c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read a sparse matrix in the Harwell/Boeing format and output a c matrix in triplet format. Only the lower triangular part of a c symmetric matrix is provided. Does not handle skew-symmetric c matrices. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer nzmax, nmax parameter (nzmax = 100000000, nmax = 1000000) integer Ptr (nmax), Index (nzmax), n, nz, totcrd, ptrcrd, $ indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, ncol, nrow, nrhs, row, col, p character title*72, key*30, type*3, ptrfmt*16, $ indfmt*16, valfmt*20, rhsfmt*20 logical sym double precision Value (nzmax), skew character rhstyp*3 integer nzrhs, nel, stype c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c read header information from Harwell/Boeing matrix read (5, 10, err = 998) $ title, key, $ totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd, $ type, nrow, ncol, nz, nel, $ ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, rhsfmt if (rhscrd .gt. 0) then c new Harwell/Boeing format: read (5, 20, err = 998) rhstyp,nrhs,nzrhs endif 10 format (a72, a8 / 5i14 / a3, 11x, 4i14 / 2a16, 2a20) 20 format (a3, 11x, 2i14) skew = 0.0 if (type (2:2) .eq. 'Z' .or. type (2:2) .eq. 'z') skew = -1.0 if (type (2:2) .eq. 'S' .or. type (2:2) .eq. 's') skew = 1.0 sym = skew .ne. 0.0 c write (0, 30) title, key, type, nrow, ncol, nz if (rhscrd .gt. 0) then c new Harwell/Boeing format: c write (0, 40) rhstyp,nrhs,nzrhs endif 30 format ( $ ' title: ', a72 / $ ' key: ', a8 / $ ' type: ', a3, ' nrow: ', i14, ' ncol: ', i14 / $ ' nz: ', i14) 40 format (' rhstyp: ', a3, ' nrhs: ', i14, ' nzrhs: ', i14) * write (0, *) ' sym: ', sym, ' skew: ', skew if (skew .eq. -1) then write (0, *) 'Cannot handle skew-symmetric matrices' stop endif n = max (nrow, ncol) if (ncol .ge. nmax .or. nz .gt. nzmax) then write (0, *) ' Matrix too big!' stop endif read (5, ptrfmt, err = 998) (Ptr (p), p = 1, ncol+1) read (5, indfmt, err = 998) (Index (p), p = 1, nz) c read the values if (valcrd .gt. 0) then read (5, valfmt, err = 998) (Value (p), p = 1, nz) endif c create the triplet form of the input matrix c stype = 0: unsymmetric c stype = -1: symmetric, lower triangular part present stype = -skew write (6, 101) title write (6, 102) key 101 format ('% title:', a72) 102 format ('% key: ', a8) write (6, 110) nrow, ncol, nz, stype 110 format (2i8, i12, i3) do 100 col = 1, ncol do 90 p = Ptr (col), Ptr (col+1) - 1 row = Index (p) if (valcrd .gt. 0) then write (6, 200) row, col, Value (p) c if (sym .and. row .ne. col) then c write (6, 200) col, row, skew * Value (p) c endif else write (6, 201) row, col endif 90 continue 100 continue 200 format (2i8, e30.18e3) 201 format (2i8) stop 998 write (0,*) 'Read error: Harwell/Boeing matrix' stop end