import { loading } from './common.js'; // Expose URL params as vars. // // Example: $.urlParam('var_name'); // From: $.param = function(name){ var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href); if (results==null) { return null; } return decodeURI(results[1]) || 0; } // Takes query name and value to redirect to. function url_redirect(arg, value) { if (value === null || value === '' || value === undefined) { console.warn(`url_redirect: invalid value ${value} for arg ${arg}`); return; } var url = new URL(window.location); url.searchParams.set(arg, value); console.log("Redirecting to: " + url.toString()); window.location.href = url.toString(); } $(document).ready(function () { loading(true); // Setup the data table var table = $('#sort_me').DataTable({ paging: false, ordering: true, select: { items: 'row' }, autoWidth: false, responsive: true, fixedColumns: { heightMatch: 'none' }, // Default sort by relative change worst to best. aaSorting: [[ 4, "desc" ]], // PDF export button is nice, but it needs context. dom: 'Bfrtip', buttons: [ ] }); // Select the row from the URL anchor - if any. var anchor = $(location).attr('hash').replace('#', ''); if (anchor) {"Selecting row: " + anchor); try { var row = table.row(`#${anchor}`);; document.getElementById(anchor).scrollIntoView(); } catch (_e) { // Could be excluded by a filter. } } else {"No anchor found."); } // Init the selectors. const selectors = ["unit", "method", "repo"] for (const selector of selectors) { const id = `#select_${selector}`; // Redirect on change. $(id).change(function() { url_redirect(selector, $(this).val()); }); } // Init the input boxes. const inputs = ["threshold", "path_pattern", "old", "new", "pallet", "extrinsic"]; for (const input of inputs) { const id = `#input_${input}`; // Redirect on change. $(id).change(function() { url_redirect(input, $(this).val()); }); } // Init the checkboxes. const checkboxes = ["ignore_errors", "git_pull"]; for (const checkbox of checkboxes) { const id = `#checkbox_${checkbox}`; // Redirect on change. $(id).change(function() { console.log("Checkbox changed: " + checkbox); url_redirect(checkbox, $(this).is(":checked")); }); } loading(false); });