import { default_params, loading } from './common.js'; function should_highlight(mr) { // Does the title contain "weight"? var text = new String(mr.title).toLowerCase().includes("weight"); var branch = (mr.head.ref.toLowerCase().includes("weight") || mr.base.ref.toLowerCase().includes("weight")); return text || branch; } // Expose URL params as vars. // // Example: $.param('var_name'); // From: $.param = function(name, def){ var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href); if (results === null) { return def; } const res = decodeURI(results[1]); if (res === null || res === '' || res === undefined) { return def; } return res; } function init_ui() { // Redirect on change. $(`#select_repo`).change(function() { // Split and get both owner:repo const splits = $(this).val().split(":"); var url = new URL(window.location); url.searchParams.set("owner", splits[0]); url.searchParams.set("repo", splits[1]); console.log("Redirecting to: " + url.toString()); window.location.href = url.toString(); }); } $(document).ready(function () { loading(true); var table = $('#mrTable').DataTable({ paging: false, //ordering: true, select: { items: 'row' }, autoWidth: false, responsive: true, fixedColumns: { heightMatch: 'none' }, aaSorting: [[ 4, "desc" ]] }); var owner = $.param('owner', 'paritytech'); var repo = $.param('repo', 'polkadot-sdk'); $('#select_repo').val(owner + ':' + repo); init_ui(); var highlighted = 0; // Request the GitHub API to list all merge requests // for the given repository and owner. $.getJSON(`${owner}/${repo}/pulls?state=open&per_page=100&sort=updated&direction=desc`, function(data) { // Use this pre-downloaded data for testing: //$.getJSON(`static/dummy-mrs.json`, function(data) { // Sort the data by the last push date. This is kind of bad but the table // somehow ignores the data-sort attribute if I add via JS... data.sort(function(a, b) { return new Date(b.updated_at) - new Date(a.updated_at); }); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var mr = data[i]; var last_push = new Date(mr.updated_at); var creator = mr.user.login; var row = table.row.add([ mr.title.substr(0, 100), creator, mr['head']['ref'], mr['base']['ref'], last_push.toLocaleDateString(), ]).draw().node(); // Create a double-click handler for the row: let click_compare = (function (mr) { $(row).dblclick(function() { loading(true); let params = new URLSearchParams(default_params(repo)); let url = "/compare?" + params.toString() + `&old=${mr.base.ref}&new=${mr.head.ref}`; console.log("Opening: " + url); $.getJSON("/branches?repo=" + repo + "&fetch=true", function (d) { loading(false); window.location.href = url; }).done(function () { populate_branches(branches[repo]); loading(false); }); }); /*$(row).click(function() { window.location.href = mr.html_url; });*/ }); let disable = (function (mr) { // Disable the row. $(row).css('color', 'gray'); $(row).attr('title', 'Forks are unsupported. Remote: ' + mr['head']['repo']['owner']['login'] + ' != ' + owner); }); if (mr['head']['repo']['owner']['login'] != owner) { $(row).css('color', 'gray'); disable(mr); } else { if (should_highlight(mr)) { $(row).css('color', 'seagreen'); highlighted++; } click_compare(mr); } } // Set the 'highlighted' variable. $('#highlighted').text(highlighted); loading(false); }).await; });