# VobSub index file, v7 (do not modify this line!) # Created by BDSup2Sub++ 1.0.2 # Frame size size: 1920x1080 # Origin - upper-left corner org: 0, 0 # Scaling scale: 100%, 100% # Alpha blending alpha: 100% # Smoothing smooth: OFF # Fade in/out in milliseconds fadein/out: 0, 0 # Force subtitle placement relative to (org.x, org.y) align: OFF at LEFT TOP # For correcting non-progressive desync. (in millisecs or hh:mm:ss:ms) time offset: 0 # ON: displays only forced subtitles, OFF: shows everything forced subs: OFF # The palette of the generated file palette: 000000, f0f0f0, cccccc, 999999, 3333fa, 1111bb, fa3333, bb1111, 33fa33, 11bb11, fafa33, bbbb11, fa33fa, bb11bb, 33fafa, 11bbbb # Custom colors (transp idxs and the four colors) custom colors: OFF, tridx: 1000, colors: 000000, 444444, 888888, cccccc # Language index in use langidx: 0 # German id: de, index: 0 # Decomment next line to activate alternative name in DirectVobSub / Windows Media Player 6.x # alt: German # Vob/Cell ID: 1, 1 (PTS: 0) timestamp: 00:00:49:466, filepos: 000000000 timestamp: 00:00:52:636, filepos: 000001000