function cholmod_test (nmat, do_diary) %CHOLMOD_TEST test the CHOLMOD mexFunctions % % Example: % cholmod_test(nmat,do_diary) % % The ssget interface to the SuiteSparse matrix collection is required. % See % % nmat is optional. If present, it is the # of matrices used in % tests 0, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 12. tests 14 and 15 use 2*nmat matrices. % default nmat is 50. % % do_diary: 1 to save results in a diary, 0 otherwise. Default 0. % % cholmod_demo: run tests on a few random matrices % graph_demo: graph partitioning demo % test0: test most CHOLMOD functions % test4: test cholmod2 with multiple and sparse right-hand-sides % test8: order many sparse matrices, test symbfact2, compare amd and metis % test9: test metis, etree, bisect, nesdis % test10: test cholmod2's backslash on real and complex matrices % test11: test analyze, compare CHOLMOD and MATLAB, save results in Results.mat % test12: test etree2 and compare with etree % test13: test cholmod2 and MATLAB on large tridiagonal matrices % test14: test metis, symbfact2, and etree2 % test15: test symbfact2 vs MATLAB % test16: test cholmod2 on a large matrix % test17: test lchol on a few large matrices % test18: test cholmod2 on a few large matrices % test19: look for NaN's from lchol (caused by Intel MKL 7.x bug) % test20: test symbfact2, cholmod2, and lu on a few large matrices % test21: test cholmod2 on diagonal or ill-conditioned matrices % test22: test chol and chol2 and singular and indefinite matrices % test23: test chol and cholmod2 on the sparse matrix used in "bench" % test24: test sdmult % test25: test sdmult on a large matrix % test26: test logical full and sparse matrices % test27: test nesdis % ltest: test lxbpattern % lxtest: test lsubsolve % % See also test0, ... test28. % This extensive test is not included: % test28: test nesdis % Copyright 2006-2023, Timothy A. Davis, All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ if (nargin < 2) do_diary = 0 ; end if (do_diary) diary off s = date ; t = clock ; s = sprintf ('diary cholmod_test_%s_%d-%d-%d.txt\n', s, t (4), t(5), fix(t(6))); eval (s) ; end fprintf ('Running CHOLMOD tests.\n') ; help cholmod_test mex -O -R2018a GB_spones_mex.c test_path = pwd ; % addpath (test_path) ; cd ('..') ; cholmod_path = pwd ; addpath (cholmod_path) cd ('../../AMD/MATLAB') ; amd_path = pwd ; addpath (amd_path) cd ('../../COLAMD') ; colamd_path = pwd ; addpath (colamd_path) cd ('../CCOLAMD') ; ccolamd_path = pwd ; addpath (ccolamd_path) cd ('../CAMD/MATLAB') ; camd_path = pwd ; addpath (camd_path) cd (test_path) fprintf ('Added the following paths. You may wish to add them\n') ; fprintf ('permanently using the MATLAB pathtool command.\n') ; fprintf ('%s\n', cholmod_path) ; fprintf ('%s\n', amd_path) ; fprintf ('%s\n', colamd_path) ; fprintf ('%s\n', ccolamd_path) ; fprintf ('%s\n', camd_path) ; if (nargin < 1) nmat = 50 ; end try s = metis (sparse (1)) ; do_metis = 1 ; catch fprintf ('METIS not installed\n') ; do_metis = 0 ; end tt = 35 ; h = waitbar (0.5/tt, 'CHOLMOD demo:') ; try cholmod_demo ; waitbar ( 2/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD graph demo'); if (do_metis) graph_demo ; end waitbar ( 2/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test0') ; test0 (nmat) ; waitbar ( 3/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test1') ; test4 ; waitbar ( 7/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test5') ; if (do_metis) % these tests require METIS test8 (nmat) ; waitbar (11/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test9') ; test9 ; end waitbar (12/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test10') ; test10 (nmat) ; waitbar (13/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test11') ; test11 (nmat) ; waitbar (14/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test12') ; test12 (nmat) ; waitbar (15/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test13') ; test13 ; waitbar (16/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test14') ; if (do_metis) % this test requires METIS test14 (2*nmat) ; end waitbar (17/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test15') ; test15 (2*nmat) ; waitbar (18/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test16') ; test16 ; waitbar (19/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test17') ; test17 ; waitbar (20/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test18') ; test18 ; waitbar (21/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test19') ; test19 ; waitbar (22/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test20') ; test20 ; waitbar (23/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test21') ; test21 ; waitbar (24/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test22a') ; test22 (nmat) ; waitbar (25/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test22b') ; test22 (0) ; waitbar (26/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test23') ; test23 ; waitbar (27/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test24') ; test24 ; waitbar (28/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test25') ; test25 ; waitbar (29/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test26') ; test26 (do_metis) ; waitbar (31/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test27') ; if (do_metis) test27 ; end % this test requires METIS % test28 ; % (disabled) ltest ; waitbar (32/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD ltest') ; lxtest ; waitbar (33/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD lxtest') ; test29 ; waitbar (34/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test29') ; waitbar (tt/tt, h, 'CHOLMOD test done') ; fprintf ('=============================================================\n'); fprintf ('all tests passed\n') ; catch % out-of-memory is OK, other errors are not disp (lasterr) ; if (isempty (strfind (lasterr, 'Out of memory'))) error (lasterr) ; %#ok else fprintf ('test terminated early, but otherwise OK\n') ; end end close (h) ; if (do_diary) diary off end