# suchi ![suchi](suchi.gif) ##### [Note: The code of Repo might be(is) not good because I'm learning Rust while creating this project so it's not good and I know it so use it on your own risk.] suchi is your fast, simple, and efficient task organizer written in Rust! ### How to Use: First, install [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) ``` cargo install suchi ``` ### Setup Locally ``` git clone https://github.com/user-64bit/suchi.git && cd suchi && cargo install ``` ### Availabel Commands ``` - add [TASKs] Add a new task/tasks to your list. Examples: suchi add "Take a break and stretch" "Watch Next Episode of One Peace" OR suchi add bat ball cat apple - edit [INDEX] [UPDATED TASK] Update an existing task by its index. Example: suchi edit 1 "Skip the break, let's push forward!" - show Display all your tasks. Example: suchi show - done [INDEXs] Mark a task/tasks as complete by its index. Example: suchi done 1 2 (marks the first and second tasks as completed) - undone [INDEXs] Mark a task/tasks as complete by its index. Example: suchi undone 1 2 (marks the first and second tasks as completed) - filter done/undone Filters task by done or undone tasks Example: suchi filter done (gives all the done tasks) - delete [INDEXs] Remove a task/tasks by its index. Example: suchi delete 4 5 (removes the fourth and fifth task) - clear Remove all tasks in one go. Example: suchi clear ```