bond.UUnlike [`bond`](Self::bond) or [`unbond`](Self::unbond) this function does not imposeany limitation on the amount that can be added.LQSchedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bondperiod ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than!T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.EOnce the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually movethe funds out of management ready for transfer.1No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MaxUnlockingChunks`)Acan co-exists at the same time. If there are no unlocking chunks slots availableE[`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] is called to remove some of the chunks (if possible).9If a user encounters the `InsufficientBond` error when calling this extrinsic,they should call `chill` first in order to free up their bonded funds.DEmits `Unbonded`.See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].Dwithdraw_unbondedHnum_slashing_spans u328)Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.1This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to doHwhatever it wants.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller.HEmits `Withdrawn`.hSee also [`Call::unbond`].4## ComplexityO(S) where S is the number of slashing spans to remove NOTE: Weight annotation is the kill scenario, we refund otherwise. validateprefs8ValidatorPrefsDeclare the desire to validate for the origin controller.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. nominatetargetsadVec>( Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.4## Complexity-- The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets` (N)which is capped at CompactAssignments::LIMIT (T::MaxNominations).- Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.chill(Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.4## Complexity- Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.P- Contains one read.- Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.$set_payeepayee]|RewardDestination0(Re-)set the payment target for a controller.QEffects will be felt instantly (as soon as this function is completed successfully).QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.4## Complexity- O(1)- Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.- Contains a limited number of reads.- Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.$---------8set_controller8E(Re-)sets the controller of a stash to the stash itself. This function previouslyMaccepted a `controller` argument to set the controller to an account other than theYstash itself. This functionality has now been removed, now only setting the controllerto the stash, if it is not already.QEffects will be felt instantly (as soon as this function is completed successfully).QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.4## ComplexityO(1)- Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.- Contains a limited number of reads.- Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.Lset_validator_count new u32 Sets the ideal number of validators.The dispatch origin must be Root.4## ComplexityO(1)`increase_validator_count(additional u32 Increments the ideal number of validators upto maximum of`ElectionProviderBase::MaxWinners`.The dispatch origin must be Root.4## ComplexitySame as [`Self::set_validator_count`].Tscale_validator_countfactorePercent  Scale up the ideal number of validators by a factor upto maximum of`ElectionProviderBase::MaxWinners`.The dispatch origin must be Root.4## ComplexitySame as [`Self::set_validator_count`].4force_no_eras 4Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.The dispatch origin must be Root.$# WarningThe election process starts multiple blocks before the end of the era.9Thus the election process may be ongoing when this is called. In this case theelection will continue until the next era is triggered.4## Complexity<- No arguments.8- Weight: O(1)4force_new_era 8IForce there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will bereset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.The dispatch origin must be Root.$# WarningThe election process starts multiple blocks before the end of the era.IIf this is called just before a new era is triggered, the election process may nothave enough blocks to get a result.4## Complexity<- No arguments.8- Weight: O(1)Dset_invulnerables4invulnerablesUDVec Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any).The dispatch origin must be Root.4force_unstakestash0T::AccountIdHnum_slashing_spans u32 Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately.The dispatch origin must be Root.Pforce_new_era_always$Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.The dispatch origin must be Root.$# WarningThe election process starts multiple blocks before the end of the era.IIf this is called just before a new era is triggered, the election process may nothave enough blocks to get a result.Tcancel_deferred_slash era EraIndex4slash_indicesi VecCancel enactment of a deferred slash.Can be called by the `T::AdminOrigin`.Parameters: era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.8payout_stakersRebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked.The dispatch origin must be signed by the controller.4## Complexity- Time complexity: O(L), where L is unlocking chunks- Bounded by `MaxUnlockingChunks`.(reap_stashstash0T::AccountIdHnum_slashing_spans u320]Remove all data structures concerning a staker/stash once it is at a state where it canbe considered `dust` in the staking system. The requirements are:1. the `total_balance` of the stash is below existential deposit.2. or, the `` of the stash is below existential deposit.UThe former can happen in cases like a slash; the latter when a fully unbonded account is still receiving staking rewards in `RewardDestination::Staked`.1It can be called by anyone, as long as `stash` meets the above requirements.Refunds the transaction fees upon successful execution.kick whoadVec>,Remove the given nominations from the calling validator.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.M- `who`: A list of nominator stash accounts who are nominating this validator which should no longer be nominating this validator.UNote: Making this call only makes sense if you first set the validator preferences toxblock any further nominations.Lset_staking_configsHmin_nominator_bondmXConfigOp>Hmin_validator_bondmXConfigOp>Lmax_nominator_countq4ConfigOpLmax_validator_countq4ConfigOp8min_commissionyDConfigOpDUpdate the various staking configurations .%* `min_nominator_bond`: The minimum active bond needed to be a nominator.%* `min_validator_bond`: The minimum active bond needed to be a validator.U* `max_nominator_count`: The max number of users who can be a nominator at once. When set to `None`, no limit is enforced.U* `max_validator_count`: The max number of users who can be a validator at once. When set to `None`, no limit is enforced.Y* `chill_threshold`: The ratio of `max_nominator_count` or `max_validator_count` which should be filled in order for the `chill_other` transaction to work.a* `min_commission`: The minimum amount of commission that each validators must maintain.U This is checked only upon calling `validate`. Existing validators are not affected.RuntimeOrigin must be Root to call this function.5NOTE: Existing nominators and validators will not be affected by this kick people under the new limits, `chill_other` should be called.,chill_other(controller0T::AccountIdhADeclare a `controller` to stop participating as either a validator or nominator.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.AThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_, but can be called by anyone.YIf the caller is the same as the controller being targeted, then no further checks areenforced, and this function behaves just like `chill`.]If the caller is different than the controller being targeted, the following conditions0must be met:* `controller` must belong to a nominator who has become non-decodable, Or:=* A `ChillThreshold` must be set and checked which defines how close to the maxU nominators or validators we must reach before users can start chilling one-another.Y* A `MaxNominatorCount` and `MaxValidatorCount` must be set which is used to determine how close we are to the threshold.]* A `MinNominatorBond` and `MinValidatorBond` must be set and checked, which determinesQ if this is a person that should be chilled because they have not met the threshold@ bond required.UThis can be helpful if bond requirements are updated, and we need to remove old userswho do not satisfy these requirements.hforce_apply_min_commission$Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `keys`.Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.This doesn't take effect until the next session.The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.4## ComplexityY- `O(1)`. Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.(purge_keys0Removes any session key(s) of the function caller.This doesn't take effect until the next session.UThe dispatch origin of this function must be Signed and the account must be either be]convertible to a validator ID using the chain's typical addressing system (this usuallyQmeans being a controller account) or directly convertible into a validator ID (whichusually means being a stash account).4## Complexity=- `O(1)` in number of key types. Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.8kusama_runtime,SessionKeysgrandpa::Publicbabe!::Public$im_online::Public8para_validator::Public::PublicLauthority_discovery::PublicLpolkadot_primitivesv44validator_appPublic>>Psp_consensus_grandpa0EquivocationH0NPrevote9grandpa::Equivocation, AuthoritySignature>$PrecommitAgrandpa::Equivocation, AuthoritySignature>@finality_grandpa0Equivocation IdVS0round_number, u64 identityIdfirst(V, S)second(V, S)@finality_grandpaPrevoteH0N,target_hash0H4target_numberN Psp_consensus_grandpa app$SignatureHed25519::Signature sp_coreed25519$Signature [u8; 64]@@finality_grandpa0Equivocation IdVS0round_number, u64 identityIdfirst(V, S)second(V, S)@finality_grandpa$PrecommitH0N,target_hash0H4target_numberN @pallet_im_onlinepalletCallT$heartbeat$heartbeatdHeartbeat$signature::Signature8## Complexity:Y- `O(K + E)` where K is length of `Keys` (heartbeat.validators_len) and E is length of `heartbeat.network_state.external_address` - `O(K)`: decoding of length `K` - `O(E)`: decoding/encoding of length `E`%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.@pallet_im_online$Heartbeat,BlockNumber0block_number,BlockNumber4network_stateHOpaqueNetworkState4session_index0SessionIndexsp_core0OpaquePeerId4Vec sp_core offchain@pallet_im_onlinesr25519,app_sr25519$SignatureHsr25519::Signature sp_coresr25519$Signature [u8; 64] ,beneficiaryAPAccountIdLookupOf)Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value1is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once thePproposal is awarded.4## Complexity- O(1),beneficiaryAPAccountIdLookupOf Propose and approve a spend of treasury funds.M- `origin`: Must be `SpendOrigin` with the `Success` value being at least `amount`.A- `amount`: The amount to be transferred from the treasury to the `beneficiary`.- `beneficiary`: The destination account for the transfer.ENOTE: For record-keeping purposes, the proposer is deemed to be equivalent to the0beneficiary.votepAccountVote>$Vote in a poll. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.- `poll_index`: The index of the poll to vote for.- `vote`: The vote configuration.Weight: `O(R)` where R is the number of polls the voter has voted on. delegateclass4ClassOftoAPAccountIdLookupOf(conviction(Convictionbalance\MDelegate the voting power (with some given conviction) of the sending account for ahparticular class of polls.UThe balance delegated is locked for as long as it's delegated, and thereafter for thetime appropriate for the conviction's lock period.]The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_, and the signing account must either:t - be delegating already; orY - have no voting activity (if there is, then it will need to be removed/consolidated through `reap_vote` or `unvote`).E- `to`: The account whose voting the `target` account's voting power will follow.]- `class`: The class of polls to delegate. To delegate multiple classes, multiple calls to this function are required.U- `conviction`: The conviction that will be attached to the delegated votes. When theA account is undelegated, the funds will be locked for the corresponding period.a- `balance`: The amount of the account's balance to be used in delegating. This must not be more than the account's current balance.HEmits `Delegated`.%Weight: `O(R)` where R is the number of polls the voter delegating to hasM voted on. Weight is initially charged as if maximum votes, but is refunded later.(undelegateclass4ClassOf8MUndelegate the voting power of the sending account for a particular class of polls.]Tokens may be unlocked following once an amount of time consistent with the lock period of the conviction with which the delegation was issued has passed.EThe dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must beTcurrently delegating.- `class`: The class of polls to remove the delegation from.PEmits `Undelegated`.%Weight: `O(R)` where R is the number of polls the voter delegating to hasM voted on. Weight is initially charged as if maximum votes, but is refunded later.unlockclass4ClassOftargetAPAccountIdLookupOf$]Remove the lock caused by prior voting/delegating which has expired within a particularclass.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.- `class`: The class of polls to unlock.- `target`: The account to remove the lock on.Weight: `O(R)` with R number of vote of target.,remove_voteclassTOption>indexDPollIndexOftdRemove a vote for a poll. If:p- the poll was cancelled, ord- the poll is ongoing, orx- the poll has ended such that - the vote of the account was in opposition to the result; or - there was no conviction to the account's vote; or - the account made a split vote]...then the vote is removed cleanly and a following call to `unlock` may result in moreXfunds being available.If, however, the poll has ended and:- it finished corresponding to the vote of the account, and- the account made a standard vote with conviction, and- the lock period of the conviction is not overY...then the lock will be aggregated into the overall account's lock, which may involveY*overlocking* (where the two locks are combined into a single lock that is the maximumof both the amount locked and the time is it locked for).IThe dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_, and the signer must have a votepregistered for poll `index`.- `index`: The index of poll of the vote to be removed.U- `class`: Optional parameter, if given it indicates the class of the poll. For polls which have finished or are cancelled, this must be `Some`.EWeight: `O(R + log R)` where R is the number of polls that `target` has voted on. Weight is calculated for the maximum number of vote.Dremove_other_vote targetAPAccountIdLookupOfclass4ClassOfindexDPollIndexOf@dRemove a vote for a poll.MIf the `target` is equal to the signer, then this function is exactly equivalent to-`remove_vote`. If not equal to the signer, then the vote must have expired,%either because the poll was cancelled, because the voter lost the poll orbecause the conviction period is over.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.a- `target`: The account of the vote to be removed; this account must have voted for poll( `index`.- `index`: The index of poll of the vote to be removed.- `class`: The class of the poll.EWeight: `O(R + log R)` where R is the number of polls that `target` has voted on. Weight is calculated for the maximum number of vote.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. `pallet_conviction_votingvote,AccountVoteBalance StandardvoteVotebalanceBalanceSplit ayeBalance nayBalance0SplitAbstain  ayeBalance nayBalanceabstainBalance `pallet_conviction_votingvoteVote `pallet_conviction_voting(conviction(ConvictionNone Locked1x Locked2x Locked3x Locked4x Locked5x Locked6xOptionTNoneSome @pallet_referendapalletCallTI$submit > proposalLBoundedCallOf@enactment_moment5pDispatchTime$Propose a referendum on a privileged action.Y- `origin`: must be `SubmitOrigin` and the account must have `SubmissionDeposit` funds0 available.-- `proposal_origin`: The origin from which the proposal should be executed.l- `proposal`: The proposal.- `enactment_moment`: The moment that the proposal should be enacted.HEmits `Submitted`.Xplace_decision_depositindex$ Advance a track onto its next logical state. Only used internally.l- `origin`: must be `Root`.- `track`: the track to be advanced.QAction item for when there is now one fewer referendum in the deciding phase and the`DecidingCount` is not yet updated. This means that we should either:%- begin deciding another referendum (and leave `DecidingCount` alone); orp- decrement `DecidingCount`.drefund_submission_depositindexSet or clear metadata of a referendum.,Parameters:E- `origin`: Must be `Signed` by a creator of a referendum or by anyone to clear a metadata of a finished referendum. - `index`: The index of a referendum to set or clear metadata for.Q- `maybe_hash`: The hash of an on-chain stored preimage. `None` to clear a metadata.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.8kusama_runtime0OriginCallersystemtframe_system::OriginOriginstpallet_custom_origins::Origin+@ParachainsOrigin dparachains_origin::Origin2$XcmPalletHpallet_xcm::OrigincVoid1self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::Void 4frame_support dispatch$RawOrigin$AccountId RootSigned$AccountIdNone8kusama_runtime(governanceoriginsTpallet_custom_originsOriginl0StakingAdmin$Treasurerid [u8; 32]8AccountIndex64network!DOptionindex( u640AccountKey20network!DOption keyM [u8; 20]8PalletInstanceu80GeneralIndexu128(GeneralKeylengthu8data [u8; 32]$OnlyChild$Pluralityid)BodyIdpart- BodyPart\Introduce a new member.- `origin`: Must be the `AdminOrigin`.- `who`: Account of non-member which will become a member.- `rank`: The rank to give the new member.8Weight: `O(1)`8promote_member whoAPAccountIdLookupOfIncrement the rank of an existing member by one.- `origin`: Must be the `AdminOrigin`.- `who`: Account of existing member.8Weight: `O(1)`4demote_member whoAPAccountIdLookupOf]Decrement the rank of an existing member by one. If the member is already at rank zero,|then they are removed entirely.- `origin`: Must be the `AdminOrigin`.- `who`: Account of existing member of rank greater than zero. Weight: `O(1)`, less if the member's index is highest in its rank.4remove_member whoAPAccountIdLookupOf min_rankRanklRemove the member entirely.- `origin`: Must be the `AdminOrigin`.- `who`: Account of existing member of rank greater than zero.- `min_rank`: The rank of the member or greater.XWeight: `O(min_rank)`.votepollDPollIndexOf ayebool,Add an aye or nay vote for the sender to the given proposal.- `origin`: Must be `Signed` by a member account.- `poll`: Index of a poll which is ongoing.)- `aye`: `true` if the vote is to approve the proposal, `false` otherwise.ETransaction fees are be waived if the member is voting on any particular proposalQfor the first time and the call is successful. Subsequent vote changes will charge afee.5Weight: `O(1)`, less if there was no previous vote on the poll by the member.0cleanup_poll(poll_indexDPollIndexOf max u32(Remove votes from the given poll. It must have ended.- `origin`: Must be `Signed` by any account.I- `poll_index`: Index of a poll which is completed and for which votes continue to exist.- `max`: Maximum number of vote items from remove in this call.Transaction fees are waived if the operation is successful.Weight `O(max)` (less if there are fewer items to remove than `max`).%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.A @pallet_referendapalletCallTI$submit > proposalLBoundedCallOf@enactment_moment5pDispatchTime$Propose a referendum on a privileged action.Y- `origin`: must be `SubmitOrigin` and the account must have `SubmissionDeposit` funds0 available.-- `proposal_origin`: The origin from which the proposal should be executed.l- `proposal`: The proposal.- `enactment_moment`: The moment that the proposal should be enacted.HEmits `Submitted`.Xplace_decision_depositindex$ Advance a track onto its next logical state. Only used internally.l- `origin`: must be `Root`.- `track`: the track to be advanced.QAction item for when there is now one fewer referendum in the deciding phase and the`DecidingCount` is not yet updated. This means that we should either:%- begin deciding another referendum (and leave `DecidingCount` alone); orp- decrement `DecidingCount`.drefund_submission_depositindexSet or clear metadata of a referendum.,Parameters:E- `origin`: Must be `Signed` by a creator of a referendum or by anyone to clear a metadata of a finished referendum. - `index`: The index of a referendum to set or clear metadata for.Q- `maybe_hash`: The hash of an on-chain stored preimage. `None` to clear a metadata.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.E @pallet_whitelistpalletCallT8whitelist_call$call_hash00PreimageHash\remove_whitelisted_call$call_hash00PreimageHashddispatch_whitelisted_call $call_hash00PreimageHash@call_encoded_len u32Lcall_weight_witness$Weightdispatch_whitelisted_call_with_preimagecall|Box<::RuntimeCall>%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.I\polkadot_runtime_commonclaimspalletCallTclaimdest0T::AccountIdHethereum_signatureM8EcdsaSignature`Make a claim to collect your DOTs.The dispatch origin for this call must be _None_.PUnsigned Validation:A call to claim is deemed valid if the signature provided matches|the expected signed message of:h> Ethereum Signed Message:> (configured prefix string)(address)and `address` matches the `dest` account.,Parameters:- `dest`: The destination account to payout the claim. - `ethereum_signature`: The signature of an ethereum signed message matching the format described above. The weight of this call is invariant over the input parameters.Weight includes logic to validate unsigned `claim` call.XTotal Complexity: O(1)$(mint_claim whoU@vesting_scheduleYOption<(BalanceOf, BalanceOf, T::BlockNumber)>$statementaTOptionThe weight of this call is invariant over the input parameters.We assume worst case that both vesting and statement is being inserted.XTotal Complexity: O(1)$0claim_attest dest0T::AccountIdHethereum_signatureM8EcdsaSignature$statement4VechMake a claim to collect your DOTs by signing a statement.The dispatch origin for this call must be _None_.PUnsigned Validation:)A call to `claim_attest` is deemed valid if the signature provided matches|the expected signed message of:h> Ethereum Signed Message:> (configured prefix string)(address)(statement)Iand `address` matches the `dest` account; the `statement` must match that which isexpected according to your purchase arrangement.,Parameters:- `dest`: The destination account to payout the claim. - `ethereum_signature`: The signature of an ethereum signed message matching the format described above.e- `statement`: The identity of the statement which is being attested to in the signature. The weight of this call is invariant over the input parameters.Weight includes logic to validate unsigned `claim_attest` call.XTotal Complexity: O(1)$attest$statement4VecDAttest to a statement, needed to finalize the claims process.eWARNING: Insecure unless your chain includes `PrevalidateAttests` as a `SignedExtension`.PUnsigned Validation:)A call to attest is deemed valid if the sender has a `Preclaim` registeredand provides a `statement` which is expected for the account.,Parameters:e- `statement`: The identity of the statement which is being attested to in the signature. The weight of this call is invariant over the input parameters.Weight includes logic to do pre-validation on `attest` call.XTotal Complexity: O(1)$(move_claim  oldU%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.M \polkadot_runtime_commonclaims8EcdsaSignatureQ [u8; 65]QAU \polkadot_runtime_commonclaims::RuntimeCall>H|Send a batch of dispatch calls.May be called from any origin except `None`.]- `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not9 exceed the constant: `batched_calls_limit` (available in constant metadata).UIf origin is root then the calls are dispatched without checking origin filter. (Thisincludes bypassing `frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter`).4## Complexity- O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.UThis will return `Ok` in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, an1event is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then theU`BatchInterrupted` event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls madeMand the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the `BatchCompleted`Levent is deposited.4as_derivativeindex u16call|Box<::RuntimeCall>4Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.UFilter from origin are passed along. The call will be dispatched with an origin whichuse the same filter as the origin of this call.ENOTE: If you need to ensure that any account-based filtering is not honored (i.e.abecause you expect `proxy` to have been used prior in the call stack and you do not wantQthe call restrictions to apply to any sub-accounts), then use `as_multi_threshold_1`|in the Multisig pallet instead.NOTE: Prior to version *12, this was called `as_limited_sub`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.$batch_allcallsq|Vec<::RuntimeCall>4Send a batch of dispatch calls and atomically execute them.!The whole transaction will rollback and fail if any of the calls failed.May be called from any origin except `None`.]- `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not9 exceed the constant: `batched_calls_limit` (available in constant metadata).UIf origin is root then the calls are dispatched without checking origin filter. (Thisincludes bypassing `frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter`).4## Complexity- O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.,dispatch_as$as_originTBoxcall|Box<::RuntimeCall>Dispatches a function call with a provided origin.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_.4## Complexity- O(1).,force_batchcallsq|Vec<::RuntimeCall>4|Send a batch of dispatch calls.Unlike `batch`, it allows errors and won't interrupt.May be called from any origin except `None`.]- `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not9 exceed the constant: `batched_calls_limit` (available in constant metadata).MIf origin is root then the calls are dispatch without checking origin filter. (Thisincludes bypassing `frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter`).4## Complexity- O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.,with_weightcall|Box<::RuntimeCall>weight$WeightDispatch a function call with a specified weight.-This function does not check the weight of the call, and instead allows theRoot origin to specify the weight of the call.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.qu (xAdd a registrar to the system.The dispatch origin for this call must be `T::RegistrarOrigin`.- `account`: the account of the registrar.Emits `RegistrarAdded` if successful.4## Complexity%- `O(R)` where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded and code-bounded).0set_identityinfoyBox><)Set an account's identity information and reserve the appropriate deposit.UIf the account already has identity information, the deposit is taken as part paymentPfor the new deposit.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.- `info`: The identity information.Emits `IdentitySet` if successful.4## ComplexityD- `O(X + X' + R)` - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded) - where `R` judgements-count (registrar-count-bounded) set_subssubsdVec<(T::AccountId, Data)>8Set the sub-accounts of the sender.UPayment: Any aggregate balance reserved by previous `set_subs` calls will be returned-and an amount `SubAccountDeposit` will be reserved for each item in `subs`.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered$identity.- `subs`: The identity's (new) sub-accounts.4## Complexity0- `O(P + S)` - where `P` old-subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded). - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).8clear_identity89Clear an account's identity info and all sub-accounts and return all deposits.Payment: All reserved balances on the account are returned.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered$identity.Emits `IdentityCleared` if successful.4## Complexity@- `O(R + S + X)` - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded). - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).! - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded).Drequest_judgement$reg_index8RegistrarIndexmax_fee0BalanceOfTRequest a judgement from a registrar.UPayment: At most `max_fee` will be reserved for payment to the registrar if judgementgiven.5The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have aPregistered identity.- `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is requested.U- `max_fee`: The maximum fee that may be paid. This should just be auto-populated as:0```nocompileSelf::registrars().get(reg_index).unwrap().fee ```Emits `JudgementRequested` if successful.4## Complexity4- `O(R + X)`. - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded).! - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded).8cancel_request$reg_index8RegistrarIndex,Set the fee required for a judgement to be requested from a registrar.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `index`.- `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.T- `fee`: the new fee.4## Complexity$- `O(R)`. - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded).8set_account_idindex8RegistrarIndex newAPAccountIdLookupOf,Change the account associated with a registrar.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `index`.- `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.p- `new`: the new account ID.4## Complexity$- `O(R)`. - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded).(set_fieldsindex8RegistrarIndexfields 8IdentityFields,Set the field information for a registrar.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `index`.- `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set. - `fields`: the fields that the registrar concerns themselves with.4## Complexity$- `O(R)`. - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded).Dprovide_judgement$reg_index8RegistrarIndextargetAPAccountIdLookupOf$judgement\Judgement> identity0T::Hash DProvide a judgement for an account's identity.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `reg_index`.!- `reg_index`: the index of the registrar whose judgement is being made.U- `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an accountt with a registered identity.I- `judgement`: the judgement of the registrar of index `reg_index` about `target`.I- `identity`: The hash of the [`IdentityInfo`] for that the judgement is provided.Emits `JudgementGiven` if successful.4## Complexity4- `O(R + X)`. - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded).! - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded).4kill_identitytargetAPAccountIdLookupOf HARemove an account's identity and sub-account information and slash the deposits.aPayment: Reserved balances from `set_subs` and `set_identity` are slashed and handled byE`Slash`. Verification request deposits are not returned; they should be cancelledmanually using `cancel_request`.The dispatch origin for this call must match `T::ForceOrigin`.U- `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an accountt with a registered identity.Emits `IdentityKilled` if successful.4## Complexity@- `O(R + S + X)` - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded). - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).! - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded).add_sub subAPAccountIdLookupOfdataData Add the given account to the sender's subs.]Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriated8to the sender.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registeredXsub identity of `sub`.(rename_sub subAPAccountIdLookupOfdataData Alter the associated name of the given sub-account.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registeredXsub identity of `sub`.(remove_sub subAPAccountIdLookupOf Remove the given account from the sender's subs.]Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriated8to the sender.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registeredXsub identity of `sub`. quit_sub(Remove the sender as a sub-account.]Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriatedto the sender (*not* the original depositor).aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registereddisplayDatalegalData webDatariotDataemailDataimageDatatwitterData} Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVec @A user outside of the society can make a bid for entry.5Payment: `CandidateDeposit` will be reserved for making a bid. It is returnedwhen the bid becomes a member, or if the bid calls `unbid`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters:U- `value`: A one time payment the bid would like to receive when joining the society.4## Complexity- O(M + B + C + logM + logB + X)P - B (len of bids)d - C (len of candidates)X - M (len of members)\ - X (balance reserve)unbid pos u32value tip`AAs a member, vouch for someone to join society by placing a bid on their behalf.QThere is no deposit required to vouch for a new bid, but a member can only vouch forYone bid at a time. If the bid becomes a suspended candidate and ultimately rejected by=the suspension judgement origin, the member will be banned from vouching again.UAs a vouching member, you can claim a tip if the candidate is accepted. This tip willMbe paid as a portion of the reward the member will receive for joining the society.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member.,Parameters:- `who`: The user who you would like to vouch for.M- `value`: The total reward to be paid between you and the candidate if they become`a member in the society.E- `tip`: Your cut of the total `value` payout when the candidate is inducted intothe society. Tips larger than `value` will be saturated upon payout.4## Complexity- O(M + B + C + logM + logB + X)L - B (len of bids)d - C (len of candidates)X - M (len of members)\ - X (balance reserve)unvouch pos u32,)As a vouching member, unvouch a bid. This only works while vouched user isonly a bidder (and not a candidate).%The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a vouching member.,Parameters:)- `pos`: Position in the `Bids` vector of the bid who should be unvouched.4## Complexity- O(B)L - B (len of bids)vote$candidateAPAccountIdLookupOfapprovebool4As a member, vote on a candidate.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member.,Parameters: - `candidate`: The candidate that the member would like to bid on.E- `approve`: A boolean which says if the candidate should be approved (`true`) orT rejected (`false`).4## ComplexityD- O(M + logM + C)d - C (len of candidates)X - M (len of members)4defender_voteapprovebool,As a member, vote on the defender.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member.,Parameters:- `approve`: A boolean which says if the candidate should beapproved (`true`) or rejected (`false`).4## Complexity4- O(M + logM)X - M (len of members)payout@ATransfer the first matured payout for the sender and remove it from the records.ANOTE: This extrinsic needs to be called multiple times to claim multiple matured payouts.Payment: The member will receive a payment equal to their first maturedtpayout to their free balance.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a member withHpayouts remaining.4## ComplexityT- O(M + logM + P + X)X - M (len of members) - P (number of payouts for a particular member)x - X (currency transfer call)found founderAPAccountIdLookupOf,max_members u32rules4Vec8HFound the society.This is done as a discrete action in order to allow for thepallet to be included into a running chain and can only be done once.The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _FounderSetOrigin_.,Parameters:- `founder` - The first member and head of the newly founded society.- `max_members` - The initial max number of members for the society.- `rules` - The rules of this society concerning membership.4## Complexity- O(1)unfound Annul the founding of the society.YThe dispatch origin for this call must be Signed, and the signing account must be bothUthe `Founder` and the `Head`. This implies that it may only be done when there is onemember.4## Complexity- O(1)Xjudge_suspended_member whoAPAccountIdLookupOfforgivebool L)Allow suspension judgement origin to make judgement on a suspended member.UIf a suspended member is forgiven, we simply add them back as a member, not affectingany of the existing storage items for that member.EIf a suspended member is rejected, remove all associated storage items, includingtheir payouts, and remove any vouched bids they currently have.=The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _SuspensionJudgementOrigin_.,Parameters:- `who` - The suspended member to be judged.U- `forgive` - A boolean representing whether the suspension judgement origin forgives (`true`) or rejects (`false`) a suspended member.4## ComplexityD- O(M + logM + B)L - B (len of bids)X - M (len of members)djudge_suspended_candidate whoAPAccountIdLookupOf$judgement$Judgement X1Allow suspended judgement origin to make judgement on a suspended candidate.YIf the judgement is `Approve`, we add them to society as a member with the appropriateppayment for joining society.QIf the judgement is `Reject`, we either slash the deposit of the bid, giving it back to the society treasury, or we ban the voucher from vouching again.YIf the judgement is `Rebid`, we put the candidate back in the bid pool and let them gothrough the induction process again.=The dispatch origin for this call must be from the _SuspensionJudgementOrigin_.,Parameters:- `who` - The suspended candidate to be judged.- `judgement` - `Approve`, `Reject`, or `Rebid`.4## ComplexityT- O(M + logM + B + X)L - B (len of bids)X - M (len of members)X - X (balance action)call|Box<::RuntimeCall> Send a call through a recovered account.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and registered tobe able to make calls on behalf of the recovered account.,Parameters:!- `account`: The recovered account you want to make a call on-behalf-of.- `call`: The call you want to make with the recovered account.4set_recoveredlostAPAccountIdLookupOfrescuerAPAccountIdLookupOf Allow ROOT to bypass the recovery process and set an a rescuer accountpfor a lost account directly.The dispatch origin for this call must be _ROOT_.,Parameters:- `lost`: The "lost account" to be recovered.- `rescuer`: The "rescuer account" which can call as the lost account.$threshold u160delay_period8T::BlockNumber@YCreate a recovery configuration for your account. This makes your account recoverable.-Payment: `ConfigDepositBase` + `FriendDepositFactor` * #_of_friends balanceEwill be reserved for storing the recovery configuration. This deposit is returnedin full when the user calls `remove_recovery`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters:I- `friends`: A list of friends you trust to vouch for recovery attempts. Should be ordered and contain no duplicate values.Y- `threshold`: The number of friends that must vouch for a recovery attempt before theU account can be recovered. Should be less than or equal to the length of the list of( friends.M- `delay_period`: The number of blocks after a recovery attempt is initialized that needs to pass before the account can be recovered.Dinitiate_recoveryaccountAPAccountIdLookupOf,Initiate the process for recovering a recoverable account.Payment: `RecoveryDeposit` balance will be reserved for initiating the!recovery process. This deposit will always be repatriated to the accounttrying to be recovered. See `close_recovery`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters:A- `account`: The lost account that you want to recover. This account needs to be recoverable (i.e. have a recovery configuration).8vouch_recoverylostAPAccountIdLookupOfrescuerAPAccountIdLookupOf0%Allow a "friend" of a recoverable account to vouch for an active recoverydprocess for that account.%The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a "friend"pfor the recoverable account.,Parameters:- `lost`: The lost account that you want to recover.Y- `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue the lost account that you want to vouch for.!The combination of these two parameters must point to an active recovery process.8claim_recoveryaccountAPAccountIdLookupOf$Allow a successful rescuer to claim their recovered account.)The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a "rescuer"who has successfully completed the account recovery process: collected-`threshold` or more vouches, waited `delay_period` blocks since initiation.,Parameters:]- `account`: The lost account that you want to claim has been successfully recovered by you.8close_recoveryrescuerAPAccountIdLookupOf,As the controller of a recoverable account, close an active recoverydprocess for your account.Payment: By calling this function, the recoverable account will receivethe recovery deposit `RecoveryDeposit` placed by the rescuer.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be arecoverable account with an active recovery process for it.,Parameters: - `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue this recoverable account.Cancel the ability to use `as_recovered` for `account`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and registered tobe able to make calls on behalf of the recovered account.,Parameters:- `account`: The recovered account you are able to call on-behalf-of.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.% 8pallet_vestingpalletCallTvest$Unlock any vested funds of the sender account.]The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have funds stilldlocked under this pallet.Emits either `VestingCompleted` or `VestingUpdated`.4## Complexity$- `O(1)`.(vest_othertargetAPAccountIdLookupOf,Unlock any vested funds of a `target` account.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.Q- `target`: The account whose vested funds should be unlocked. Must have funds stilldlocked under this pallet.Emits either `VestingCompleted` or `VestingUpdated`.4## Complexity$- `O(1)`. schedule)VestingInfo, T::BlockNumber>4dCreate a vested transfer.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.- `target`: The account receiving the vested funds.- `schedule`: The vesting schedule attached to the transfer.\Emits `VestingCreated`.NOTE: This will unlock all schedules through the current block.4## Complexity$- `O(1)`.Tforce_vested_transfer sourceAPAccountIdLookupOftargetAPAccountIdLookupOf schedule)VestingInfo, T::BlockNumber>8`Force a vested transfer.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_.- `source`: The account whose funds should be transferred.- `target`: The account that should be transferred the vested funds.- `schedule`: The vesting schedule attached to the transfer.\Emits `VestingCreated`.NOTE: This will unlock all schedules through the current block.4## Complexity$- `O(1)`.> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall|Box<::RuntimeCall>pAnonymously schedule a task.cancelwhen8T::BlockNumberindex u32Cancel an anonymously scheduled task.8schedule_namedid TaskNamewhen8T::BlockNumber8maybe_periodic1Option> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall|Box<::RuntimeCall>XSchedule a named task.0cancel_namedid TaskNamexCancel a named scheduled task.8schedule_afterafter8T::BlockNumber8maybe_periodic1Option> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall|Box<::RuntimeCall>Anonymously schedule a task after a delay.Pschedule_named_afterid TaskNameafter8T::BlockNumber8maybe_periodic1Option> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall|Box<::RuntimeCall>Schedule a named task after a delay.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.1OptionT5NoneSome559 0pallet_proxypalletCallT(proxy realAPAccountIdLookupOf@force_proxy_type=POptioncall|Box<::RuntimeCall>$MDispatch the given `call` from an account that the sender is authorised for through0`add_proxy`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters: - `real`: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.a- `force_proxy_type`: Specify the exact proxy type to be used and checked for this call.- `call`: The call to be made by the `real` account.$add_proxy  delegateAPAccountIdLookupOf(proxy_typeA0T::ProxyTypedelay8T::BlockNumber$ERegister a proxy account for the sender that is able to make calls on its behalf.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters:- `proxy`: The account that the `caller` would like to make a proxy.- `proxy_type`: The permissions allowed for this proxy account.M- `delay`: The announcement period required of the initial proxy. Will generally bezero.0remove_proxy  delegateAPAccountIdLookupOf(proxy_typeA0T::ProxyTypedelay8T::BlockNumberUnregister a proxy account for the sender.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters:%- `proxy`: The account that the `caller` would like to remove as a proxy.A- `proxy_type`: The permissions currently enabled for the removed proxy account.8remove_proxiesUnregister all proxy accounts for the sender.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.AWARNING: This may be called on accounts created by `pure`, however if done, thenYthe unreserved fees will be inaccessible. **All access to this account will be lost.**,create_pure (proxy_typeA0T::ProxyTypedelay8T::BlockNumberindex u16H9Spawn a fresh new account that is guaranteed to be otherwise inaccessible, andinitialize it with a proxy of `proxy_type` for `origin` sender.lRequires a `Signed` origin.Q- `proxy_type`: The type of the proxy that the sender will be registered as over theMnew account. This will almost always be the most permissive `ProxyType` possible toxallow for maximum flexibility.Q- `index`: A disambiguation index, in case this is called multiple times in the same]transaction (e.g. with `utility::batch`). Unless you're using `batch` you probably just@want to use `0`.M- `delay`: The announcement period required of the initial proxy. Will generally bezero.QFails with `Duplicate` if this has already been called in this transaction, from thesame sender, with the same parameters.Fails if there are insufficient funds to pay for deposit.$kill_purespawnerAPAccountIdLookupOf(proxy_typeA0T::ProxyTypeindex u16height8T::BlockNumber$ext_index u32@Removes a previously spawned pure proxy.IWARNING: **All access to this account will be lost.** Any funds held in it will be4inaccessible.YRequires a `Signed` origin, and the sender account must have been created by a call to`pure` with corresponding parameters.9- `spawner`: The account that originally called `pure` to create this account.9- `index`: The disambiguation index originally passed to `pure`. Probably `0`.- `proxy_type`: The proxy type originally passed to `pure`.)- `height`: The height of the chain when the call to `pure` was processed.5- `ext_index`: The extrinsic index in which the call to `pure` was processed.5Fails with `NoPermission` in case the caller is not a previously created pureaccount whose `pure` call has corresponding parameters. announcerealAPAccountIdLookupOf$call_hash04CallHashOf<Publish the hash of a proxy-call that will be made in the future.]This must be called some number of blocks before the corresponding `proxy` is attempted%if the delay associated with the proxy relationship is greater than zero.No more than `MaxPending` announcements may be made at any one time. This will take a deposit of `AnnouncementDepositFactor` as well as`AnnouncementDepositBase` if there are no other pending announcements.%The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and a proxy of `real`.,Parameters: - `real`: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be made by the `real` account.Lremove_announcementrealAPAccountIdLookupOf$call_hash04CallHashOf(pRemove a given announcement.YMay be called by a proxy account to remove a call they previously announced and return0the deposit.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters: - `real`: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be made by the `real` account.Lreject_announcement delegateAPAccountIdLookupOf$call_hash04CallHashOf(Remove the given announcement of a delegate.aMay be called by a target (proxied) account to remove a call that one of their delegates%(`delegate`) has announced they want to execute. The deposit is returned.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters:- `delegate`: The account that previously announced the call.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be made.realAPAccountIdLookupOf@force_proxy_type=POptioncall|Box<::RuntimeCall> ,MDispatch the given `call` from an account that the sender is authorized for through0`add_proxy`.Removes any corresponding announcement(s).The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.,Parameters: - `real`: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.a- `force_proxy_type`: Specify the exact proxy type to be used and checked for this call.- `call`: The call to be made by the `real` account.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.=OptionTANoneSomeAA8kusama_runtime$ProxyType$ Any,NonTransfer(GovernanceStakingDIdentityJudgement,CancelProxyAuctionSocietycall|Box<::RuntimeCall>0QImmediately dispatch a multi-signature call using a single approval from the caller.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.=- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who are part of themulti-signature, but do not participate in the approval process.- `call`: The call to be executed.Result is equivalent to the dispatched result.4## ComplexityO(Z + C) where Z is the length of the call and C its execution weight. as_multi$threshold u16Dother_signatoriesUDVec>call|Box<::RuntimeCall>(max_weight$WeightURegister approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account ifapproved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.If there are enough, then dispatch the call.-Payment: `DepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus=`threshold` times `DepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or4is cancelled.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.U- `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.A- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve thisldispatch. May not be empty.Y- `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it isQnot the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number andtransaction index) of the first approval transaction.- `call`: The call to be executed.NOTE: Unless this is the final approval, you will generally want to use`approve_as_multi` instead, since it only requires a hash of the call.YResult is equivalent to the dispatched result if `threshold` is exactly `1`. OtherwiseUon success, result is `Ok` and the result from the interior call, if it was executed,may be found in the deposited `MultisigExecuted` event.4## ComplexityP- `O(S + Z + Call)`.- Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.=- One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number ofE signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.!- One call encode & hash, both of complexity `O(Z)` where `Z` is tx-len.- One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.- Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.0- One event.l- The weight of the `call`.M- Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a deposit taken for its lifetime of `DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor`.@approve_as_multi$threshold u16Dother_signatoriesUDVec>$call_hash [u8; 32](max_weight$WeightxURegister approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account ifapproved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.-Payment: `DepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus=`threshold` times `DepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or4is cancelled.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.U- `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.A- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve thisldispatch. May not be empty.Y- `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it isQnot the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number andtransaction index) of the first approval transaction.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.5NOTE: If this is the final approval, you will want to use `as_multi` instead.4## Complexity$- `O(S)`.- Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.=- One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number ofE signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.- One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.- Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.0- One event.M- Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a deposit taken for its lifetime of `DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor`.$timepointMdTimepoint$call_hash [u8; 32]TUCancel a pre-existing, on-going multisig transaction. Any deposit reserved previouslyfor this operation will be unreserved on success.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.U- `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.A- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve thisldispatch. May not be empty.]- `timepoint`: The timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approvalxtransaction for this dispatch.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.4## Complexity$- `O(S)`.- Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.=- One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number ofE signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.- One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.0- One event.- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, one remove.p- Storage: removes one item.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.IOptionTMNoneSomeMMtRegister a preimage on-chain.UIf the preimage was previously requested, no fees or deposits are taken for providingUthe preimage. Otherwise, a deposit is taken proportional to the size of the preimage.,description4Vec0TPropose a new bounty.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.QPayment: `TipReportDepositBase` will be reserved from the origin account, as well asQ`DataDepositPerByte` for each byte in `reason`. It will be unreserved upon approval,dor slashed when rejected.- `curator`: The curator account whom will manage this bounty.d- `fee`: The curator fee.%- `value`: The total payment amount of this bounty, curator fee included.- `description`: The description of this bounty.8approve_bounty$bounty_id,BountyIndex]Approve a bounty proposal. At a later time, the bounty will be funded and become activeand the original deposit will be returned.May only be called from `T::SpendOrigin`.4## Complexity- O(1). feeAssign a curator to a funded bounty.May only be called from `T::SpendOrigin`.4## Complexity- O(1).@unassign_curator$bounty_id,BountyIndexD|Unassign curator from a bounty.This function can only be called by the `RejectOrigin` a signed origin.=If this function is called by the `RejectOrigin`, we assume that the curator is1malicious or inactive. As a result, we will slash the curator when possible.aIf the origin is the curator, we take this as a sign they are unable to do their job and]they willingly give up. We could slash them, but for now we allow them to recover their5deposit and exit without issue. (We may want to change this if it is abused.)]Finally, the origin can be anyone if and only if the curator is "inactive". This allowsaanyone in the community to call out that a curator is not doing their due diligence, and9we should pick a new curator. In this case the curator should also be slashed.4## Complexity- O(1).8accept_curator$bounty_id,BountyIndexAccept the curator role for a bounty.)A deposit will be reserved from curator and refund upon successful payout.May only be called from the curator.4## Complexity- O(1).0award_bounty$bounty_id,BountyIndex,beneficiaryAPAccountIdLookupOf(YAward bounty to a beneficiary account. The beneficiary will be able to claim the funds8after a delay.The dispatch origin for this call must be the curator of this bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to award.- `beneficiary`: The beneficiary account whom will receive the payout.4## Complexity- O(1).0claim_bounty$bounty_id,BountyIndex Claim the payout from an awarded bounty after payout delay.%The dispatch origin for this call must be the beneficiary of this bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to claim.4## Complexity- O(1).0close_bounty$bounty_id,BountyIndex$9Cancel a proposed or active bounty. All the funds will be sent to treasury andthe curator deposit will be unreserved if possible.Only `T::RejectOrigin` is able to cancel a bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to cancel.4## Complexity- O(1).Pextend_bounty_expiry$bounty_id,BountyIndexremark4Vec$Extend the expiry time of an active bounty.The dispatch origin for this call must be the curator of this bounty.- `bounty_id`: Bounty ID to extend.- `remark`: additional information.4## Complexity- O(1).%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.Y Tpallet_child_bountiespalletCallT@add_child_bounty @parent_bounty_id,BountyIndexvalue0BalanceOf,description4VecL\Add a new child-bounty.The dispatch origin for this call must be the curator of parentbounty and the parent bounty must be in "active" state.Child-bounty gets added successfully & fund gets transferred from parent bounty to child-bounty account, if parent bounty has enoughlfunds, else the call fails. Upper bound to maximum number of active child bounties that can beadded are managed via runtime trait config[`Config::MaxActiveChildBountyCount`].If the call is success, the status of child-bounty is updated to "Added".M- `parent_bounty_id`: Index of parent bounty for which child-bounty is being added.- `value`: Value for executing the proposal.- `description`: Text description for the child-bounty. fee0BalanceOfDAward child-bounty to a beneficiary.The beneficiary will be able to claim the funds after a delay.The dispatch origin for this call must be the parent curator ortcurator of this child-bounty.Parent bounty must be in active state, for this child-bounty call towork. Child-bounty must be in active state, for processing the call. Andstate of child-bounty is moved to "PendingPayout" on successful call,completion.- `parent_bounty_id`: Index of parent bounty.- `child_bounty_id`: Index of child bounty.- `beneficiary`: Beneficiary account.Hclaim_child_bounty@parent_bounty_id,BountyIndex>>witnessXSolutionOrSnapshotSize8Submit a solution for the unsigned phase.The dispatch origin fo this call must be __none__.=This submission is checked on the fly. Moreover, this unsigned solution is onlyUvalidated when submitted to the pool from the **local** node. Effectively, this means]that only active validators can submit this transaction when authoring a block (similar@to an inherent).YTo prevent any incorrect solution (and thus wasted time/weight), this transaction willMpanic if the solution submitted by the validator is invalid in any way, effectivelyputting their authoring reward at risk.No deposit or reward is associated with this submission.lset_minimum_untrusted_score@maybe_next_scoreTOptionSet a new value for `MinimumUntrustedScore`.Dispatch origin must be aligned with `T::ForceOrigin`.This check can be turned off by setting the value to `None`.tset_emergency_election_result supportsXSupports YSet a solution in the queue, to be handed out to the client of this pallet in the nextcall to `ElectionProvider::elect`.EThis can only be set by `T::ForceOrigin`, and only when the phase is `Emergency`.aThe solution is not checked for any feasibility and is assumed to be trustworthy, as anyQfeasibility check itself can in principle cause the election process to fail (due tohmemory/weight constrains).submit0raw_solutionaBox>>$Submit a solution for the signed phase.The dispatch origin fo this call must be __signed__.]The solution is potentially queued, based on the claimed score and processed at the endPof the signed phase.]A deposit is reserved and recorded for the solution. Based on the outcome, the solutionmight be rewarded, slashed, or get all or a part of the deposit back.Lgovernance_fallback@maybe_max_voters,OptionDmaybe_max_targets,OptionTrigger the governance fallback.IThis can only be called when [`Phase::Emergency`] is enabled, as an alternative tocalling [`Call::set_emergency_election_result`].%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.apallet_election_provider_multi_phase,RawSolutionSe  solutioneSscore4ElectionScoreround u32e8kusama_runtimeTNposCompactSolution24`votes1ivotes2uvotes3votes4votes5votes6votes7votes8votes9votes10votes11votes12votes13votes14 votes15votes16%votes171votes18=votes19Ivotes20Uvotes21avotes22mvotes23yvotes24immqquyy }q}q 4sp_arithmetic(per_thingsPerU16 u16 q} q} q} q} q} q} q} q } q } q }  q  }  q } !q!}%)) -q-}155 9q9}=AA EqE}IMM QqQ}UYY ]q]}aee iqi}mqq uqu}y}} q} q}Dsp_npos_elections4ElectionScore 4minimal_stakeOptionTNoneSome (pallet_nispalletCallT$place_bidamount0BalanceOf duration u32,0Place a bid.=Origin must be Signed, and account must have at least `amount` in free balance.1- `amount`: The amount of the bid; these funds will be reserved, and if/when consolidated, removed. Must be at least `MinBid`.I- `duration`: The number of periods before which the newly consolidated bid may be thawed. Must be greater than 1 and no more than `QueueCount`.4Complexities:- `Queues[duration].len()` (just take max).,retract_bidamount0BalanceOf duration u32Retract a previously placed bid.]Origin must be Signed, and the account should have previously issued a still-active bidlof `amount` for `duration`.- `amount`: The amount of the previous bid.- `duration`: The duration of the previous bid.0fund_deficit Ensure we have sufficient funding for all potential payouts.- `origin`: Must be accepted by `FundOrigin`.0thaw_privateindex0ReceiptIndex@maybe_proportionLOption ]Reduce or remove an outstanding receipt, placing the according proportion of funds intodthe account of the owner.Y- `origin`: Must be Signed and the account must be the owner of the receipt `index` as well as any fungible counterpart.- `index`: The index of the receipt.]- `portion`: If `Some`, then only the given portion of the receipt should be thawed. If `None`, then all of it should be.4thaw_communalindex0ReceiptIndex]Reduce or remove an outstanding receipt, placing the according proportion of funds intodthe account of the owner.a- `origin`: Must be Signed and the account must be the owner of the fungible counterpartX for receipt `index`.- `index`: The index of the receipt.$communifyindex0ReceiptIndex=Make a private receipt communal and create fungible counterparts for its owner.$privatizeindex0ReceiptIndex9Make a communal receipt private and burn fungible counterparts from its owner.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.OptionTNoneSome 4sp_arithmetic(per_things,Perquintill, u64 value(T::BalanceTransfer some liquid free balance to another account.5`transfer_allow_death` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a resultof the transfer, the account will be reaped.The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.Xset_balance_deprecated  whoAPAccountIdLookupOf new_free(T::Balance0old_reserved(T::BalanceUSet the regular balance of a given account; it also takes a reserved balance but thismust be the same as the account's current reserved balance.The dispatch origin for this call is `root`. WARNING: This call is DEPRECATED! Use `force_set_balance` instead.8force_transfer sourceAPAccountIdLookupOfdestAPAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::BalanceaExactly as `transfer_allow_death`, except the origin must be root and the source accountDmay be specified.Ltransfer_keep_alivedestAPAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::BalanceYSame as the [`transfer_allow_death`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not`kill the origin account.99% of the time you want [`transfer_allow_death`] instead.[`transfer_allow_death`]: struct.Pallet.html#method.transfer0transfer_alldestAPAccountIdLookupOf(keep_alivebool<Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller account.YNOTE: This function only attempts to transfer _transferable_ balances. This means thataany locked, reserved, or existential deposits (when `keep_alive` is `true`), will not be]transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account,Eyou might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage@deposits, etc...The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.- `dest`: The recipient of the transfer.Y- `keep_alive`: A boolean to determine if the `transfer_all` operation should send allM of the funds the account has, causing the sender account to be killed (false), orY transfer everything except at least the existential deposit, which will guarantee to keep the sender account alive (true).amount(T::Balance Unreserve some balance from a user by force.lCan only be called by ROOT.@upgrade_accounts whoUDVec pUpgrade a specified account.t- `origin`: Must be `Signed`.- `who`: The account to be upgraded.UThis will waive the transaction fee if at least all but 10% of the accounts needed toAbe upgraded. (We let some not have to be upgraded just in order to allow for the\possibililty of churn). transferdestAPAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::Balance 1Alias for `transfer_allow_death`, provided only for name-wise compatibility.WARNING: DEPRECATED! Will be released in approximately 3 months.Dforce_set_balance whoAPAccountIdLookupOf new_free(T::Balance Set the regular balance of a given account.The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. @pallet_bags_listpalletCallTIrebag(dislocatedAPAccountIdLookupOf(YDeclare that some `dislocated` account has, through rewards or penalties, sufficientlyQchanged its score that it should properly fall into a different bag than its currentone.Anyone can call this function about any potentially dislocated account.IWill always update the stored score of `dislocated` to the correct score, based on@`ScoreProvider`.If `dislocated` does not exists, it returns an error. Move the caller's Id directly in front of `lighter`.YThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and can only be called by the Id ofthe account going in front of `lighter`.4Only works if- both nodes are within the same bag,- and `origin` has a greater `Score` than `lighter`.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. \pallet_nomination_poolspalletCallTTjoinamount0BalanceOfpool_idPoolId(EStake funds with a pool. The amount to bond is transferred from the member to thepools account and immediately increases the pools bond.# Note* An account can only be a member of a single pool.* An account cannot join the same pool multiple times.A* This call will *not* dust the member account, so the member must have at least `existential deposit + amount` in their account.* Only a pool with [`PoolState::Open`] can be joined(bond_extraextra\BondExtra>EBond `extra` more funds from `origin` into the pool to which they already belong.IAdditional funds can come from either the free balance of the account, of from theaccumulated rewards, see [`BondExtra`].=Bonding extra funds implies an automatic payout of all pending rewards as well. See `bond_extra_other` to bond pending rewards of `other` members.0claim_payout UA bonded member can use this to claim their payout based on the rewards that the poolahas accumulated since their last claimed payout (OR since joining if this is their first=time claiming rewards). The payout will be transferred to the member's account.IThe member will earn rewards pro rata based on the members stake vs the sum of themembers in the pools stake. Rewards do not "expire".=See `claim_payout_other` to caim rewards on bahalf of some `other` pool member.unbond8member_accountAPAccountIdLookupOf@unbonding_points0BalanceOf|EUnbond up to `unbonding_points` of the `member_account`'s funds from the pool. ItEimplicitly collects the rewards one last time, since not doing so would mean somelrewards would be forfeited.MUnder certain conditions, this call can be dispatched permissionlessly (i.e. by any$account).# Conditions for a permissionless dispatch.]* The pool is blocked and the caller is either the root or bouncer. This is refereed to0 as a kick.* The pool is destroying and the member is not the depositor.U* The pool is destroying, the member is the depositor and no other members are in the pool.## Conditions for permissioned dispatch (i.e. the caller is also theH`member_account`):* The caller is not the depositor.U* The caller is the depositor, the pool is destroying and no other members are in the pool.# NoteIf there are too many unlocking chunks to unbond with the pool account,Q[`Call::pool_withdraw_unbonded`] can be called to try and minimize unlocking chunks.YThe [`StakingInterface::unbond`] will implicitly call [`Call::pool_withdraw_unbonded`]Uto try to free chunks if necessary (ie. if unbound was called and no unlocking chunksaare available). However, it may not be possible to release the current unlocking chunks,]in which case, the result of this call will likely be the `NoMoreChunks` error from theHnum_slashing_spans u32LUWithdraw unbonded funds from `member_account`. If no bonded funds can be unbonded, anHerror is returned.MUnder certain conditions, this call can be dispatched permissionlessly (i.e. by any$account).# Conditions for a permissionless dispatch * The pool is in destroy mode and the target is not the depositor.1* The target is the depositor and they are the only member in the sub pools. * The pool is blocked and the caller is either the root or bouncer.# Conditions for permissioned dispatch* The caller is the target and they are not the depositor.# NoteIf the target is the depositor, the pool will be destroyed.createamount0BalanceOfrootAPAccountIdLookupOf$nominatorAPAccountIdLookupOfbouncerAPAccountIdLookupOfDtCreate a new delegation pool.,# ArgumentsU* `amount` - The amount of funds to delegate to the pool. This also acts of a sort ofM deposit since the pools creator cannot fully unbond funds until the pool is being0 destroyed.Q* `index` - A disambiguation index for creating the account. Likely only useful when creating multiple pools in the same extrinsic.* `root` - The account to set as [`PoolRoles::root`]. * `nominator` - The account to set as the [`PoolRoles::nominator`].* `bouncer` - The account to set as the [`PoolRoles::bouncer`].# NoteaIn addition to `amount`, the caller will transfer the existential deposit; so the callerneeds at have at least `amount + existential_deposit` transferrable.Lcreate_with_pool_idamount0BalanceOfrootAPAccountIdLookupOf$nominatorAPAccountIdLookupOfbouncerAPAccountIdLookupOfpool_idPoolIdCreate a new delegation pool with a previously used pool id,# Argumentssame as `create` with the inclusion ofx* `pool_id` - `A valid PoolId. nominatepool_idPoolId(validatorsUDVec|Nominate on behalf of the pool.EThe dispatch origin of this call must be signed by the pool nominator or the pool(root role.IThis directly forward the call to the staking pallet, on behalf of the pool bonded account.$set_statepool_idPoolIdstate$PoolState (tSet a new state for the pool.UIf a pool is already in the `Destroying` state, then under no condition can its state4change again.The dispatch origin of this call must be either:1. signed by the bouncer, or the root role of the pool,]2. if the pool conditions to be open are NOT met (as described by `ok_to_be_open`), and9 then the state of the pool can be permissionlessly changed to `Destroying`.0set_metadatapool_idPoolId metadata4Vec Set a new metadata for the pool.]The dispatch origin of this call must be signed by the bouncer, or the root role of thepool.,set_configs4min_join_bondXConfigOp>>$max_pools4ConfigOp,max_members4ConfigOpPmax_members_per_pool4ConfigOpTglobal_max_commissionDConfigOp ,AUpdate configurations for the nomination pools. The origin for this call must beRoot.,# Arguments* `min_join_bond` - Set [`MinJoinBond`].* `min_create_bond` - Set [`MinCreateBond`].* `max_pools` - Set [`MaxPools`].* `max_members` - Set [`MaxPoolMembers`].* `max_members_per_pool` - Set [`MaxPoolMembersPerPool`].* `global_max_commission` - Set [`GlobalMaxCommission`].0update_rolespool_idPoolId new_rootXConfigOp4new_nominatorXConfigOp,new_bouncerXConfigOp tUpdate the roles of the pool.=The root is the only entity that can change any of the roles, including itself,excluding the depositor, who can never change.QIt emits an event, notifying UIs of the role change. This event is quite relevant tomost pool members and they should be informed of changes to pool roles.chillpool_idPoolId pChill on behalf of the pool.EThe dispatch origin of this call must be signed by the pool nominator or the poolroot role, same as [`Pallet::nominate`].IThis directly forward the call to the staking pallet, on behalf of the pool bonded account.@bond_extra_othermemberAPAccountIdLookupOfextra\BondExtra>$U`origin` bonds funds from `extra` for some pool member `member` into their respectivepools.I`origin` can bond extra funds from free balance or pending rewards when `origin ==other`.EIn the case of `origin != other`, `origin` can only bond extra pending rewards of`other` members assuming set_claim_permission for the given member is`PermissionlessAll` or `PermissionlessCompound`.Pset_claim_permission(permissiontSet the commission of a pool.UBoth a commission percentage and a commission payee must be provided in the `current`]tuple. Where a `current` of `None` is provided, any current commission will be removed.M- If a `None` is supplied to `new_commission`, existing commission will be removed.Hset_commission_maxpool_idPoolId8max_commissionPerbillSet the maximum commission of a pool.9- Initial max can be set to any `Perbill`, and only smaller values thereafter.5- Current commission will be lowered in the event it is higher than a new max4 commission.hset_commission_change_ratepool_idPoolId,change_rateCommissionChangeRateSet the commission change rate for a pool.=Initial change rate is not bounded, whereas subsequent updates can only be moretrestrictive than the current.@claim_commissionpool_idPoolIddClaim pending commission.]The dispatch origin of this call must be signed by the `root` role of the pool. Pending]commission is paid out and added to total claimed commission`. Total pending commissionxis reset to zero. the current.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.\pallet_nomination_pools$BondExtraBalance,FreeBalanceBalanceRewards\pallet_nomination_pools$PoolState OpenBlocked(Destroying\pallet_nomination_pools ConfigOpT Noop SetTRemove\pallet_nomination_pools ConfigOpT Noop SetTRemove\pallet_nomination_pools ConfigOpT Noop SetTRemove\pallet_nomination_pools ConfigOpT Noop SetTRemove\pallet_nomination_pools Set the maximum number of validators to assign to any core.Hset_max_validators new,Option  Set the maximum number of validators to use in parachain consensus.Hset_dispute_period new0SessionIndex Set the dispute period, in number of sessions to keep for disputes.set_dispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_period new8T::BlockNumberSet the dispute post conclusion acceptance period.Dset_no_show_slots new u32Set the no show slots, in number of number of consensus slots.LMust be at least 1.Pset_n_delay_tranches new u32Set the total number of delay tranches.xset_zeroth_delay_tranche_width new u32Set the zeroth delay tranche width.Pset_needed_approvals new u32Set the number of validators needed to approve a block.pset_relay_vrf_modulo_samples new u32YSet the number of samples to do of the `RelayVRFModulo` approval assignment criterion.hset_max_upward_queue_count new u32-Sets the maximum items that can present in a upward dispatch queue at once.dset_max_upward_queue_size new u32eSets the maximum total size of items that can present in a upward dispatch queue at once.tset_max_downward_message_size new u32Set the critical downward message size.lset_max_upward_message_size new u32-Sets the maximum size of an upward message that can be sent by a candidate.set_max_upward_message_num_per_candidate new u32Sets the maximum number of messages that a candidate can contain.dset_hrmp_open_request_ttl new u325Sets the number of sessions after which an HRMP open channel request expires.\set_hrmp_sender_deposit newBalanceQSets the amount of funds that the sender should provide for opening an HRMP channel.hset_hrmp_recipient_deposit newBalanceaSets the amount of funds that the recipient should provide for accepting opening an HRMP channel.tset_hrmp_channel_max_capacity new u32 Sets the maximum number of messages allowed in an HRMP channel at once.|set_hrmp_channel_max_total_size new u32!QSets the maximum total size of messages in bytes allowed in an HRMP channel at once.set_hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels new u32"ISets the maximum number of inbound HRMP channels a parachain is allowed to accept.set_hrmp_max_parathread_inbound_channels new u32#MSets the maximum number of inbound HRMP channels a parathread is allowed to accept.set_hrmp_channel_max_message_size new u32$=Sets the maximum size of a message that could ever be put into an HRMP channel.set_hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels new u32%ESets the maximum number of outbound HRMP channels a parachain is allowed to open.set_hrmp_max_parathread_outbound_channels new u32&ISets the maximum number of outbound HRMP channels a parathread is allowed to open.set_hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate new u32'5Sets the maximum number of outbound HRMP messages can be sent by a candidate.`set_pvf_checking_enabled newbool)QEnable or disable PVF pre-checking. Consult the field documentation prior executing.Hset_pvf_voting_ttl new0SessionIndex*QSet the number of session changes after which a PVF pre-checking voting is rejected.set_minimum_validation_upgrade_delay new8T::BlockNumber+USets the minimum delay between announcing the upgrade block for a parachain until theTupgrade taking place.9See the field documentation for information and constraints for the new value.pset_bypass_consistency_check newbool,MSetting this to true will disable consistency checks for the configuration setters.DUse with caution.`set_async_backing_params newHAsyncBackingParams-Set the asynchronous backing parameters.Lset_executor_params new8ExecutorParams.pSet PVF executor parameters.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. Lpolkadot_primitives vstagingHAsyncBackingParamsLmax_candidate_depth u32Pallowed_ancestry_len u32Lpolkadot_primitivesv4  Lpolkadot_primitivesv41Enter the paras inherent. This will process bitfields and backed candidates.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.! Lpolkadot_primitivesv40InherentData HDR$bitfields%UncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfieldsDbacked_candidatesA|Vec> disputes`MultiDisputeStatementSet4parent_header HDR%))Lpolkadot_primitivesv4signed155 bitvecorderLsb09 Lpolkadot_primitivesv48ValidatorIndex u32=Lpolkadot_primitivesv44validator_app$SignatureHsr25519::SignatureAEE Lpolkadot_primitivesv48validity_votes}`VecDvalidator_indices1|BitVecI Lpolkadot_primitivesv4dCommittedCandidateReceiptH0(descriptorMXCandidateDescriptor,commitments]PCandidateCommitmentsM Lpolkadot_primitivesv4LCandidateDescriptorH0$para_id Id0relay_parent0H collatorQ(CollatorIdxpersisted_validation_data_hash0Hash pov_hash0Hash0erasure_root0Hash$signatureUDCollatorSignature$para_head0HashPvalidation_code_hashYHValidationCodeHashQLpolkadot_primitivesv40collator_appPublic$head_datay HeadDatalprocessed_downward_messages u328hrmp_watermarkNa Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT4S Vece Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTiSmVeci`polkadot_core_primitivesLOutboundHrmpMessageId $recipient Iddata4Psp_std::vec::VecmiqOptionTuNoneSomeuu Hpolkadot_parachain(primitives8ValidationCode4Vecy Hpolkadot_parachain(primitives HeadData4Vec} Lpolkadot_primitivesv4LValidityAttestation Implicit=HValidatorSignature Explicit=HValidatorSignature Lpolkadot_primitivesv4LDisputeStatementSet 8candidate_hash4CandidateHashsession0SessionIndex(statementsVec<(DisputeStatement, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature)>`polkadot_core_primitives4CandidateHash0Hash 9= Lpolkadot_primitivesv4@DisputeStatementValiddValidDisputeStatementKindInvalidlInvalidDisputeStatementKind Lpolkadot_primitivesv4dValidDisputeStatementKind Explicitid ParaId0genesis_heady HeadData0period_begin@LeasePeriodOf0period_count@LeasePeriodOfiJust a connect into the `lease_out` call, in case Root wants to force some lease to happenindependently of any other on-chain mechanism to use it.The dispatch origin for this call must match `T::ForceOrigin`.@clear_all_leasespara ParaId MClear all leases for a Para Id, refunding any deposits back to the original owners.The dispatch origin for this call must match `T::ForceOrigin`.TCreate a new auction.QThis can only happen when there isn't already an auction in progress and may only be%called by the root origin. Accepts the `duration` of this auction and theY`lease_period_index` of the initial lease period of the four that are to be auctioned. bidparaParaId4auction_index0AuctionIndex(first_slot@LeasePeriodOf$last_slot@LeasePeriodOfamount0BalanceOf@IMake a new bid from an account (including a parachain account) for deploying a new(parachain.YMultiple simultaneous bids from the same bidder are allowed only as long as all active=bids overlap each other (i.e. are mutually exclusive). Bids cannot be redacted.U- `sub` is the sub-bidder ID, allowing for multiple competing bids to be made by (andpfunded by) the same account.M- `auction_index` is the index of the auction to bid on. Should just be the presenthvalue of `AuctionCounter`.I- `first_slot` is the first lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.A- `last_slot` is the last lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.I- `amount` is the amount to bid to be held as deposit for the parachain should thebid win. This amount is held throughout the range.8cancel_auction xCancel an in-progress auction.Can only be called by Root origin.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. \polkadot_runtime_common$crowdloanpalletCallT$createindexParaId cap0BalanceOf0first_period@LeasePeriodOf,last_period@LeasePeriodOf end8T::BlockNumber verifierLOptioniCreate a new crowdloaning campaign for a parachain slot with the given lease period range.]This applies a lock to your parachain configuration, ensuring that it cannot be changeddby the parachain manager.(contribute indexParaIdvalue0BalanceOf$signatureXOptionQContribute to a crowd sale. This will transfer some balance over to fund a parachainQslot. It will be withdrawable when the crowdloan has ended and the funds are unused. withdraw who0T::AccountIdindexParaIdDWithdraw full balance of a specific contributor.Origin must be signed, but can come from anyone.The fund must be either in, or ready for, retirement. For a fund to be *in* retirement, then the retirementflag must be set. For a fund to be ready for retirement, then:- it must not already be in retirement;M- the amount of raised funds must be bigger than the _free_ balance of the account;4- and either: - the block number must be at least `end`; or- - the current lease period must be greater than the fund's `last_period`.mIn this case, the fund's retirement flag is set and its `end` is reset to the current blocknumber.- `who`: The account whose contribution should be withdrawn.- `index`: The parachain to whose crowdloan the contribution was made.refundindexParaIdAutomatically refund contributors of an ended crowdloan.!Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multipleItimes to fully refund all users. We will refund `RemoveKeysLimit` users at a time.Origin must be signed, but can come from anyone. dissolveindexParaIdURemove a fund after the retirement period has ended and all funds have been returned.editindexParaId cap0BalanceOf0first_period@LeasePeriodOf,last_period@LeasePeriodOf end8T::BlockNumber verifierLOption Edit the configuration for an in-progress crowdloan.Can only be called by Root origin. add_memoindex ParaIdmemo4Vec Add an optional memo to an existing crowdloan contribution.-Origin must be Signed, and the user must have contributed to the crowdloan.pokeindex ParaId tPoke the fund into `NewRaise`Origin must be Signed, and the fund has non-zero raise.8contribute_allindexParaId$signatureXOptionContribute your entire balance to a crowd sale. This will transfer the entire balance of a user over to fund a parachainQslot. It will be withdrawable when the crowdloan has ended and the funds are unused.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.OptionTNoneSome(sp_runtime,MultiSigner Ed25519message!TBox>,beneficiarylBoxassetsdBox8fee_asset_item u32<Teleport some assets from the local chain to some destination chain.QFee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector ofaindex `fee_asset_item`. The weight limit for fees is not provided and thus is unlimited,with all fees taken as needed from the asset.)- `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.- `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `X2(Parent, Parachain(..))` to sendY from parachain to parachain, or `X1(Parachain(..))` to send from relay to parachain.- `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will generally bed an `AccountId32` value.- `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. The first item should be the currency used to to pay the fee on the `dest` side. May not be empty.M- `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay fees.\reserve_transfer_assetsdestlBox,beneficiarylBoxassetsdBox8fee_asset_item u32@MTransfer some assets from the local chain to the sovereign account of a destinationchain and forward a notification XCM.QFee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector ofaindex `fee_asset_item`. The weight limit for fees is not provided and thus is unlimited,with all fees taken as needed from the asset.)- `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.- `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `X2(Parent, Parachain(..))` to sendY from parachain to parachain, or `X1(Parachain(..))` to send from relay to parachain.- `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will generally bed an `AccountId32` value.- `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the8 `dest` side.M- `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay fees.executemessageBox::RuntimeCall>>(max_weight$Weight,Execute an XCM message from a local, signed, origin.MAn event is deposited indicating whether `msg` could be executed completely or only(partially.mNo more than `max_weight` will be used in its attempted execution. If this is less than theYmaximum amount of weight that the message could take to be executed, then no executionTattempt will be made.mNOTE: A successful return to this does *not* imply that the `msg` was executed successfullyto completion; only that *some* of it was executed.Dforce_xcm_version locationHBox,xcm_version(XcmVersionIExtoll that a particular destination can be communicated with through a particularYSet a safe XCM version (the version that XCM should be encoded with if the most recentversion a destination can accept is unknown).- `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.9- `maybe_xcm_version`: The default XCM encoding version, or `None` to disable.xforce_subscribe_version_notify locationlBox9Ask a location to notify us regarding their XCM version and any changes to it.- `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.Y- `location`: The location to which we should subscribe for XCM version notifications.force_unsubscribe_version_notify locationlBoxIRequire that a particular destination should no longer notify us regarding any XCM@version changes.- `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.=- `location`: The location to which we are currently subscribed for XCM version notifications which we no longer desire.|limited_reserve_transfer_assetsdestlBox,beneficiarylBoxassetsdBox8fee_asset_item u320weight_limit,WeightLimitHMTransfer some assets from the local chain to the sovereign account of a destinationchain and forward a notification XCM.QFee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector ofaindex `fee_asset_item`, up to enough to pay for `weight_limit` of weight. If more weightYis needed than `weight_limit`, then the operation will fail and the assets send may be at risk.)- `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.- `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `X2(Parent, Parachain(..))` to sendY from parachain to parachain, or `X1(Parachain(..))` to send from relay to parachain.- `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will generally bed an `AccountId32` value.- `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the8 `dest` side.M- `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay fees.E- `weight_limit`: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.\limited_teleport_assetsdestlBox,beneficiarylBoxassetsdBox8fee_asset_item u320weight_limit,WeightLimit DTeleport some assets from the local chain to some destination chain.QFee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector ofaindex `fee_asset_item`, up to enough to pay for `weight_limit` of weight. If more weightYis needed than `weight_limit`, then the operation will fail and the assets send may be at risk.)- `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.- `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `X2(Parent, Parachain(..))` to sendY from parachain to parachain, or `X1(Parachain(..))` to send from relay to parachain.- `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will generally bed an `AccountId32` value.- `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. The first item should be the currency used to to pay the fee on the `dest` side. May not be empty.M- `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay fees.E- `weight_limit`: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.@force_suspension$suspendedbool Set or unset the global suspension state of the XCM executor.- `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.- `suspended`: `true` to suspend, `false` to resume.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. xcmXVersionedMultiLocationV2Dv2::MultiLocationV3Dv3::MultiLocation xcmv24multilocation4MultiLocationparentsu8 interior $Junctions  xcmv24multilocation$Junctions$HereX1  JunctionX2  Junction  JunctionX3  Junction  Junction  JunctionX4  Junction  Junction  Junction  JunctionX5  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  JunctionX6  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  JunctionX7  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  JunctionX8  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  Junction  xcmv2 junction Junction$$Parachain u32,AccountId32network$NetworkIdid [u8; 32]8AccountIndex64network$NetworkIdindex( u640AccountKey20network$NetworkId keyM [u8; 20]8PalletInstanceu80GeneralIndexu128(GeneralKeyWeakBoundedVec>$OnlyChild$PluralityidBodyIdpart BodyPart xcmv2$NetworkId AnyNamedWeakBoundedVec> PolkadotKusama Lbounded_collections@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTS4Vec xcmv2BodyId(UnitNamedWeakBoundedVec>Index u32$Executive$Technical,Legislative JudicialDefense8Administration Treasury  xcmv2 BodyPartVoiceMemberscount u32 Fraction nom u32denom u32DAtLeastProportion nom u32denom u32HMoreThanProportion nom u32denom u32! xcm0VersionedXcm,RuntimeCallV2%Pv2::XcmV3qPv3::Xcm% xcmv2 Xcm,RuntimeCall)tVec>)-- xcmv2,Instruction,RuntimeCallp4WithdrawAsset1,MultiAssetsTReserveAssetDeposited1,MultiAssetsXReceiveTeleportedAsset1,MultiAssets4QueryResponse  query_id(QueryId responseI Response(max_weight( u644TransferAssetassets1,MultiAssets,beneficiary4MultiLocationPTransferReserveAsset assets1,MultiAssetsdest4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()> Transact ,origin_typeY(OriginKindXrequire_weight_at_most( u64call]hDoubleEncodeddHrmpNewChannelOpenRequest sender u32@max_message_size u320max_capacity u32LHrmpChannelAccepted$recipient u32HHrmpChannelClosing $initiator u32sender u32$recipient u32 ,ClearOrigin 4DescendOrigin TInteriorMultiLocation ,ReportError  query_id(QueryIddest4MultiLocationLmax_response_weight( u64 0DepositAsset assetsa@MultiAssetFilter(max_assets u32,beneficiary4MultiLocation LDepositReserveAssetassetsa@MultiAssetFilter(max_assets u32dest4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()>4ExchangeAssetgivea@MultiAssetFilterreceive1,MultiAssets\InitiateReserveWithdraw assetsa@MultiAssetFilterreserve4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()>@InitiateTeleport assetsa@MultiAssetFilterdest4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()>0QueryHolding query_id(QueryIddest4MultiLocationassetsa@MultiAssetFilterLmax_response_weight( u640BuyExecutionfees9(MultiAsset0weight_limitm,WeightLimit4RefundSurplus,SetAppendix%@Xcm(ClearError(ClaimAssetassets1,MultiAssetsticket4MultiLocationTrap( u64@SubscribeVersion query_id(QueryIdLmax_response_weight( u64HUnsubscribeVersion1 xcmv2(multiasset,MultiAssets5599 xcmv2(multiasset(MultiAssetid=AssetId funA,Fungibility= xcmv2(multiassetAssetId Concrete4MultiLocation Abstract4VecA xcmv2(multiasset,Fungibility Fungibleu128,NonFungibleE4AssetInstanceE xcmv2(multiasset4AssetInstance$UndefinedIndexu128Array4D[u8; 4]Array8[u8; 8]Array16 [u8; 16]Array32 [u8; 32]Blob4VecI xcmv2 ResponseNullAssets1,MultiAssetsVersion8super::VersionMOptionTQNoneSomeQQUU xcmv2traitsErrorh Overflow4Unimplemented`UntrustedReserveLocationdUntrustedTeleportLocationDMultiLocationFullhMultiLocationNotInvertible$BadOrigina xcmv2(multiasset@MultiAssetFilter Definite1,MultiAssetsWilde8WildMultiAssete xcmv2(multiasset8WildMultiAsset AllAllOfid=AssetId funi>uyy xcmv3,InstructionCall4WithdrawAsset},MultiAssetsTReserveAssetDeposited},MultiAssetsXReceiveTeleportedAsset},MultiAssets4QueryResponse query_id(QueryId response Response(max_weight$WeightquerierTOption4TransferAssetassets},MultiAssets,beneficiary4MultiLocationPTransferReserveAsset assets},MultiAssetsdest4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()> Transact ,origin_kindY(OriginKindXrequire_weight_at_most$Weightcall]LDoubleEncodeddHrmpNewChannelOpenRequest sender u32@max_message_size u320max_capacity u32LHrmpChannelAccepted$recipient u32HHrmpChannelClosing $initiator u32sender u32$recipient u32 ,ClearOrigin 4DescendOriginTInteriorMultiLocation ,ReportErrorDQueryResponseInfo 0DepositAssetassets@MultiAssetFilter,beneficiary4MultiLocation LDepositReserveAsset assets@MultiAssetFilterdest4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()>4ExchangeAsset give@MultiAssetFilterwant},MultiAssetsmaximalbool\InitiateReserveWithdraw assets@MultiAssetFilterreserve4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()>@InitiateTeleport assets@MultiAssetFilterdest4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()>4ReportHolding4response_infoDQueryResponseInfoassets@MultiAssetFilter0BuyExecutionfees(MultiAsset0weight_limit,WeightLimit4RefundSurplus,SetAppendixq$Xcm(ClearError(ClaimAssetassets},MultiAssetsticket4MultiLocationTrap( u64@SubscribeVersion query_id(QueryIdLmax_response_weight$WeightHUnsubscribeVersion$BurnAsset},MultiAssets,ExpectAsset},MultiAssets0ExpectOriginTOption,ExpectErrorPOption<(u32, Error)>PExpectTransactStatus8MaybeErrorCode ,QueryPallet,module_name4Vec4response_infoDQueryResponseInfo!0ExpectPalletindex u32name4Vec,module_name4Vec,crate_major u32&$LockAssetasset(MultiAsset unlocker4MultiLocation',UnlockAssetasset(MultiAssettarget4MultiLocation(8NoteUnlockableasset(MultiAssetowner4MultiLocation)4RequestUnlockasset(MultiAssetlocker4MultiLocation*,SetFeesMode0jit_withdrawbool+ SetTopic [u8; 32],(ClearTopic-,AliasOrigin4MultiLocation./} xcmv3(multiasset,MultiAssets xcmv3(multiasset(MultiAssetidAssetId fun,Fungibility xcmv3(multiassetAssetId Concrete4MultiLocation Abstract [u8; 32] xcmv3(multiasset,Fungibility Fungibleu128,NonFungible4AssetInstance xcmv3(multiasset4AssetInstance$UndefinedIndexu128Array4D[u8; 4]Array8[u8; 8]Array16 [u8; 16]Array32 [u8; 32] xcmv3 ResponseNullAssets},MultiAssetsVersion8super::Version,PalletsInfoBoundedVec8DispatchResult8MaybeErrorCodeOptionTNoneSome xcmv3traitsError Overflow4Unimplemented`UntrustedReserveLocationdUntrustedTeleportLocation0LocationFullTLocationNotInvertible$BadOrigin xcmv3(PalletInfoindex u32nameBoundedVec,module_nameBoundedVecmajor u32minor u32patch u32 Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS4Vec xcmv38MaybeErrorCode SuccessErrorBoundedVec8TruncatedErrorBoundedVec Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS4VecOptionTNoneSome xcmv3DQueryResponseInfo ,destination4MultiLocation query_id(QueryId(max_weight$Weight xcmv3(multiasset@MultiAssetFilter Definite},MultiAssetsWild8WildMultiAsset xcmv3(multiasset8WildMultiAsset AllAllOfidAssetId funV3Pv3::Xcm xcmv2 Xcm,RuntimeCalltVec> xcmv2,Instruction,RuntimeCallp4WithdrawAsset1,MultiAssetsTReserveAssetDeposited1,MultiAssetsXReceiveTeleportedAsset1,MultiAssets4QueryResponse  query_id(QueryId responseI Response(max_weight( u644TransferAssetassets1,MultiAssets,beneficiary4MultiLocationPTransferReserveAsset assets1,MultiAssetsdest4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()> Transact ,origin_typeY(OriginKindXrequire_weight_at_most( u64callhDoubleEncodeddHrmpNewChannelOpenRequest sender u32@max_message_size u320max_capacity u32LHrmpChannelAccepted$recipient u32HHrmpChannelClosing $initiator u32sender u32$recipient u32 ,ClearOrigin 4DescendOrigin TInteriorMultiLocation ,ReportError  query_id(QueryIddest4MultiLocationLmax_response_weight( u64 0DepositAsset assetsa@MultiAssetFilter(max_assets u32,beneficiary4MultiLocation LDepositReserveAssetassetsa@MultiAssetFilter(max_assets u32dest4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()>4ExchangeAssetgivea@MultiAssetFilterreceive1,MultiAssets\InitiateReserveWithdraw assetsa@MultiAssetFilterreserve4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()>@InitiateTeleport assetsa@MultiAssetFilterdest4MultiLocation xcm%Xcm<()>0QueryHolding query_id(QueryIddest4MultiLocationassetsa@MultiAssetFilterLmax_response_weight( u640BuyExecutionfees9(MultiAsset0weight_limitm,WeightLimit4RefundSurplus,SetAppendix@Xcm(ClearError(ClaimAssetassets1,MultiAssetsticket4MultiLocationTrap( u64@SubscribeVersion query_id(QueryIdLmax_response_weight( u64HUnsubscribeVersion xcm8double_encoded4DoubleEncodedTencoded4Vec xcmv3 XcmCallXVec> xcmv3,InstructionCall4WithdrawAsset},MultiAssetsTReserveAssetDeposited},MultiAssetsXReceiveTeleportedAsset},MultiAssets4QueryResponse query_id(QueryId response Response(max_weight$WeightquerierTOption4TransferAssetassets},MultiAssets,beneficiary4MultiLocationPTransferReserveAsset assets},MultiAssetsdest4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()> Transact ,origin_kindY(OriginKindXrequire_weight_at_most$WeightcallLDoubleEncodeddHrmpNewChannelOpenRequest sender u32@max_message_size u320max_capacity u32LHrmpChannelAccepted$recipient u32HHrmpChannelClosing $initiator u32sender u32$recipient u32 ,ClearOrigin 4DescendOriginTInteriorMultiLocation ,ReportErrorDQueryResponseInfo 0DepositAssetassets@MultiAssetFilter,beneficiary4MultiLocation LDepositReserveAsset assets@MultiAssetFilterdest4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()>4ExchangeAsset give@MultiAssetFilterwant},MultiAssetsmaximalbool\InitiateReserveWithdraw assets@MultiAssetFilterreserve4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()>@InitiateTeleport assets@MultiAssetFilterdest4MultiLocation xcmqXcm<()>4ReportHolding4response_infoDQueryResponseInfoassets@MultiAssetFilter0BuyExecutionfees(MultiAsset0weight_limit,WeightLimit4RefundSurplus,SetAppendix$Xcm(ClearError(ClaimAssetassets},MultiAssetsticket4MultiLocationTrap( u64@SubscribeVersion query_id(QueryIdLmax_response_weight$WeightHUnsubscribeVersion$BurnAsset},MultiAssets,ExpectAsset},MultiAssets0ExpectOriginTOption,ExpectErrorPOption<(u32, Error)>PExpectTransactStatus8MaybeErrorCode ,QueryPallet,module_name4Vec4response_infoDQueryResponseInfo!0ExpectPalletindex u32name4Vec,module_name4Vec,crate_major u32&$LockAssetasset(MultiAsset unlocker4MultiLocation',UnlockAssetasset(MultiAssettarget4MultiLocation(8NoteUnlockableasset(MultiAssetowner4MultiLocation)4RequestUnlockasset(MultiAssetlocker4MultiLocation*,SetFeesMode0jit_withdrawbool+ SetTopic [u8; 32],(ClearTopic-,AliasOrigin4MultiLocation./ Ppallet_message_queuepalletCallT$reap_page8message_originHMessageOriginOf(page_index$PageIndex=Remove a page which has no more messages remaining to be processed or is stale.Hexecute_overweight8message_originHMessageOriginOfpage$PageIndexindexT::Size0weight_limit$Weight4xExecute an overweight message.MTemporary processing errors will be propagated whereas permanent errors are treatedTas success condition.t- `origin`: Must be `Signed`.5- `message_origin`: The origin from which the message to be executed arrived.=- `page`: The page in the queue in which the message to be executed is sitting. - `index`: The index into the queue of the message to be executed.Y- `weight_limit`: The maximum amount of weight allowed to be consumed in the executionD of the message.Benchmark complexity considerations: O(index + weight_limit).%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. lpolkadot_runtime_parachains$inclusionXAggregateMessageOrigin Ump(UmpQueueId lpolkadot_runtime_parachains$inclusion(UmpQueueIdPara ParaId Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS4Vec  `pallet_conviction_votingtypesTallyVotesTotal ayesVotesnaysVotessupportVotes  `pallet_ranked_collectivepalletEventTI,MemberAdded who0T::AccountIdxA member `who` has been added.,RankChanged who0T::AccountIdrankRankThe member `who`se rank has been changed to the given `rank`.4MemberRemoved who0T::AccountIdrankRankThe member `who` of given `rank` has been removed from the collective.Voted who0T::AccountIdpollDPollIndexOfvote(VoteRecordtally4TallyOfUThe member `who` has voted for the `poll` with the given `vote` leading to an updated `tally`. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. `pallet_ranked_collective(VoteRecord AyeVotes NayVotes`pallet_ranked_collectiveTally TIM $bare_ayes,MemberIndexayesVotesnaysVotes @pallet_referendapalletEventTI@$Submitted index%The track (and by extension proposal dispatch origin) of this referendum. proposalLBoundedCallOfThe proposal for the referendum.A referendum has been submitted.TDecisionDepositPlaced indexThe amount placed by the account.The decision deposit has been placed.\DecisionDepositRefunded indexThe amount placed by the account.The decision deposit has been refunded.8DepositSlashed who0T::AccountIdThe account who placed the deposit.amountThe amount placed by the account.pA deposit has been slashaed.%The track (and by extension proposal dispatch origin) of this referendum. proposalLBoundedCallOfThe proposal for the referendum.tally T::TallyThe current tally of votes in this referendum.A referendum has moved into the deciding phase.8ConfirmStartedindexThe amount placed by the account. The submission deposit has been refunded.,MetadataSetindex pays_fee`Pays)OptionT$NoneSome$-(sp_runtimedDispatchErrorWithPostInfoInfo%$post_info%Infoerrord4DispatchError1\polkadot_runtime_commonclaimspalletEventTClaimed  who0T::AccountId@ethereum_addressUhSomeone claimed some DOTs. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. 5 8pallet_utilitypalletEvent@BatchInterruptedindex u32errord4DispatchErrorUBatch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, asHwell as the error.8BatchCompletedBatch of dispatches completed fully with no error.`BatchCompletedWithErrorsBatch of dispatches completed but has errors.4ItemCompletedA single item within a Batch of dispatches has completed with no error.(ItemFailederrord4DispatchErrorA single item within a Batch of dispatches has completed with error.0DispatchedAsresult98DispatchResultXA call was dispatched. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. 9ResultTEEdOkE Errd= A name was cleared, and the given balance returned.8IdentityKilled who0T::AccountIddeposit0BalanceOfA name was removed and the given balance slashed.HJudgementRequested who0T::AccountIdA sub-identity was added to an identity and the deposit paid.HSubIdentityRemoved  sub0T::AccountIdmain0T::AccountIddeposit0BalanceOf A sub-identity was removed from an identity and the deposit freed.HSubIdentityRevoked  sub0T::AccountIdmain0T::AccountIddeposit0BalanceOf A sub-identity was cleared, and the given deposit repatriated from themain identity account to the sub-identity account. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. A 8pallet_societypalletEventTIDFoundedfounder0T::AccountIdThe society is founded by the given identity. Bid0candidate_id0T::AccountIdoffer]A membership bid just happened. The given account is the candidate's ID and their offer8is the second.Vouch 0candidate_id0T::AccountIdoffer vouching0T::AccountId]A membership bid just happened by vouching. The given account is the candidate's ID andtheir offer is the second. The vouching party is the third.$AutoUnbid$candidate0T::AccountIdA candidate was dropped (due to an excess of bids in the system).Unbid$candidate0T::AccountIdA candidate was dropped (by their request).Unvouch$candidate0T::AccountIdA candidate was dropped (by request of who vouched for them). Inductedprimary0T::AccountId(candidatesUDVecUA group of candidates have been inducted. The batch's primary is the first value, thepbatch in full is the second.`SuspendedMemberJudgement who0T::AccountIdjudgedboolA suspended member has been judged.HCandidateSuspended$candidate0T::AccountIdxA candidate has been suspendedSome funds were deposited into the society account.8SkepticsChosen skepticsUDVecA group of members has been choosen as Skeptics The [event]( emitted by this pallet. E QThe amount vested has been updated. This could indicate a change in funds available.%The balance given is the amount which is left unvested (and thus locked).@VestingCompletedaccount0T::AccountIdAn \[account\] has become fully vested. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. M @pallet_schedulerpalletEventT$Scheduledwhen8T::BlockNumberindex u32PScheduled some task. Canceledwhen8T::BlockNumberindex u32LCanceled some task.(Dispatched task5lTaskAddressidQ@Optionresult98DispatchResultTDispatched some task.idQ@Option)The call for the provided hash was not found so the task has been aborted.8PeriodicFailedtask5lTaskAddressidQ@Option=The given task was unable to be renewed since the agenda is full at that block.TPermanentlyOverweighttask5lTaskAddressidQ@OptionThe given task can never be executed since it is overweight.0Events type.QOptionTNoneSomeU 0pallet_proxypalletEventT4ProxyExecutedresult98DispatchResultA proxy was executed correctly, with the given.,PureCreatedpure0T::AccountId who0T::AccountId(proxy_typeA0T::ProxyTypePdisambiguation_index u16A pure account has been created by new proxy with givendisambiguation index and proxy type.$Announced real0T::AccountIdproxy0T::AccountId$call_hash04CallHashOfAn announcement was placed to make a call in the future.(ProxyAdded$delegator0T::AccountId$delegatee0T::AccountId(proxy_typeA0T::ProxyTypedelay8T::BlockNumberHA proxy was added.0ProxyRemoved$delegator0T::AccountId$delegatee0T::AccountId(proxy_typeA0T::ProxyTypedelay8T::BlockNumberPA proxy was removed. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. Y  multisig0T::AccountId$call_hash CallHashA multisig operation has been approved by someone.@MultisigExecuted$approving0T::AccountId$timepointMdTimepoint multisig0T::AccountId$call_hash CallHashresult98DispatchResultA multisig operation has been executed.DMultisigCancelled(cancelling0T::AccountId$timepointMdTimepoint multisig0T::AccountId$call_hash CallHashA multisig operation has been cancelled. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. ] A bounty proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.HBountyBecameActiveindex,BountyIndexA bounty proposal is funded and became active.4BountyAwardedindex,BountyIndex,beneficiary0T::AccountIdA bounty is awarded to a beneficiary.4BountyClaimed index,BountyIndexpayout,beneficiary0T::AccountIdA bounty is claimed by beneficiary.8BountyCanceledindex,BountyIndexXA bounty is cancelled.8BountyExtendedindex,BountyIndexpA bounty expiry is extended. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. e Tpallet_child_bountiespalletEventTAddedindex,BountyIndex,child_index,BountyIndex`A child-bounty is added.Awarded index,BountyIndex,child_index,BountyIndex,beneficiary0T::AccountIdA child-bounty is awarded to a beneficiary.Claimedindex,BountyIndex,child_index,BountyIndexpayout0BalanceOf,beneficiary0T::AccountIdA child-bounty is claimed by beneficiary. Canceledindex,BountyIndex,child_index,BountyIndexpA child-bounty is cancelled. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. i pallet_election_provider_multi_phasepalletEventT8SolutionStored computem0prev_ejectedboolA solution was stored with the given compute.QThe `origin` indicates the origin of the solution. If `origin` is `Some(AccountId)`,Uthe stored solution was submited in the signed phase by a miner with the `AccountId`.%Otherwise, the solution was stored either during the unsigned phase or byM`T::ForceOrigin`. The `bool` is `true` when a previous solution was ejected to makeHroom for this one.DElectionFinalizedcomputem::AccountIdvalue0BalanceOf%An account has been rewarded for their signed submission being finalized.Slashedaccount::AccountIdvalue0BalanceOf!An account has been slashed for submitting an invalid signed submission.DPhaseTransitioned fromqTPhasetoqTPhaseround u32There was a phase transition in a given round. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. mpallet_election_provider_multi_phase duration u32xA bid was successfully placed.0BidRetracted  who0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOf duration u32A bid was successfully removed (before being accepted).(BidDropped  who0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOf duration u32UA bid was dropped from a queue because of another, more substantial, bid was present.Issuedindex0ReceiptIndexpThe identity of the receipt.expiry8T::BlockNumberThe block number at which the receipt may be thawed. who0T::AccountIddThe owner of the receipt.(proportion,Perquintill1The proportion of the effective total issuance which the receipt represents.amount0BalanceOfThe amount of funds which were debited from the owner.A bid was accepted. The balance may not be released until expiry.Thawedindex0ReceiptIndexpThe identity of the receipt. who0T::AccountId(The owner.(proportion,Perquintill9The proportion of the effective total issuance by which the owner was debited.amount0BalanceOfThe amount by which the owner was credited.droppedboolIf `true` then the receipt is done.An receipt has been (at least partially) thawed.Fundeddeficit0BalanceOfAn automatic funding of the deficit was made.,Transferred from0T::AccountIdto0T::AccountIdindex0ReceiptIndexdA receipt was transfered. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. } joinedboolA member has became bonded in a pool.PaidOut member0T::AccountIdpool_idPoolIdpayout0BalanceOfA payout has been made to a member. Unbondedmember0T::AccountIdpool_idPoolIdbalance0BalanceOfpoints0BalanceOf era EraIndex,A member has unbonded from their pool.9- `balance` is the corresponding balance of the number of points that has beenU requested to be unbonded (the argument of the `unbond` transaction) from the bonded pool.E- `points` is the number of points that are issued as a result of `balance` beingdissolved into the corresponding unbonding pool.- `era` is the era in which the balance will be unbonded.UIn the absence of slashing, these values will match. In the presence of slashing, theMnumber of points that are issued in the unbonding pool will be less than the amountdrequested to be unbonded.$Withdrawnmember0T::AccountIdpool_idPoolIdbalance0BalanceOfpoints0BalanceOfA member has withdrawn from their pool.!The given number of `points` have been dissolved in return of `balance`.YSimilar to `Unbonded` event, in the absence of slashing, the ratio of point to balance(will be 1.$Destroyedpool_idPoolIdhA pool has been destroyed.0StateChangedpool_idPoolId$new_state$PoolState|The state of a pool has changed4MemberRemovedpool_idPoolIdmember0T::AccountId A member has been removed from a pool.QThe removal can be voluntary (withdrawn all unbonded funds) or involuntary (kicked).0RolesUpdated rootiPOptionbounceriPOption$nominatoriPOptionUThe roles of a pool have been updated to the given new roles. Note that the depositorDcan never change.,PoolSlashedpool_idPoolIdbalance0BalanceOf  The active balance of pool `pool_id` has been slashed to `balance`.PUnbondingPoolSlashed pool_idPoolId era EraIndexbalance0BalanceOf %The unbond pool at `era` of pool `pool_id` has been slashed to `balance`.TPoolCommissionUpdatedpool_idPoolIdcurrent|Option<(Perbill, T::AccountId)> A pool's commission setting has been changed.`PoolMaxCommissionUpdatedpool_idPoolId8max_commissionPerbill A pool's maximum commission setting has been changed.|PoolCommissionChangeRateUpdatedpool_idPoolId,change_rateCommissionChangeRate A pool's commission `change_rate` has been changed.TPoolCommissionClaimedpool_idPoolId(commission0BalanceOfPool commission has been claimed.XEvents of this pallet. Lpallet_fast_unstakepalletEventT Unstakedstash0T::AccountIdresult98DispatchResultXA staker was unstaked.Slashedstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfA staker was slashed for requesting fast-unstake whilst being exposed.4InternalErrorAn internal error happened. Operations will be paused now.0BatchCheckederasi4VecEA batch was partially checked for the given eras, but the process did not finish.4BatchFinishedsize u32A batch of a given size was terminated.UThis is always follows by a number of `Unstaked` or `Slashed` events, marking the endof the batch. A new batch will be created upon next block.hThe events of this pallet.lpolkadot_runtime_parachains$inclusionpalletEventTy HeadData$CoreIndex(GroupIndexA candidate was backed. `[candidate, head_data]`DCandidateIncludeddCandidateReceipty HeadData$CoreIndex(GroupIndexA candidate was included. `[candidate, head_data]`DCandidateTimedOut dCandidateReceipty HeadData$CoreIndexA candidate timed out. `[candidate, head_data]`XUpwardMessagesReceivedfrom ParaIdcount u32Some upward messages have been received and will be processed. The [event]( emitted by this pallet.  Lpolkadot_primitivesv4@CandidateReceiptH0(descriptorMXCandidateDescriptor@commitments_hash0Hash Lpolkadot_primitivesv4$CoreIndex u32 Lpolkadot_primitivesv4(GroupIndex u32lpolkadot_runtime_parachainsparaspalletEvent HCurrentCodeUpdated ParaIdCurrent code has been updated for a Para. `para_id`HCurrentHeadUpdated ParaIdCurrent head has been updated for a Para. `para_id`PCodeUpgradeScheduled ParaIdA code upgrade has been scheduled for a Para. `para_id`0NewHeadNoted ParaIdA new head has been noted for a Para. `para_id`0ActionQueued ParaId0SessionIndexA para has been queued to execute pending actions. `para_id`A new `[lease_period]` is beginning.Leasedpara_id ParaIdleaser0T::AccountId0period_begin@LeasePeriodOf0period_count@LeasePeriodOf8extra_reserved0BalanceOf0total_amount0BalanceOf 5A para has won the right to a continuous set of lease periods as a parachain.EFirst balance is any extra amount reserved on top of the para's existing deposit.Second balance is the total amount reserved. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. \polkadot_runtime_common auctionspalletEventT8AuctionStarted 4auction_index0AuctionIndex0lease_period@LeasePeriodOfending8T::BlockNumberIAn auction started. Provides its index and the block number where it will begin toclose and the first lease period of the quadruplet that is auctioned.4AuctionClosed4auction_index0AuctionIndexAn auction ended. All funds become unreserved. Reserved bidder0T::AccountId8extra_reserved0BalanceOf0total_amount0BalanceOfIFunds were reserved for a winning bid. First balance is the extra amount reserved.PSecond is the total.(Unreservedbidder0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOf)Funds were unreserved since bidder is no longer active. `[bidder, amount]`HReserveConfiscated para_id ParaIdleaser0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfuSomeone attempted to lease the same slot twice for a parachain. The amount is held in reservebut no parachain slot has been leased.,BidAcceptedbidder0T::AccountIdpara_id ParaIdamount0BalanceOf(first_slot@LeasePeriodOf$last_slot@LeasePeriodOfA new bid has been accepted as the current winner.4WinningOffset4auction_index0AuctionIndex0block_number8T::BlockNumbermThe winning offset was chosen for an auction. This will map into the `Winning` storage map. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. \polkadot_runtime_common$crowdloanpalletEventT(Createdpara_id ParaIdCreate a new crowdloaning campaign.,Contributed  who0T::AccountId(fund_index ParaIdamount0BalanceOfpContributed to a crowd sale. Withdrew  who0T::AccountId(fund_index ParaIdamount0BalanceOfWithdrew full balance of a contributor.DPartiallyRefundedpara_id ParaId-The loans in a fund have been partially dissolved, i.e. there are some leftover child keys that still need to be killed.,AllRefundedpara_id ParaIdAll loans in a fund have been refunded.$Dissolvedpara_id ParaIdHFund is dissolved.`A memo has been updated. \A XCM message was sent.\[ origin, destination, message \]HUnexpectedResponse4MultiLocation,QueryIdYQuery response received which does not match a registered query. This may be because aUmatching query was never registered, it may be because it is a duplicate response, orpbecause the query timed out.d\[ origin location, id \]4ResponseReady,QueryId Response]Query response has been received and is ready for taking with `take_response`. There isno registered notification call.H\[ id, response \] Notified ,QueryIdu8u8YQuery response has been received and query is removed. The registered notification hasbeen dispatched and executed successfully.\[ id, pallet index, call index \]@NotifyOverweight,QueryIdu8u8$Weight$WeightaQuery response has been received and query is removed. The registered notification couldAnot be dispatched because the dispatch weight is greater than the maximum weightoriginally budgeted by this runtime for the query result.\[ id, pallet index, call index, actual weight, max budgeted weight \]LNotifyDispatchError ,QueryIdu8u8UQuery response has been received and query is removed. There was a general error withdispatching the notification call.\[ id, pallet index, call index \]HNotifyDecodeFailed ,QueryIdu8u8QQuery response has been received and query is removed. The dispatch was unable to beYdecoded into a `Call`; this might be due to dispatch function having a signature whichis not `(origin, QueryId, Response)`.\[ id, pallet index, call index \]@InvalidResponder 4MultiLocation,QueryIdTOptionYExpected query response has been received but the origin location of the response doesUnot match that expected. The query remains registered for a later, valid, response tolbe received and acted upon.\[ origin location, id, expected location \]\InvalidResponderVersion4MultiLocation,QueryId $QExpected query response has been received but the expected origin location placed inMstorage by this runtime previously cannot be decoded. The query remains registered.AThis is unexpected (since a location placed in storage in a previously executingMruntime should be readable prior to query timeout) and dangerous since the possiblyYvalid response will be dropped. Manual governance intervention is probably going to beneeded.d\[ origin location, id \]4ResponseTaken,QueryId Received query response has been read and removed. \[ id \]4AssetsTrapped 0H2564MultiLocationPVersionedMultiAssets Some assets have been placed in an asset trap.h\[ hash, origin, assets \]TVersionChangeNotified 4MultiLocation(XcmVersion},MultiAssets %An XCM version change notification message has been attempted to be sent.The cost of sending it (borne by the chain) is included.|\[ destination, result, cost \]\SupportedVersionChanged4MultiLocation(XcmVersion 9The supported version of a location has been changed. This might be through anautomatic notification or a manual intervention.l\[ location, XCM version \]PNotifyTargetSendFail 4MultiLocation,QueryId XcmErrorYA given location which had a version change subscription was dropped owing to an error|sending the notification to it.|\[ location, query ID, error \]dNotifyTargetMigrationFailXVersionedMultiLocation,QueryIdYA given location which had a version change subscription was dropped owing to an errormigrating the location to our new XCM format.`\[ location, query ID \]TInvalidQuerierVersion4MultiLocation,QueryId$UExpected query response has been received but the expected querier location placed inMstorage by this runtime previously cannot be decoded. The query remains registered.AThis is unexpected (since a location placed in storage in a previously executingMruntime should be readable prior to query timeout) and dangerous since the possiblyYvalid response will be dropped. Manual governance intervention is probably going to beneeded.d\[ origin location, id \]8InvalidQuerier4MultiLocation,QueryId4MultiLocationTOption]Expected query response has been received but the querier location of the response doesQnot match the expected. The query remains registered for a later, valid, response tolbe received and acted upon.\[ origin location, id, expected querier, maybe actual querier \]PVersionNotifyStarted4MultiLocation},MultiAssetsYA remote has requested XCM version change notification from us and we have honored it.A version information message is sent to them and its cost is included.\[ destination location, cost \]XVersionNotifyRequested4MultiLocation},MultiAssets AWe have requested that a remote chain sends us XCM version change notifications.\[ destination location, cost \]`VersionNotifyUnrequested4MultiLocation},MultiAssets aWe have requested that a remote chain stops sending us XCM version change notifications.\[ destination location, cost \] FeesPaid4MultiLocation},MultiAssets 1Fees were paid from a location for an operation (often for using `SendXcm`).l\[ paying location, fees \]4AssetsClaimed 0H2564MultiLocationPVersionedMultiAssets Some assets have been claimed from an asset traph\[ hash, origin, assets \] The [event]( emitted by this pallet.  xcmv3traitsOutcome Complete$Weight(Incomplete$WeightErrorErrorError Ppallet_message_queuepalletEventT@ProcessingFailed id [u8; 32]originHMessageOriginOferrorLProcessMessageErrorUMessage discarded due to an error in the `MessageProcessor` (usually a format error).$Processedid [u8; 32]originHMessageOriginOf,weight_used$WeightsuccessboolTMessage is processed.HOverweightEnqueuedid [u8; 32]originHMessageOriginOf(page_index$PageIndex4message_indexT::SizeMessage placed in overweight queue.(PageReapedoriginHMessageOriginOfindex$PageIndexTThis page was reaped. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. 4frame_supporttraits messagesLProcessMessageError$BadFormatCorrupt,Unsupported(Overweight$WeightYield0frame_systemPhase 8ApplyExtrinsic u320Finalization8Initialization050frame_systemXLastRuntimeUpgradeInfo0spec_versionLcodec::Compact$spec_namedsp_runtime::RuntimeString 0frame_systemlimits0BlockWeights (base_block$Weight$max_block$Weight$per_classPerDispatchClass 4frame_support dispatch@PerDispatchClassT normalT,operationalT$mandatoryT 0frame_systemlimits$max_total)8Option reserved)8Option 0frame_systemlimits,BlockLength maxTPerDispatchClass 4frame_support dispatch@PerDispatchClassT normalT,operationalT$mandatoryT(sp_weights!, Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS!Vec!%OptionT)NoneSome)) Dsp_consensus_babedigests$PreDigest Primary-@PrimaryPreDigest8SecondaryPlain5\SecondaryPlainPreDigest0SecondaryVRF9TSecondaryVRFPreDigest- Dsp_consensus_babedigests@PrimaryPreDigest E,IEM ,pallet_babepalletErrorT`InvalidEquivocationProof1An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.`InvalidKeyOwnershipProof1A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.XDuplicateOffenceReportA given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.PInvalidConfigurationSubmitted configuration is invalid. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. Q U 8pallet_indicespalletErrorT,NotAssignedThe index was not already assigned. NotOwnerThe index is assigned to another account.InUsepThe index was not available.,NotTransferThe source and destination accounts are identical.$PermanentThe index is permanent and may not be freed/changed. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. Y Lbounded_collections@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecT]SeVec] m y  active0BalanceOf$unlockingBoundedVec>, T::MaxUnlockingChunks> Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVec8pallet_staking,UnlockChunkBalancevalueBalance era EraIndex Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSiVec8pallet_staking,NominationsT targetsBoundedVec0submitted_in EraIndex(suppressedbool Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSUVec8pallet_staking4ActiveEraInfoindex EraIndexstart,OptionOptionT,NoneSome,8pallet_staking BTreeMapKV8pallet_staking8UnappliedSlash$AccountIdBalance$validator$AccountId ownBalanceothersdVec<(AccountId, Balance)>$reportersU8VecpayoutBalance 8pallet_staking slashing4SlashingSpans(span_index$SpanIndex(last_start EraIndexHlast_nonzero_slash EraIndexpriori4Vec 8pallet_staking slashing(SpanRecordBalanceslashedBalance paid_outBalance8pallet_stakingpalletpalletErrorTd4NotControllerdNot a controller account. NotStashPNot a stash account.4AlreadyBonded`Stash is already bonded.4AlreadyPairedtController is already paired.0EmptyTargets`Targets cannot be empty.8DuplicateIndex@Duplicate index.DInvalidSlashIndexSlash record index out of bounds.@InsufficientBond YCannot have a validator or nominator role, with value less than the minimum defined by=governance (see `MinValidatorBond` and `MinNominatorBond`). If unbonding is theintention, `chill` first to remove one's role as validator/nominator.0NoMoreChunksCan not schedule more unlock chunks.4NoUnlockChunk Can not rebond without unlocking chunks.0FundedTarget Attempting to target a stash that still has funds.HInvalidEraToReward XInvalid era to reward.hInvalidNumberOfNominations xInvalid number of nominations.HNotSortedAndUnique Items are not sorted and unique.8AlreadyClaimed Rewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator.TIncorrectHistoryDepthIncorrect previous history depth input provided.XIncorrectSlashingSpansIncorrect number of slashing spans provided. BadState9Internal state has become somehow corrupted and the operation cannot continue.8TooManyTargetsToo many nomination targets supplied.$BadTarget=A nomination target was supplied that was blocked or otherwise not a validator.@CannotChillOtherUThe user has enough bond and thus cannot be chilled forcefully by an external person.DTooManyNominatorsMThere are too many nominators in the system. Governance needs to adjust the stakingsettings to keep things safe for the runtime.DTooManyValidatorsUThere are too many validator candidates in the system. Governance needs to adjust thestaking settings to keep things safe for the runtime.@CommissionTooLowCommission is too low. Must be at least `MinCommission`.,BoundNotMetXSome bound is not met. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  (sp_stakingoffence8OffenceDetails Reporter Offender offender Offender$reportersU4Vec4     4 sp_corecrypto$KeyTypeIdD[u8; 4] 8pallet_sessionpalletErrorT0InvalidProof`Invalid ownership proof.\NoAssociatedValidatorIdNo associated validator ID for account.4DuplicatedKeydRegistered duplicate key.NoKeysNo keys are associated with this account.$NoAccountKey setting account is not live, so it's impossible to associate keys.tError for the session pallet. 8pallet_grandpa,StoredStateNLive0PendingPause0scheduled_atNdelayNPaused4PendingResume0scheduled_atNdelayN 8pallet_grandpaLStoredPendingChangeNLimit0scheduled_atNdelayN@next_authorities lBoundedAuthorityListforced$Option Lbounded_collections@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTSVec! 8pallet_grandpapalletErrorT,PauseFailedAttempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live(either paused or already pending pause).0ResumeFailedAttempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused(either live or already pending resume).4ChangePendingAttempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending.TooSoonCannot signal forced change so soon after last.`InvalidKeyOwnershipProof1A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.`InvalidEquivocationProof1An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.XDuplicateOffenceReportA given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. % Lbounded_collections@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTS) Vec) - 4frame_supporttraitsmisc4WrapperOpaqueT1 1 T1 @pallet_im_onlinedBoundedOpaqueNetworkState LPeerIdEncodingLimitXMultiAddrEncodingLimit8AddressesLimitpeer_id5 WeakBoundedVecHexternal_addresses9 -WeakBoundedVec, AddressesLimit >5 Lbounded_collections@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTS4Vec9 Lbounded_collections@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecT5 S= Vec= 5 A @pallet_im_onlinepalletErrorT(InvalidKey`Non existent public key.LDuplicatedHeartbeatTDuplicated heartbeat. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. E M 4sp_arithmetic(per_thingsPermill u32Q OptionTNoneSomeU 4frame_support PalletId[u8; 8]Y (Delegating} Delegatinge `pallet_conviction_votingvoteCastingBalance,BlockNumber$PollIndex MaxVotes votesi BoundedVec<(PollIndex, AccountVote), MaxVotes>,delegationsu PDelegationspriory |PriorLocki Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTm Sq Vecm q m u `pallet_conviction_votingtypes,DelegationsBalancevotesBalancecapitalBalancey `pallet_conviction_votingvote$PriorLock,BlockNumberBalance,BlockNumberBalance} `pallet_conviction_votingvote(Delegating Balance$AccountId,BlockNumberbalanceBalancetarget$AccountId(conviction(Conviction,delegationsu PDelegationspriory |PriorLock Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT S Vec   `pallet_conviction_votingpalletErrorTI0(NotOngoingPPoll is not ongoing. NotVoterThe given account did not vote on the poll.0NoPermissionThe actor has no permission to conduct the action. Approved Moment Option> Option> Rejected Moment Option> Option>$Cancelled Moment Option> Option> TimedOut Moment Option> Option>KilledMoment @pallet_referendatypes@ReferendumStatus TrackId4RuntimeOriginMomentCallBalanceTally $AccountId$submittedMomentHsubmission_deposit lDeposit@decision_deposit Option> deciding xOption>tally Tally in_queueboolalarm Option<(Moment, ScheduleAddress)> @pallet_referendatypesDeposit$AccountIdBalance who$AccountIdamountBalance OptionT NoneSome  OptionT NoneSome  @pallet_referendatypes8DecidingStatus,BlockNumbersince,BlockNumber(confirmingLOption OptionT NoneSome  5 Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT S Vec     @pallet_referendatypes$TrackInfoBalanceMoment$name0&'static str0max_deciding u32@decision_depositBalance8prepare_periodMoment `pallet_ranked_collectivepalletErrorTI$4AlreadyMemberpAccount is already a member.$NotMember`Account is not a member.(NotPollingThe given poll index is unknown or has closed.OngoingThe given poll is still ongoing.4NoneRemainingThere are no further records to be removed.(CorruptionhUnexpected error in state.(RankTooLowThe member's rank is too low to vote.8InvalidWitnessThe information provided is incorrect.0NoPermissionThe origin is not sufficiently privileged to do the operation. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. @pallet_referendatypes8ReferendumInfo TrackId4RuntimeOriginMomentCallBalanceTally$AccountId Approved Moment Option> Option> Rejected Moment Option> Option>$Cancelled Moment Option> Option> TimedOut Moment Option> Option>KilledMoment @pallet_referendatypes@ReferendumStatus TrackId4RuntimeOriginMomentCallBalanceTally$AccountId$submittedMomentHsubmission_deposit lDeposit@decision_deposit Option> deciding xOption>tallyTally in_queueboolalarm Option<(Moment, ScheduleAddress)> Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT5SVec @pallet_referendapalletErrorTI4(NotOngoinghReferendum is not ongoing.(HasDepositReferendum's decision deposit is already paid. BadTrackThe track identifier given was invalid.Full1There are already a full complement of referenda in progress for this track.(QueueEmptyThe queue of the track is empty.4BadReferendumThe referendum index provided is invalid in this context.,NothingToDoThere was nothing to do in the advancement.NoTrackNo track exists for the proposal origin.(UnfinishedAny deposit cannot be refunded until after the decision is over.0NoPermission The deposit refunder is not the depositor.$NoDeposit The deposit cannot be refunded since none was made.$BadStatus The referendum status is invalid for this operation.@PreimageNotExist pThe preimage does not exist. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. @pallet_whitelistpalletErrorTLUnavailablePreImageThe preimage of the call hash could not be loaded.), MaxJudgements>depositBalanceinfoyIdentityInfo Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT S Vec      Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSUVec! Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT% S- Vec% OptionT) NoneSome) ) valueBalance= 8pallet_societyBidKind$AccountIdBalanceDepositBalanceVouch$AccountIdBalanceA = E 8pallet_society8VouchingStatus VouchingBannedI M 8pallet_societyVote SkepticRejectApproveQ 8pallet_societypalletErrorTIH,BadPositionAn incorrect position was provided.$NotMemberTUser is not a member.4AlreadyMemberdUser is already a member.$SuspendedHUser is suspended.0NotSuspendedXUser is not suspended. NoPayoutHNothing to payout.8AlreadyFounded`Society already founded.] i )m 8pallet_vesting ReleasesV0V1q 8pallet_vestingpalletErrorT(NotVestingThe account given is not vesting.TAtMaxVestingSchedules%The account already has `MaxVestingSchedules` count of schedules and thusQcannot add another one. Consider merging existing schedules in order to add another.$AmountLowAmount being transferred is too low to create a vesting schedule.`ScheduleIndexOutOfBoundsAn index was out of bounds of the vesting schedules.TInvalidScheduleParams Failed to create a new schedule because some parameter was invalid.tError for the vesting pallet.u Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTy S Vecy OptionT} NoneSome} } @pallet_scheduler$ScheduledNameCall,BlockNumber4PalletsOrigin$AccountId maybe_idQ0Option priorityHschedule::PrioritycallCall8maybe_periodic1Option>origin4PalletsOrigin y @pallet_schedulerpalletErrorT@FailedToScheduledFailed to schedule a call NotFound|Cannot find the scheduled call.\TargetBlockNumberInPastGiven target block number is in the past.HRescheduleNoChangeReschedule failed because it does not change scheduled time.NamedAttempt to use a non-named function on a named task. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.   Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT S Vec 0pallet_proxy 0pallet_proxy0Announcement $AccountIdHash0,BlockNumber real$AccountId$call_hash0Hashheight,BlockNumber  0pallet_proxypalletErrorT TooMany!There are too many proxies registered or too many announcements pending. NotFoundtProxy registration not found. NotProxySender is not a proxy of the account to be proxied.,Unproxyable!A call which is incompatible with the proxy type's filter was attempted.$DuplicatelAccount is already a proxy.0NoPermissionCall may not be made by proxy because it may escalate its privileges.,UnannouncedAnnouncement, if made at all, was made too recently.,NoSelfProxydCannot add self as proxy. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  depositBalance$depositor$AccountId$approvals BoundedVec Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSUVec count u32 len,Option OptionTNoneSome 0 Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS4Vec  Tpallet_child_bountiesDChildBountyStatus$AccountId,BlockNumberAddedscore4ElectionScorecomputem pallet_election_provider_multi_phase4RoundSnapshot$AccountId0DataProvider voters DVectargetsU8Vec  ,   Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT S Vec    pallet_election_provider_multi_phasesigned@SignedSubmission $AccountIdBalance Solutione who$AccountIddepositBalance0raw_solutionaTRawSolution call_feeBalance pallet_election_provider_multi_phasepalletErrorT8hPreDispatchEarlySubmissiondSubmission was too early.lPreDispatchWrongWinnerCountWrong number of winners presented.dPreDispatchWeakSubmissionSubmission was too weak, score-wise. Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT S! Vec (pallet_nispallet BidBalance$AccountIdamountBalance who$AccountId!  % (pallet_nispallet4SummaryRecord,BlockNumberBalanceexpiry,BlockNumber- 1 (pallet_nispalletErrorT<@DurationTooSmallThe duration of the bid is less than one.8DurationTooBigThe duration is the bid is greater than the number of queues.8AmountTooSmallThe amount of the bid is less than the minimum allowed.$BidTooLowAThe queue for the bid's duration is full and the amount bid is too low to get inthrough replacing an existing bid.8UnknownReceiptdReceipt index is unknown. NotOwnertNot the owner of the receipt.(NotExpiredpBond not yet at expiry date.(UnknownBidThe given bid for retraction is not found.4PortionTooBigThe portion supplied is beyond the value of the receipt. Unfunded Not enough funds are held to pay out.4AlreadyFunded There are enough funds for what is required.$Throttled The thaw throttle has been reached for this period.$MakesDust The operation would result in a receipt worth an insignficant value.9 Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTmSqVec= Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVecA nextiPOption$bag_upper, T::Scorescore, T::ScoreI @pallet_bags_listlist BagTIheadiPOptiontailiPOptionM ,Q @pallet_bags_listpalletErrorTIListU $ListErrorA error in the list interface implementation. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. U @pallet_bags_listlist$ListError$Duplicate(NotHeavier0NotInSameBag0NodeNotFoundY \pallet_nomination_pools(PoolMemberTpool_idPoolIdpoints0BalanceOfplast_recorded_reward_counter@T::RewardCounter8unbonding_eras] BoundedBTreeMap, T::MaxUnbonding>] Lbounded_collectionsDbounded_btree_mapa  BTreeMapKV e \pallet_nomination_pools8member_counter u32points0BalanceOfrolesu \PoolRolesstate$PoolStatei \pallet_nomination_pools(CommissionTcurrent|Option<(Perbill, T::AccountId)> maxm ,change_rateq Option>4throttle_fromXOptionm OptionTNoneSomeq OptionTNoneSomeu \pallet_nomination_pools$PoolRoles$AccountId$depositor$AccountIdrootiDOption$nominatoriDOptionbounceriDOptiony \pallet_nomination_pools(RewardPoolTplast_recorded_reward_counter@T::RewardCounterllast_recorded_total_payouts0BalanceOfTtotal_rewards_claimed0BalanceOf`total_commission_pending0BalanceOf`total_commission_claimed0BalanceOf} \pallet_nomination_pools SubPoolsTno_era 4UnbondPool with_era BoundedBTreeMap, TotalUnbondingPools> \pallet_nomination_pools(UnbondPoolTpoints0BalanceOfbalance0BalanceOf Lbounded_collectionsDbounded_btree_map  BTreeMapKV    Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS4Vec \pallet_nomination_poolspalletErrorTx0PoolNotFoundA (bonded) pool id does not exist.HPoolMemberNotFoundlAn account is not a member.HRewardPoolNotFound!A reward pool does not exist. In all cases this is a system logic error.@SubPoolsNotFoundhA sub pool does not exist.dAccountBelongsToOtherPoolMAn account is already delegating in another pool. An account may only belong to one), T::BatchSize>checked BoundedVec> Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVec Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSiVec Lpallet_fast_unstakepalletErrorT4NotController The provided Controller account was not found.This means that the given account is not bonded.4AlreadyQueuedThe bonded account has already been queued.8NotFullyBondedThe bonded account has active unlocking chunks.$NotQueuedThe provided un-staker is not in the `Queue`.,AlreadyHeadThe provided un-staker is already in Head, and cannot deregister.8CallNotAllowedThe call is not allowed at this point because the pallet is not active. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. lpolkadot_runtime_parachains4configurationDHostConfiguration,BlockNumber4max_code_size u32Hmax_head_data_size u32Xmax_upward_queue_count u32Tmax_upward_queue_size u32\max_upward_message_size u32max_upward_message_num_per_candidate u32hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate u32lvalidation_upgrade_cooldown,BlockNumber`validation_upgrade_delay,BlockNumberPasync_backing_paramsHAsyncBackingParams0max_pov_size u32dmax_downward_message_size u32hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels u32hrmp_max_parathread_outbound_channels u32Lhrmp_sender_depositBalanceXhrmp_recipient_depositBalancedhrmp_channel_max_capacity u32lhrmp_channel_max_total_size u32hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels u32hrmp_max_parathread_inbound_channels u32thrmp_channel_max_message_size u328max_validators,Option8dispute_period0SessionIndexdispute_post_conclusion_acceptance_period,BlockNumber4no_show_slots u32@n_delay_tranches u32hzeroth_delay_tranche_width u32@needed_approvals u32`relay_vrf_modulo_samples u32Ppvf_checking_enabledbool8pvf_voting_ttl0SessionIndexminimum_validation_upgrade_delay,BlockNumber   lpolkadot_runtime_parachains4configurationpalletErrorTHavailability_votes1`BitVecbackers1`BitVecLrelay_parent_numberN@backed_in_numberN4backing_group(GroupIndex lpolkadot_runtime_parachains$inclusionpalletErrorTtUnsortedOrDuplicateValidatorIndicesValidator indices are out of order or contains duplicates.UnsortedOrDuplicateDisputeStatementSetDispute statement sets are out of order or contain duplicates.UnsortedOrDuplicateBackedCandidatesBacked candidates are out of order (core index) or contain duplicates.TUnexpectedRelayParent)A different relay parent was provided compared to the on-chain stored one.DWrongBitfieldSizeAvailability bitfield has unexpected size.@BitfieldAllZerosBitfield consists of zeros only.pBitfieldDuplicateOrUnorderedMMultiple bitfields submitted by same validator or validators out of order by index.dValidatorIndexOutOfBoundsxValidator index out of bounds.`InvalidBitfieldSignatureDInvalid signaturePUnscheduledCandidate Candidate submitted but para not scheduled.CandidateScheduledBeforeParaFree 1Candidate scheduled despite pending candidate already existing for the para.4WrongCollator Candidate included with the wrong collator.LScheduledOutOfOrder tScheduled cores out of order.@HeadDataTooLarge Head data exceeds the configured maximum.PPrematureCodeUpgradedCode upgrade prematurely., Vec<(ValidatorIndex, ValidityAttestation)>) > disputes`MultiDisputeStatementSet    9 lpolkadot_runtime_parachains8paras_inherentpalletErrorTdTooManyInclusionInherentsInclusion inherent called more than once per block.LInvalidParentHeaderUThe hash of the submitted parent header doesn't correspond to the saved block hash of,the parent.dCandidateConcludedInvalidDisputed candidate that was concluded invalid.HInherentOverweight The data given to the inherent will result in an overweight block.DisputeStatementsUnsortedOrDuplicatesThe ordering of dispute statements was invalid.8DisputeInvalidA dispute statement was invalid. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  lpolkadot_runtime_parachains$schedulerPParathreadClaimQueuequeue TVec@next_core_offset u32  lpolkadot_runtime_parachains$scheduler@QueuedParathreadclaim 0votes_reject1`BitVec age0SessionIndex(created_at,BlockNumbercauses% |Vec>% ) ) lpolkadot_runtime_parachainsparas4PvfCheckCause,BlockNumber(Onboarding ParaIdUpgradeid ParaIdLrelay_parent_number,BlockNumber- Y1 lpolkadot_runtime_parachainsparas4ParaLifecycle(Onboarding(Parathread$ParachainLUpgradingParathreadPDowngradingParachainTOffboardingParathreadPOffboardingParachain5  9 lpolkadot_runtime_parachainsparas@ParaPastCodeMetaN4upgrade_times= `Vec>,last_pruned$Option= A A lpolkadot_runtime_parachainsparas@ReplacementTimesN,expected_atN0activated_atNE 5 I Lpolkadot_primitivesv48UpgradeGoAheadAbortGoAheadM Lpolkadot_primitivesv4HUpgradeRestrictionPresentQ lpolkadot_runtime_parachainsparasqueued @Vec4session_index0SessionIndexa e e `polkadot_core_primitivesXInboundDownwardMessage,BlockNumbersent_at,BlockNumber msg48sender_depositBalanceDrecipient_depositBalanceu y y `polkadot_core_primitivesHInboundHrmpMessage,BlockNumbersent_at,BlockNumberdata4Psp_std::vec::Vec}   lpolkadot_runtime_parachainshrmppalletErrorTLTOpenHrmpChannelToSelfThe sender tried to open a channel to themselves.|OpenHrmpChannelInvalidRecipientThe recipient is not a valid para.lOpenHrmpChannelZeroCapacity|The requested capacity is zero.OpenHrmpChannelCapacityExceedsLimitThe requested capacity exceeds the global limit.xOpenHrmpChannelZeroMessageSizeThe requested maximum message size is 0.OpenHrmpChannelMessageSizeExceedsLimit)The open request requested the message size that exceeds the global limit.pOpenHrmpChannelAlreadyExistshThe channel already exists|OpenHrmpChannelAlreadyRequestedThere is already a request to open the same channel.pOpenHrmpChannelLimitExceededThe sender already has the maximum number of allowed outbound channels.pAcceptHrmpChannelDoesntExist The channel from the sender to the origin doesn't exist.AcceptHrmpChannelAlreadyConfirmed The channel is already confirmed.xAcceptHrmpChannelLimitExceeded %The recipient already has the maximum number of allowed inbound channels.pCloseHrmpChannelUnauthorized UThe origin tries to close a channel where it is neither the sender nor the recipient.lCloseHrmpChannelDoesntExist The channel to be closed doesn't exist.|CloseHrmpChannelAlreadyUnderwayThe channel close request is already requested.CancelHrmpOpenChannelUnauthorized]Canceling is requested by neither the sender nor recipient of the open channel request.hOpenHrmpChannelDoesntExist|The open request doesn't exist.|OpenHrmpChannelAlreadyConfirmed-Cannot cancel an HRMP open channel request because it is already confirmed.0WrongWitnessThe provided witness data is wrong. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  Lpolkadot_primitivesv4,SessionInfo4`active_validator_indices LVec,random_seed [u8; 32]8dispute_period0SessionIndex(validators IndexedVec8discovery_keys dVec@validator_groups IndexedVec>n_cores u32hzeroth_delay_tranche_width u32`relay_vrf_modulo_samples u32@n_delay_tranches u324no_show_slots u32@needed_approvals u32 Lpolkadot_primitivesv4(IndexedVecK9V Vec  Lpolkadot_primitivesv4(IndexedVecKV  Vec  Lpolkadot_primitivesv40DisputeStateN8validators_for1|BitVecHvalidators_against1|BitVecstartN0concluded_at$Option  BTreeSetT9 lpolkadot_runtime_parachains disputespalletErrorT$tDuplicateDisputeStatementSetsDuplicate dispute statement sets provided.\AncientDisputeStatementAncient dispute statement provided.dValidatorIndexOutOfBoundsValidator index on statement is out of bounds for session.@InvalidSignature|Invalid signature on statement.HDuplicateStatementValidator vote submitted more than once to dispute.HSingleSidedDisputeA dispute where there are only votes on one side.kindLSlashingOffenceKind  BTreeMapK9V  9 lpolkadot_runtime_parachains disputes slashingpalletErrorT`InvalidKeyOwnershipProofThe key ownership proof is invalid.LInvalidSessionIndexThe session index is too old or invalid.PInvalidCandidateHashxThe candidate hash is invalid.TInvalidValidatorIndexThere is no pending slash for the given validator index and timeslot.`ValidatorIndexIdMismatchThe validator index does not match the validator id.\DuplicateSlashingReport The given slashing report is valid but already previously reported. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. \polkadot_runtime_commondepositBalanceraisedBalance end,BlockNumber capBalanceDlast_contribution tLastContribution0first_period,LeasePeriod,last_period,LeasePeriod(fund_index$FundIndex \polkadot_runtime_common$crowdloan@LastContribution,BlockNumber Never$PreEnding u32Ending,BlockNumber \polkadot_runtime_common$crowdloanpalletErrorT\DFirstPeriodInPastThe current lease period is more than the first lease period.dFirstPeriodTooFarInFutureThe first lease period needs to at least be less than 3 `max_value`.lLastPeriodBeforeFirstPeriodLast lease period must be greater than first lease period.`LastPeriodTooFarInFuture-The last lease period cannot be more than 3 periods after the first period.0maybe_notify @Option<(u8, u8)>timeout,BlockNumber    (pallet_xcmpalletTVersionMigrationStage\MigrateSupportedVersion\MigrateVersionNotifiersPNotifyCurrentTargets >hMigrateAndNotifyOldTargets OptionT4NoneSome4!  % %  xcm@VersionedAssetIdV3,v3::AssetId) (pallet_xcmpallethRemoteLockedFungibleRecordHConsumerIdentifierE0MaxConsumersamountu128ownerXVersionedMultiLocationlockerXVersionedMultiLocation$consumers- BoundedVec<(ConsumerIdentifier, u128), MaxConsumers>- Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT1 S5 Vec1 E5 1 9 Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT= SA Vec= A = E (pallet_xcmpalletErrorTP,Unreachable]The desired destination was unreachable, generally because there is a no way of routingto it.,SendFailureaThere was some other issue (i.e. not to do with routing) in sending the message. Perhapsa lack of space for buffering the message. FilteredThe message execution fails the filter.HUnweighableMessageThe message's weight could not be determined.`DestinationNotInvertibleThe destination `MultiLocation` provided cannot be inverted.EmptyThe assets to be sent are empty.8CannotReanchor5Could not re-anchor the assets to declare the fees for the destination chain.4TooManyAssetsToo many assets have been attempted for transfer.4InvalidOriginxOrigin is invalid for sending.(BadVersion !The version of the `Versioned` value used is not able to be interpreted.,BadLocation AThe given location could not be used (e.g. because it cannot be expressed in the`desired version of XCM).8NoSubscription The referenced subscription could not be found.DAlreadySubscribed The location is invalid since it already has a subscription from us.0InvalidAsset Invalid asset for the operation.(LowBalanceAThe owner does not own (all) of the asset that they wish to do the operation on.0TooManyLocksThe asset owner has too many locks on the asset.LAccountNotSovereign1The given account is not an identifiable sovereign account for any location.(FeesNotMet)The operation required fees to be paid which the initiator could not meet.0LockNotFoundA remote lock with the corresponding data could not be found.InUseIThe unlock operation cannot succeed because there are still consumers of the lock. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. I Ppallet_message_queue$BookState4MessageOriginbegin$PageIndex end$PageIndexcount$PageIndex@ready_neighboursM Option>4message_count, u64size, u64M OptionTQ NoneSomeQ Q Ppallet_message_queue(Neighbours4MessageOriginprev4MessageOriginnext4MessageOriginU Y Ppallet_message_queuePageSize HeapSize$remainingSize8remaining_sizeSize,first_indexSizefirstSizelastSizeheap] BoundedVec>] Lbounded_collections,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS4Veca Ppallet_message_queuepalletErrorT,NotReapableIPage is not reapable because it has items remaining to be processed and is not oldenough.NoPagePage to be reaped does not exist.$NoMessageThe referenced message could not be found.@AlreadyProcessedThe message was already processed and cannot be processed again.QueuedThe message is queued for future execution.HInsufficientWeightThere is temporarily not enough weight to continue servicing messages.`TemporarilyUnprocessableThis message is temporarily unprocessable.YSuch errors are expected, but not guaranteed, to resolve themselves eventually through$retrying. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. e (sp_runtimegenericLunchecked_extrinsicHUncheckedExtrinsicAddressACall$SignatureExtrai 4i  m q u y } m 0frame_system(extensionsTcheck_non_zero_senderHCheckNonZeroSenderTq 0frame_system(extensionsHcheck_spec_version@CheckSpecVersionTu 0frame_system(extensions@check_tx_version8CheckTxVersionTy 0frame_system(extensions4check_genesis0CheckGenesisT} 0frame_system(extensions Mortal63? Mortal64@ Mortal65A Mortal66B Mortal67C Mortal68D Mortal69E Mortal70F Mortal71G Mortal72H Mortal73I Mortal74J Mortal75K Mortal76L Mortal77M Mortal78N Mortal79O Mortal80P Mortal81Q Mortal82R Mortal83S Mortal84T Mortal85U Mortal86V Mortal87W Mortal88X Mortal89Y Mortal90Z Mortal91[ Mortal92\ Mortal93] Mortal94^ Mortal95_ Mortal96` Mortal97a Mortal98b Mortal99c$Mortal100d$Mortal101e$Mortal102f$Mortal103g$Mortal104h$Mortal105i$Mortal106j$Mortal107k$Mortal108l$Mortal109m$Mortal110n$Mortal111o$Mortal112p$Mortal113q$Mortal114r$Mortal115s$Mortal116t$Mortal117u$Mortal118v$Mortal119w$Mortal120x$Mortal121y$Mortal122z$Mortal123{$Mortal124|$Mortal125}$Mortal126~$Mortal127$Mortal128$Mortal129$Mortal130$Mortal131$Mortal132$Mortal133$Mortal134$Mortal135$Mortal136$Mortal137$Mortal138$Mortal139$Mortal140$Mortal141$Mortal142$Mortal143$Mortal144$Mortal145$Mortal146$Mortal147$Mortal148$Mortal149$Mortal150$Mortal151$Mortal152$Mortal153$Mortal154$Mortal155$Mortal156$Mortal157$Mortal158$Mortal159$Mortal160$Mortal161$Mortal162$Mortal163$Mortal164$Mortal165$Mortal166$Mortal167$Mortal168$Mortal169$Mortal170$Mortal171$Mortal172$Mortal173$Mortal174$Mortal175$Mortal176$Mortal177$Mortal178$Mortal179$Mortal180$Mortal181$Mortal182$Mortal183$Mortal184$Mortal185$Mortal186$Mortal187$Mortal188$Mortal189$Mortal190$Mortal191$Mortal192$Mortal193$Mortal194$Mortal195$Mortal196$Mortal197$Mortal198$Mortal199$Mortal200$Mortal201$Mortal202$Mortal203$Mortal204$Mortal205$Mortal206$Mortal207$Mortal208$Mortal209$Mortal210$Mortal211$Mortal212$Mortal213$Mortal214$Mortal215$Mortal216$Mortal217$Mortal218$Mortal219$Mortal220$Mortal221$Mortal222$Mortal223$Mortal224$Mortal225$Mortal226$Mortal227$Mortal228$Mortal229$Mortal230$Mortal231$Mortal232$Mortal233$Mortal234$Mortal235$Mortal236$Mortal237$Mortal238$Mortal239$Mortal240$Mortal241$Mortal242$Mortal243$Mortal244$Mortal245$Mortal246$Mortal247$Mortal248$Mortal249$Mortal250$Mortal251$Mortal252$Mortal253$Mortal254$Mortal255 0frame_system(extensions,check_nonce(CheckNonceT T::Index 0frame_system(extensions0check_weight,CheckWeightT hpallet_transaction_payment`ChargeTransactionPaymentT0BalanceOf 8kusama_runtimeRuntimeSystemSystem@Account A The full account information for a particular account ID.8ExtrinsicCount Total extrinsics count for the current block.,BlockWeight  The current weight for the block.@AllExtrinsicsLenA Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block.$BlockHash0 Map of block numbers to block hashes.4ExtrinsicData4= Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data).Number  The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`.(ParentHash0p Hash of the previous block.Digest8 Digest of the current block, also part of the block header.EventsH Events deposited for the current block. NOTE: The item is unbound and should therefore never be read on chain. It could otherwise inflate the PoV size of a block.- Events have a large in-memory size. Box the events to not go out-of-memory just in case someone still reads them from within the runtime.(EventCount The number of events in the `Events` list.,EventTopics0(% Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes of events in the `>` list.Q All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. ThisE allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.M The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only justM the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost.HLastRuntimeUpgradeU Stores the `spec_version` and `spec_name` of when the last runtime upgrade happened.TUpgradedToU32RefCountM True if we have upgraded so that `type RefCount` is `u32`. False (default) if not.`UpgradedToTripleRefCount] True if we have upgraded so that AccountInfo contains three types of `RefCount`. FalseH (default) if not.8ExecutionPhase The execution phase of the block.T0BlockWeightsh_o J  hXp= ףp >]  p= ףp JRjt@  Block & extrinsics weights: base values and limits.,BlockLength0<PP The maximum length of a block (in bytes).8BlockHashCountU Maximum number of block number to block hash mappings to keep (oldest pruned first). DbWeight@@x}  The weight of runtime database operations the runtime can invoke.Versionkusama4parity-kusama$Djh`7|@:ҼЏ'?EL,>m=IT XŬ^%#hzJ<r)O[?7ȻPիRpY bX{p Get the chain's current version.(SS58Prefix The designated SS58 prefix of this chain.9 This replaces the "ss58Format" property declared in the chain spec. Reason is1 that the runtime should know about the prefix in order to make use of it asp an identifier of the chain. BabeBabeD(EpochIndex, T Current epoch index.,Authoritiesl Current epoch authorities.,GenesisSlot%  The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0 until the first block of the chain.,CurrentSlot% T Current slot number.(Randomness( The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch., # Security This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an  adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs.`PendingEpochConfigChange-a Pending epoch configuration change that will be applied when the next epoch is enacted.8NextRandomness\ Next epoch randomness., frame_system::Provider, AccountId, Self::AccountData> } ``` You can also store the balance of an account in the `System` pallet.( # Example4 ```nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {t type AccountStore = System } ```Q But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet storesm `frame_system` data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the) `Balances` pallet, which uses a `StorageMap` to store balances data only.A NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances.LocksY Any liquidity locks on some account balances.% NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock. Reservesi Named reserves on some account balances.Holdsul Holds on account balances.Freezes Freeze locks on account balances.Q|HExistentialDeposit@UC A The minimum amount required to keep an account open. MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO!Y If you *really* need it to be zero, you can enable the feature `insecure_zero_ed` fora this pallet. However, you do so at your own risk: this will open up a major DoS vector.Y In case you have multiple sources of provider references, you may also get unexpected behaviour if you set this to zero. Bottom line: Do yourself a favour and make it at least one! MaxLocks2 The maximum number of locks that should exist on an account. Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.,MaxReserves2  The maximum number of named reserves that can exist on an account. MaxHolds The maximum number of holds that can exist on an account at any time.(MaxFreezesa The maximum number of individual freeze locks that can exist on an account at any time.HTransactionPaymentHTransactionPaymentDNextFeeMultiplier@d 8StorageVersion`OperationalFeeMultiplierTY A fee mulitplier for `Operational` extrinsics to compute "virtual tip" to boost their, `priority`M This value is multipled by the `final_fee` to obtain a "virtual tip" that is later added to a tip component in regular `priority` calculations.M It means that a `Normal` transaction can front-run a similarly-sized `Operational`A extrinsic (with no tip), by including a tip value greater than the virtual tip.< ```rust,ignore@ // For `Normal` let priority = priority_calc(tip);T // For `Operational` let virtual_tip = (inclusion_fee + tip) * OperationalFeeMultiplier; let priority = priority_calc(tip + virtual_tip); ```Q Note that since we use `final_fee` the multiplier applies also to the regular `tip`] sent with the transaction. So, not only does the transaction get a priority bump baseda on the `inclusion_fee`, but we also amplify the impact of tips applied to `Operational`8 transactions.!(Authorship(AuthorshipAuthord Author of current block.StakingStaking8ValidatorCount The ideal number of active validators.TMinimumValidatorCountA Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed.4InvulnerablesU Y Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they'reM easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four invulnerables) and restricted to testnets.Bonded  Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since `AccountId` is a secure hash.@MinNominatorBond@! The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a nominator.@MinValidatorBond@! The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a validator.HMinimumActiveStake@ The minimum active nominator stake of the last successful election.4MinCommission The minimum amount of commission that validators can set. If set to `0`, no limit exists.LedgerE Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking.Payee] Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since `AccountId` is a secure hash.(Validators E The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since `AccountId` is a secure hash.PCounterForValidatorsCounter for the related counted storage mapHMaxValidatorsCount 1 The maximum validator count before we stop allowing new validators to join. When this value is not set, no limits are enforced.(NominatorsHu The map from nominator stash key to their nomination preferences, namely the validators thatX they wish to support.9 Note that the keys of this storage map might become non-decodable in case them [`Config::MaxNominations`] configuration is decreased. In this rare case, these nominatorse are still existent in storage, their key is correct and retrievable (i.e. `contains_key`q indicates that they exist), but their value cannot be decoded. Therefore, the non-decodablem nominators will effectively not-exist, until they re-submit their preferences such that it is within the bounds of the newly set `Config::MaxNominations`.a This implies that `::iter_keys().count()` and `::iter().count()` might return differentm values for this map. Moreover, the main `::count()` is aligned with the former, namely thel number of keys that exist.m Lastly, if any of the nominators become non-decodable, they can be chilled immediately via [`Call::chill_other`] dispatchable by anyone. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since `AccountId` is a secure hash.PCounterForNominatorsCounter for the related counted storage mapHMaxNominatorsCount 1 The maximum nominator count before we stop allowing new validators to join. When this value is not set, no limits are enforced.(CurrentEra\ The current era index.e This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator set, it might be active or not.$ActiveEra The active era information, it holds index and start.Y The active era is the era being currently rewarded. Validator set of this era must be equal to [`SessionInterface::validators`].TErasStartSessionIndex1 The session index at which the era start for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.a Note: This tracks the starting session (i.e. session index when era start being active) for the eras in `[CurrentEra - HISTORY_DEPTH, CurrentEra]`.,ErasStakers x Exposure of validator at era.a This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.A If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned.HErasStakersClipped , Clipped Exposure of validator at era.Y This is similar to [`ErasStakers`] but number of nominators exposed is reduced to the `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers. (Note: the field `total` and `own` of the exposure remains unchanged). This is used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout.] This is keyed fist by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.A If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned.HErasValidatorPrefs Similar to `ErasStakers`, this holds the preferences of validators.a This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.LErasValidatorReward  The total validator era payout for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.! Eras that haven't finished yet or has been removed doesn't have reward.@ErasRewardPoints Rewards for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.% If reward hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned.8ErasTotalStake@ The total amount staked for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. If total hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned. ForceEraT Mode of era forcing.LSlashRewardFraction The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters. The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`.LCanceledSlashPayout@ The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance).@UnappliedSlashes All unapplied slashes that are queued for later.(BondedEras% A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era. Must contains information for eras for the range: `[active_era - bounding_duration; active_era]`LValidatorSlashInEraE All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportionp and slash value of the era.LNominatorSlashInEraa All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era.4SlashingSpans Slashing spans for stash accounts.$SpanSlash= Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span, as well as how much reward has been paid out.TCurrentPlannedSession The last planned session scheduled by the session pallet.q This is basically in sync with the call to [`pallet_session::SessionManager::new_session`].LOffendingValidators$i Indices of validators that have offended in the active era and whether they are currently( disabled.i This value should be a superset of disabled validators since not all offences lead to theq validator being disabled (if there was no slash). This is needed to track the percentage ofI validators that have offended in the current era, ensuring a new era is forced ifu `OffendingValidatorsThreshold` is reached. The vec is always kept sorted so that we can findq whether a given validator has previously offended using binary search. It gets cleared when8 the era ends.8ChillThresholde Q The threshold for when users can start calling `chill_other` for other validators /Y nominators. The threshold is compared to the actual number of validators / nominators) (`CountFor*`) in the system compared to the configured max (`Max*Count`).Y8MaxNominations Maximum number of nominations per nominator.0HistoryDepthTP Number of eras to keep in history. Following information is kept for eras in `[current_era -  HistoryDepth, current_era]`: `ErasStakers`, `ErasStakersClipped`, `ErasValidatorPrefs`, `ErasValidatorReward`, `ErasRewardPoints`, `ErasTotalStake`, `ErasStartSessionIndex`, `StakingLedger.claimed_rewards`. Must be more than the number of eras delayed by session. I.e. active era must always be in history. I.e. `active_era > current_era - history_depth` must be guaranteed. If migrating an existing pallet from storage value to config value, this should be set to same value or greater as in storage. Note: `HistoryDepth` is used as the upper bound for the `BoundedVec` item `StakingLedger.claimed_rewards`. Setting this value lower than the existing value can lead to inconsistencies in the `StakingLedger` and will need to be handled properly in a migration. The test `reducing_history_depth_abrupt` shows this effect.8SessionsPerErap Number of sessions per era.`.8AuthoredBlocks For each session index, we keep a mapping of `ValidatorId` to the number of blocks authored by the given authority.@UnsignedPriority,  A configuration for base priority of unsigned transactions. This is exposed so that it can be tuned for particular runtime, when multiple pallets send unsigned transactions.A HAuthorityDiscovery Treasury Treasury4ProposalCount Number of proposals that have been made.$ProposalsE | Proposals that have been made.,Deactivated@ The amount which has been reported as inactive to Currency.$ApprovalsI  Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded.0ProposalBondM PU Fraction of a proposal's value that should be bonded in order to place the proposal. An accepted proposal gets these back. A rejected proposal does not.LProposalBondMinimum@n8I Minimum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.LProposalBondMaximumQ D~QI Maximum amount of funds that should be placed in a deposit for making a proposal.,SpendPeriodQ Period between successive spends.BurnM  Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period. PalletIdU py/trsry The treasury's pallet id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID.0MaxApprovalsd  The maximum number of approvals that can wait in the spending queue.M NOTE: This parameter is also used within the Bounties Pallet extension if enabled.Y @ConvictionVoting@ConvictionVoting$VotingFor] a u All voting for a particular voter in a particular voting class. We store the balance for the number of votes that we have recorded.4ClassLocksFor  i The voting classes which have a non-zero lock requirement and the lock amounts which theym require. The actual amount locked on behalf of this pallet should always be the maximum of, this list. MaxVotes The maximum number of concurrent votes an account may have.U Also used to compute weight, an overly large value can lead to extrinsics with large weight estimation: see `delegate` for instance.DVoteLockingPeriod The minimum period of vote locking.e It should be no shorter than enactment period to ensure that in the case of an approval,I those successful voters are locked into the consequences that their votes entail. $Referenda$Referenda WCTCʚ;eHwhitelisted_callerdP6*/,dd%{W<B9/9by 4staking_admin (dvdC0$eʚ;]ox.h $treasurer ~Q@8> WCTCʚ;e ,lease_admin (dvdC0$eʚ;]ox.h @fellowship_admin (dvdC0$eʚ;]ox.h4general_admin (dvd> WCTCY)k.kJ4auction_admin (dvd> WCTCY)k.kJPreferendum_cancellerP6*/dC0$eʚ;]ox.hDreferendum_killerdC0$eʚ;]ox.h0small_tipperUM d IIeʚ;*M1kY(big_tipperdR7MdXdIIeʚ;iO?5}4 4small_spender245&`  @8C0$eʚ;]ox.h!8medium_spender2hjL4` @8@8[0eʚ;aѪ *",big_spender2Ԙh ` p@8ʚ;eʚ;A<u]4Ee Information concerning the different referendum tracks. PFellowshipCollectivePFellowshipCollective,MemberCounti The number of members in the collective who have at least the rank according to the index0 of the vec.Members  The current members of the collective.$IdToIndex a The index of each ranks's member into the group of members who have at least that rank.$IndexToId ] The members in the collective by index. All indices in the range `0..MemberCount` wille return `Some`, however a member's index is not guaranteed to remain unchanged over time.Voting Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing.4VotingCleanup =  LFellowshipReferendaLFellowshipReferenda Voter -> (Maybe) Vote. Defender The defending member currently being challenged.4DefenderVotesM ` Votes for the defender.(MaxMembers The max number of members for the society at one time.A$ PalletIdU py/socieh The societies's pallet id@CandidateDeposit@R7M The minimum amount of a deposit required for a bid to be made.HWrongSideDeduction@U The amount of the unpaid reward that gets deducted in the case that either a skeptic doesn't vote or someone votes in the wrong way.(MaxStrikes Q The number of times a member may vote the wrong way (or not at all, when they are a skeptic) before they become suspended.,PeriodSpend@ (- The amount of incentive paid within each period. Doesn't include VoterTip.8RotationPeriod The number of blocks between candidate/membership rotation periods. v4 the previously unbounded identities are Blake2-256 hashed to form the v40 identities.-M4MaximumWeight$@ nt) The maximum weight that may be scheduled per block for any dispatchables.PMaxScheduledPerBlock2 The maximum number of scheduled calls in the queue for a single block. NOTE:Q + Dependent pallets' benchmarks might require a higher limit for the setting. Set a higher limit under `runtime-benchmarks` feature. ProxyProxyProxies DE The set of account proxies. Maps the account which has delegated to the accounts! which are being delegated to, together with the amount held on deposit.4Announcements D The announcements made by the proxy (key).9U@ProxyDepositBase@ SH The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a proxy. This is held for an additional storage item whose value size is% `sizeof(Balance)` bytes and whose key size is `sizeof(AccountId)` bytes.HProxyDepositFactor@A The amount of currency needed per proxy added.5 This is held for adding 32 bytes plus an instance of `ProxyType` more into aa pre-existing storage value. Thus, when configuring `ProxyDepositFactor` one should take into account `32 + proxy_type.encode().len()` bytes of data.(MaxProxies  The maximum amount of proxies allowed for a single account.(MaxPending E The maximum amount of time-delayed announcements that are allowed to be pending.\AnnouncementDepositBase@ SH1 The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating an announcement.I This is held when a new storage item holding a `Balance` is created (typically 16 bytes).dAnnouncementDepositFactor@hM! The amount of currency needed per announcement made.Y This is held for adding an `AccountId`, `Hash` and `BlockNumber` (typically 68 bytes) into a pre-existing storage value.  Multisig Multisig$Multisigs  The set of open multisig operations.EY ,DepositBase@EY The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a multisig execution or to store a dispatch call for later. This is held for an additional storage item whose value size is1 `4 + sizeof((BlockNumber, Balance, AccountId))` bytes and whose key size is `32 + sizeof(AccountId)` bytes.4DepositFactor@? U The amount of currency needed per unit threshold when creating a multisig execution.% This is held for adding 32 bytes more into a pre-existing storage value.8MaxSignatoriesd The maximum amount of signatories allowed in the multisig.  Preimage Preimage$StatusFor0  The request status of a given hash.,PreimageFor Q] Bounties Bounties,BountyCount Number of bounty proposals that have been made. Bounties x Bounties that have been made.HBountyDescriptions  The description of each bounty.` is bounded on this value. If you update this value during an election, you _must_ ensure thatM `SignedSubmissionIndices.len()` is less than or equal to the new value. Otherwise, attempts to submit new solutions may cause a runtime panic., frame_system::Provider, AccountId, Self::AccountData> } ``` You can also store the balance of an account in the `System` pallet.( # Example4 ```nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {t type AccountStore = System } ```Q But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet storesm `frame_system` data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the) `Balances` pallet, which uses a `StorageMap` to store balances data only.A NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances.Locks5  Any liquidity locks on some account balances.% NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock. Reserves9  Named reserves on some account balances.Holds= l Holds on account balances.Freezes=  Freeze locks on account balances.}HExistentialDeposit@ T A The minimum amount required to keep an account open. MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO!Y If you *really* need it to be zero, you can enable the feature `insecure_zero_ed` fora this pallet. However, you do so at your own risk: this will open up a major DoS vector.Y In case you have multiple sources of provider references, you may also get unexpected behaviour if you set this to zero. Bottom line: Do yourself a favour and make it at least one! MaxLocks The maximum number of locks that should exist on an account. Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.,MaxReserves  The maximum number of named reserves that can exist on an account. MaxHolds The maximum number of holds that can exist on an account at any time.(MaxFreezesa The maximum number of individual freeze locks that can exist on an account at any time.A -$VoterList$VoterList $ListNodesE  A single node, within some bag. Nodes store links forward and back within their respective bags.LCounterForListNodesCounter for the related counted storage map ListBags,I  d A bag stored in storage. Stores a `Bag` struct, which stores head and tail pointers to itself.4BagThresholdsM !UڦFnsyk3X _}$Fgʿ@SPqL% 6O VP b@xeB yCv" {':-3hY;.C Mw7Y3f\ueFg-(/,[ + "U`۬.|.+TXF l>uq -i F8 4mDx0`Ry@ ]#O('g.8(5H<GҊEťO[hf xoY 3vc6R:d# r/wx!e3oeB($? &[ "ȶy7j3=#S ȫ < Xk}7էdX?JS_#\6d 3"I$K:L)(ǝ/7ӧ6".|>ġCGo-Qn;]klB{:֚v3Wi]]$Jo`BvU'%lQiq?r̄mi^ `GlobalMaxCommission`, necessary if a future  `GlobalMaxCommission` is lower than some current pool commissions.,PoolMembersY  @ Active members. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since `AccountId` is a secure hash.TCounterForPoolMembersCounter for the related counted storage map,BondedPoolse h Storage for bonded pools.TCounterForBondedPoolsCounter for the related counted storage map,RewardPoolsy u Reward pools. This is where there rewards for each pool accumulate. When a members payout isY claimed, the balance comes out fo the reward pool. Keyed by the bonded pools account.TCounterForRewardPoolsCounter for the related counted storage map` is effectively a `bool`, but it never hits storage in the `None` variant due to the guarantees of FRAME's storage APIs.I If this is `None` at the end of the block, we panic and render the block invalid.0OnChainVotes E Scraped on chain data for extracting resolved disputes as well as backing votes. 64ParaScheduler4ParaScheduler= `expected_at`.8FutureCodeHash Y The actual future code hash of a para. Corresponding code can be retrieved with [`CodeByHash`].PUpgradeGoAheadSignal I $ This is used by the relay-chain to communicate to a parachain a go-ahead with in the upgrade procedure.u This value is absent when there are no upgrades scheduled or during the time the relay chain} performs the checks. It is set at the first relay-chain block when the corresponding parachaine can switch its upgrade function. As soon as the parachain's block is included, the valueX gets reset to `None`.e NOTE that this field is used by parachains via merkle storage proofs, therefore changing the format will require migration of parachains.`UpgradeRestrictionSignal M $i This is used by the relay-chain to communicate that there are restrictions for performing| an upgrade for this parachain.Y This may be a because the parachain waits for the upgrade cooldown to expire. Anotherm potential use case is when we want to perform some maintenance (such as storage migration) we could restrict upgrades to make the process simpler.e NOTE that this field is used by parachains via merkle storage proofs, therefore changing the format will require migration of parachains.@UpgradeCooldownsE  Q The list of parachains that are awaiting for their upgrade restriction to cooldown. Ordered ascending by block number.@UpcomingUpgradesE Y The list of upcoming code upgrades. Each item is a pair of which para performs a code upgrade and at which relay-chain block it is expected at. Ordered ascending by block number.0ActionsQueue  The actions to perform during the start of a specific session index.PUpcomingParasGenesis Q  Upcoming paras instantiation arguments.e NOTE that after PVF pre-checking is enabled the para genesis arg will have it's code seta to empty. Instead, the code will be saved into the storage right away via `CodeByHash`.8CodeByHashRefsY) The number of reference on the validation code in [`CodeByHash`] storage.(CodeByHashYu Validation code stored by its hash.1 This storage is consistent with [`FutureCodeHash`], [`CurrentCodeHash`] andH [`PastCodeHash`].@UnsignedPriority, U 8,Initializer,Initializer8HasInitializedE ! Whether the parachains modules have been initialized within this block.% Semantically a `bool`, but this guarantees it should never hit the trie,i as this is cleared in `on_finalize` and Frame optimizes `None` values to be empty values.} As a `bool`, `set(false)` and `remove()` both lead to the next `get()` being false, but one ofy them writes to the trie and one does not. This confusion makes `Option<()>` more suitable for the semantics of this variable.XBufferedSessionChangesY Y Buffered session changes along with the block number at which they should be applied.] Typically this will be empty or one element long. Apart from that this item never hits4 the storage.i However this is a `Vec` regardless to handle various edge cases that may occur at runtime upgrade boundaries or if governance intervenes.9 Dmp Dmp TDownwardMessageQueues a  The downward messages addressed for a certain para.dDownwardMessageQueueHeads 0% A mapping that stores the downward message queue MQC head for each para. Each link in this chain has a form:x `(prev_head, B, H(M))`, where - `prev_head`: is the previous head hash or zero if none.! - `B`: is the relay-chain block number in which a message was appended. - `H(M)`: is the hash of the message being appended.DDeliveryFeeFactor @d  The number to multiply the base delivery fee by.:HrmpHrmp0\HrmpOpenChannelRequestsi  The set of pending HRMP open channel requests. The set is accompanied by a list for iteration., Invariant:= - There are no channels that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa.lHrmpOpenChannelRequestsListm lHrmpOpenChannelRequestCount  e This mapping tracks how many open channel requests are initiated by a given sender para.Y Invariant: `HrmpOpenChannelRequests` should contain the same number of items that has `(X, _)` as the number of `HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount` for `X`.|HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount  q This mapping tracks how many open channel requests were accepted by a given recipient para.m Invariant: `HrmpOpenChannelRequests` should contain the same number of items `(_, X)` withU `confirmed` set to true, as the number of `HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount` for `X`.`HrmpCloseChannelRequestsEq A set of pending HRMP close channel requests that are going to be closed during the session! change. Used for checking if a given channel is registered for closure. The set is accompanied by a list for iteration., Invariant:= - There are no channels that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa.pHrmpCloseChannelRequestsListm 8HrmpWatermarks  The HRMP watermark associated with each para., Invariant:y - each para `P` used here as a key should satisfy `Paras::is_valid_para(P)` within a session.0HrmpChannelsq  HRMP channel data associated with each para., Invariant:u - each participant in the channel should satisfy `Paras::is_valid_para(P)` within a session.`HrmpIngressChannelsIndex  4q Ingress/egress indexes allow to find all the senders and receivers given the opposite side. I.e.! (a) ingress index allows to find all the senders for a given recipient. (b) egress index allows to find all the recipients for a given sender.0 Invariants:Q - for each ingress index entry for `P` each item `I` in the index should present inx `HrmpChannels` as `(I, P)`.M - for each egress index entry for `P` each item `E` in the index should present inx `HrmpChannels` as `(P, E)`. - there should be no other dangling channels in `HrmpChannels`.h - the vectors are sorted.\HrmpEgressChannelsIndex  LHrmpChannelContentsu  Storage for the messages for each channel.e Invariant: cannot be non-empty if the corresponding channel in `HrmpChannels` is `None`.HHrmpChannelDigests } i Maintains a mapping that can be used to answer the question: What paras sent a message at the given block number for a given receiver. Invariants: - The inner `Vec` is never empty. - The inner `Vec` cannot store two same `ParaId`.m - The outer vector is sorted ascending by block number and cannot store two items with theT same block number. <4ParasSlashing4ParasSlashing@UnappliedSlashes  Validators pending dispute slashes.HValidatorSetCounts `ValidatorSetCount` per session. ?$Registrar$Registrar ,PendingSwap  d Pending swap operations.Paras   Amount held on deposit for each para and the original depositor. The given account ID is responsible for registering the code and initial head data, but may only do5 so if it isn't yet registered. (After that, it's up to governance to do so.)8NextFreeParaId ` The next free `ParaId`.,ParaDeposit@9a$ The deposit to be paid to run a parathread.= This should include the cost for storing the genesis head and validation code.HDataDepositPerByte@UC The deposit to be paid per byte stored on chain. FSlotsSlotsLeases  @ Amounts held on deposit for each (possibly future) leased parachain. The actual amount locked on its behalf by any account at any time is the maximum of the second values of the items in this list whose first value is the account.a The first item in the list is the amount locked for the current Lease Period. Following items are for the subsequent lease periods.a The default value (an empty list) implies that the parachain no longer exists (or never existed) as far as this pallet is concerned.Q If a parachain doesn't exist *yet* but is scheduled to exist in the future, then ita will be left-padded with one or more `None`s to denote the fact that nothing is held on] deposit for the non-existent chain currently, but is held at some point in the future. It is illegal for a `None` value to trail in the list.,LeasePeriod:  The number of blocks over which a single period lasts.,LeaseOffset The number of blocks to offset each lease period by. G Auctions Auctions8AuctionCounter Number of auctions started so far.,AuctionInfo5 Information relating to the current auction, if there is one.E The first item in the tuple is the lease period index that the first of the fourQ contiguous lease periods on auction is for. The second is the block number when the] auction will "begin to end", i.e. the first block of the Ending Period of the auction.