# subwasm `subwasm` is a utility that works on WASM Runtime of Substrate based chains. It can: - fetch the latest wasm runtime from a running node - fetch any older wasm runtime from a running archive node - fetch the metadata from a running node - fetch the medadata from a local wasm file without having to run a node ## Source You can find the repository for this project on [github](https://www.github.com/chevdor/subwasm). ## Install You may also install it directly using: ``` cargo install --git https://www.github.com/chevdor/subwasm -p subwasm ``` Use the built-in help system to know more about the commands and subcommands as well as their options. ## Project crates The following crates are direct dependencies coming with this project. - [`subwasmlib`] - [`wasm_loader`] - [`wasm_testbed`] - [`substrate_runtime_proposal_hash`]