# Sugars - Nice Rust macros for better writing. 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Returns a tuple if multiple parameters are given. 2. Accepted time patterns are: `min`, `sec`, `nano`, `micro` and `milli`. ## Examples ### `std::collections` Usage of **`boxed`**, same as **`arc`**, **`cell`**, **`cow`**, **`mutex`** and **`refcell`**: ```rust assert_eq!(Box::new(10), boxed!(10)); ``` Usage of **`hmap`**, same as **`btmap`**: ```rust let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert("1", 1); map.insert("2", 2); map.insert("3", 3); let map2 = hmap! {"1" => 1, "2" => 2, "3" => 3}; assert_eq!(map, map2); ``` Usage of **`hset`**, same as **``btset``**: ```rust let set = hset! {1, 2, 3}; let mut set2 = HashSet::new(); set2.insert(1); set2.insert(2); set2.insert(3); assert_eq!(set, set2); ``` Usage of **`deque`**, same as **`bheap`**, **`lkl`** and **`rlkl`**: ```rust let deque = deque![1, 2, 3]; let mut deque2 = VecDeque::new(); deque2.push_back(1); deque2.push_back(2); deque2.push_back(3); assert_eq!(deque2, deque); ``` ### Comprenhensions Usage of **`c!`**: It follows the syntax: `c![; < in , >...[, if ]]`. Note that it generates a lazy _Iterator_ that needs to be dealt with. ```rust let vec = c![x; x in 0..10].collect::>(); let set = c![i*2; &i in vec.iter()].collect::>(); // A more complex one let vec = c![i+j; i in vec.into_iter(), j in set.iter(), if i%2 == 0 && j%2 != 0].collect::>(); // Or using type hints let vec: Vec<_> = c![x; x in 0..10].collect(); let set: HashSet<_> = c![i*2; &i in vec.iter()].collect(); let vec: Vec<_> = c![i+j; i in vec.into_iter(), j in set.iter(), if i%2 == 0 && j%2 != 0].collect(); ``` Usage of **`cvec!`**, same as **`cdeque!`**, **`clkl!`** and **`cbheap!`**: ```rust // Normal comprehension cvec![x; x in 0..10]; // You can filter as well cvec![x; x in 0..10, if x % 2 == 0]; ``` Usage of **`cset`**, same as **`cbtset`**: ```rust // Normal comprehension cset! {x; x in 0..10}; // You can filter as well cset! {x; x in 0..10, if x % 2 == 0}; ``` Usage of **`cmap`**, same as **`cbtmap`**: ```rust // Normal comprehension cmap! {x => x*2; x in 1..10}; // You can filter as well cmap! {x => x*2; x in 1..10, if x % 2 == 0}; ``` ### Time/Duration: Usage of **`dur`** and **`sleep`**: ```rust let d1 = dur!(10 sec); let d2 = std::time::Duration::from_secs(10); assert_eq!(d1, d2); // Same syntax, but make the thread sleep for the given time sleep!(10 sec) ``` Usage of **`time`**: ```rust // Should print to stderr ≈ 2.0000 seconds time!( sleep!(2 sec) ); // It also return the evaluated expression, like dbg! macro let x = time!( 100 + 20 ); ``` ## Minimal Viable Rust Version This software requires Rust version equal or above 1.39.0. ## LICENSE This software is licensed under the [MIT Public License](./LICENSE). [**deque**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.deque.html [**hset**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.hset.html [**btset**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.btset.html [**bheap**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.bheap.html [**hmap**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.hmap.html [**btmap**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.btmap.html [**lkl**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.lkl.html [**rlkl**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.rlkl.html [**c**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.c.html [**cbheap**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cbheap.html [**cbtmap**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cbtmap.html [**cbtset**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cbtset.html [**cdeque**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cdeque.html [**cmap**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cmap.html [**cset**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cset.html [**cvec**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cvec.html [**arc**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.arc.html [**boxed**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.boxed.html [**cell**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cell.html [**mutex**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.mutex.html [**refcell**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.refcell.html [**rc**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.rc.html [**rwlock**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.rwlock.html [**cow**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.cow.html [**dur**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.dur.html [**sleep**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.sleep.html [**time**]: https://docs.rs/sugars/latest/sugars/macro.time.html