import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import GraphiQL from 'graphiql-sudograph'; import { parse } from 'graphql'; import { sudograph } from './sudograph'; class SudoPlayground extends HTMLElement { get canisterIdLocal() { return this.getAttribute('canister-id-local'); } get canisterIdIc() { return this.getAttribute('canister-id-ic'); } get originLocal() { return this.getAttribute('origin-local'); } get originIc() { return this.getAttribute('origin-ic'); } get queryFunctionName() { return this.getAttribute('query-function-name'); } get mutationFunctionName() { return this.getAttribute('mutation-function-name'); } constructor() { super(); this.innerHTML = ` `; } async connectedCallback() { const div = document.createElement('div'); = '100vh'; document.body.appendChild(div); // TODO the playground fails to render properly sometimes, this timeout seems to help most of the time // TODO I have tried solving this multiple times, if you want to try again here's a good issue to start with: // (window as any).g.refresh(); setTimeout(() => { const environment = getEnvironment( this.originLocal, this.originIc ); ReactDOM.render( React.createElement( GraphiQL, { fetcher: graphQLFetcher( environment === 'ic' ? this.canisterIdIc : this.canisterIdLocal, this.queryFunctionName, this.mutationFunctionName ) } ), div ); }, 1000); } } window.customElements.define('sudo-playground', SudoPlayground); function graphQLFetcher( canisterId: string, queryFunctionName: string, mutationFunctionName: string ) { return async (graphQLParams) => { const { query, mutation } = sudograph({ canisterId, queryFunctionName, mutationFunctionName }); const queryOrMutation = getQueryOrMutation(graphQLParams.query) const result = ( queryOrMutation === 'QUERY' ? await query( graphQLParams.query, graphQLParams.variables ) : await mutation( graphQLParams.query, graphQLParams.variables ) ); return result; }; } function getQueryOrMutation(queryString) { const ast = parse(queryString); const firstDefinition = ast.definitions[0]; if (firstDefinition === undefined) { return 'QUERY'; } return (firstDefinition as any).operation === 'query' ? 'QUERY' : 'MUTATION'; } function getEnvironment( originLocal: string | null, originIc: string | null ): 'ic' | 'local' { if ( window.location.origin === originLocal || window.location.origin.endsWith('localhost:8000') ) { return 'local'; } if ( window.location.origin === originIc || window.location.origin.endsWith('') ) { return 'ic'; } }