# TODO we need to make sure we can allow for custom queries and mutations # TODO add a directive that allows easy interop with motoko # TODO to get Motoko interop, I think we need that single-threaded type issue to be fixed in the Rust CDK # type Query { # call_motoko(prop: String!): BlogPost! @canister(id: "asdf0as8df0as9f0asd9f0", function_name: "") # } # TODO the following is currently broken # TODO it would be nice to allow the following type Person { id: ID! firstName: String! lastName: String! father: Person @relation(name: "Person:father::Person:children") mother: Person @relation(name: "Person:mother::Person:children") children: [Person!]! @relation(name: "Person:father::Person:children") @relation(name: "Person:mother::Person:children") }