syntax = "proto3"; package sf.substreams.sink.database.v1; option go_package = ";pbdatabase"; message DatabaseChanges { repeated TableChange table_changes = 1; } message TableChange { string table = 1; oneof primary_key { string pk = 2; CompositePrimaryKey composite_pk = 6; } uint64 ordinal = 3; enum Operation { OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Protobuf default should not be used, this is used so that the consume can ensure that the value was actually specified OPERATION_CREATE = 1; OPERATION_UPDATE = 2; OPERATION_DELETE = 3; } Operation operation = 4; repeated Field fields = 5; } message CompositePrimaryKey { map keys = 1; } message Field { string name = 1; string new_value = 2; string old_value = 3; }