function test0 (nmat,f) %TEST0 test most CHOLMOD functions % Example: % test0(nmat) % See also cholmod_test % Copyright 2006-2023, Timothy A. Davis, All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ fprintf ('=================================================================\n'); fprintf ('test0: test most CHOLMOD functions\n') ; % This test requires ssget, the MATLAB interface to the SuiteSparse Matrix % Collection. You can obtain ssget from try index = ssget ; catch error ('Test aborted. SuiteSparse Matrix Collection not available.\n') ; end if (nargin < 2) f = find (index.posdef) ; [ignore i] = sort (index.nrows (f)) ; f = f (i) ; end rand ('state', 0) ; randn ('state', 0) ; doplots = 0 ; if (doplots) clf end % skip = [937:939 1202:1211] ; skip = 937:939 ; if (nargin > 0) nmat = max (0,nmat) ; nmat = min (nmat, length (f)) ; f = f (1:nmat) ; end % f = 1283 % err and err3 > 1e-6, in both CHOLMOD and MATLAB below % f = 1278 % error at phase 4 % not positive definite, or errors in various phases skip = [skip 1892 1278] ; fprintf ('test matrices sorted by dimension:\n') ; for i = f if (any (i == skip)) continue end fprintf ('%4d: %-20s %-20s %12d %d\n', i, ... index.Group {i}, index.Name {i}, index.nrows (i), index.posdef (i)) ; end % pause for i = f if (any (i == skip)) continue end % try Problem = ssget (i) ; A = Problem.A ; fprintf ('\n================== Problem: %d: %s n: %d nnz: %d\n', ... i,, size (A,1), nnz (A)) ; fprintf ('title: %s\n', Problem.title) ; clear Problem n = size (A,1) ; [R,f,p] = chol (A) ; if (f ~= 0) fprintf ('not positive definite\n') ; continue ; end % use AMD from SuiteSparse tic p = amd2 (A) ; t0 = toc ; fprintf ('time: amd %10.4f\n', t0) ; S = A (p,p) ; if (doplots) subplot (3,2,1) ; spy (A) ; title ('A original') ; subplot (3,2,2) ; spy (S) ; title ('A permuted') ; drawnow ; end % ensure chol, chol2, and lchol are loaded, for more accurate timing R = chol2 (sparse (1)) ; %#ok R = chol (sparse (1)) ; %#ok R = lchol (sparse (1)) ; %#ok R = ldlchol (sparse (1)) ; %#ok R = ldlupdate (sparse (1), sparse (1)) ; %#ok c = symbfact (sparse (1)) ; %#ok tic ; L = lchol (S) ; tL_cholmod = toc ; if (doplots) subplot (3,2,5) ; spy (L) ; title ('L=lchol') ; drawnow ; end fprintf ('CHOLMOD time: L=lchol %10.4f nnz(L): %d\n', ... tL_cholmod, nnz (L)) ; lnorm = norm (L, 1) ; tic ; L2 = chol (S, 'lower') ; tL_matlab = toc ; fprintf ('MATLAB time: L=chol %10.4f nnz(L): %d\n', ... tL_matlab, nnz (L2)) ; err = ldl_normest (S, L) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) err3 = ldl_normest (S, L2) / lnorm ; err err3 condition_est = condest (S) if (err > err3 * 1e3) error ('1!') ; else % matrix 1283 triggers this condition % both err and err3 are 2e-6 clear L L2 continue ; end end clear L L2 tic ; R = chol2 (S) ; tR_cholmod = toc ; if (doplots) subplot (3,2,3) ; spy (R) ; title ('R=chol2') ; drawnow ; end fprintf ('CHOLMOD time: R=chol2 %10.4f nnz(R): %d\n', ... tR_cholmod, nnz (R)) ; err = ldl_normest (S, R') / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('2!') ; end clear R tic ; R = chol (S) ; tR_matlab = toc ; fprintf ('MATLAB time: R=chol %10.4f nnz(R): %d\n', ... tR_matlab, nnz (R)) ; if (doplots) subplot (3,2,4) ; spy (R) ; title ('chol') ; drawnow ; end err = ldl_normest (S, R') / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('3!') ; end clear R tic ; [count,h,parent,post,R] = symbfact (S) ; t7 = toc ; fprintf ('MATLAB [..,R]=symbfact %10.4f nnz(R): %d\n', t7, nnz (R)) ; fprintf ('\nCHOLMOD speedup vs MATLAB chol: R: %8.2f L: %8.2f\n\n', ... tR_matlab/tR_cholmod, tL_matlab/tL_cholmod) ; clear R S % use AMD or METIS, doing the ordering in CHOLMOD tic [L,p,q] = lchol (A) ; t4 = toc ; fprintf ('CHOLMOD time: [L,,q]=lchol %10.4f nnz(L): %d\n', ... t4, nnz (L)) ; if (doplots) subplot (3,2,6) ; spy (L) ; title ('[L,p,q]=lchol') ; drawnow ; end err = ldl_normest (A (q,q), L) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) % matrix 1278 triggers this error (1.4e-6) err error ('4!') ; end clear L % try an LDL' factorization, LD has LDL' factorization of S = A(q,q) tic [LD,p,q] = ldlchol (A) ; t5 = toc ; fprintf ('CHOLMOD time: [L,,q]=ldlchol %10.4f nnz(L): %d\n', ... t5, nnz (LD)) ; [L,D] = ldlsplit (LD) ; S = A (q,q) ; err = ldl_normest (S, L, D) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('5!') ; end clear L D A % update the LDL' factorization (rank 1 to 8). Pick a C that has % the same pattern as a random set of columns of L, so no fill-in % occurs. Then add one arbitrary entry, to add some fill-in to L. k = 1 + floor (rand (1) * 8) ; cols = randperm (n) ; cols = cols (1:k) ; C = sprandn (LD (:,cols)) ; row = 1 + floor (rand (1) * n) ; C (row,1) = 1 ; if (~isreal (C) | ~isreal (LD)) %#ok fprintf ('skip update/downdate of complex matrix ...\n') ; continue ; end tic LD2 = ldlupdate (LD, C) ; t = toc ; fprintf ('\nCHOLMOD time: rank-%d ldlupdate %10.4f nnz(L) %d', ... k, t, nnz (LD2)) ; if (nnz (LD2) > nnz (LD)) fprintf (' with fill-in\n') ; else fprintf (' no fill-in\n') ; end % check the factorization, LD2 has LDL' factorization of S+C*C' [L,D] = ldlsplit (LD2) ; err = ldl_normest (S + C*C', L, D) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('6!') ; end clear L D % downate the LDL' factorization, with just part of C % no change to the pattern occurs. k = max (1, floor (k/2)) ; C1 = C (:, 1:k) ; C2 = C (:, k+1:end) ; %#ok tic LD3 = ldlupdate (LD2, C1, '-') ; t = toc ; clear LD2 fprintf ('CHOLMOD time: rank-%d ldldowndate %10.4f nnz(L) %d', ... k, t, nnz (LD3)) ; fprintf (' no fill-in\n') ; % check the factorization, LD3 has LDL' factorization of A(q,q)+C2*C2' [L,D] = ldlsplit (LD3) ; S2 = S + C*C' - C1*C1' ; err = ldl_normest (S2, L, D) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('7!') ; end % now test resymbol LD4 = resymbol (LD3, S2) ; [L,D] = ldlsplit (LD4) ; err = ldl_normest (S2, L, D) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('8!') ; end fprintf ('after resymbol: %d\n', nnz (LD4)) ; % compare resymbol with ldlchol LD5 = ldlchol (S2) ; if (nnz (LD5) ~= nnz (LD4)) error ('9!') ; end % revised June 30, 2020 if (nnz (GB_spones_mex (LD5) - GB_spones_mex (LD4)) ~= 0) error ('10!') ; end b = rand (n,2) ; x = ldlsolve (LD4, b) ; err1 = norm (S2*x-b,1) / norm (S,1) ; fprintf ('CHOLMOD residual: %6.1e\n', err1) ; x = S2\b ; err2 = norm (S2*x-b,1) / norm (S,1) ; fprintf ('MATLAB residual: %6.1e\n', err2) ; b = sprandn (n,3,0.4) ; x = ldlsolve (LD4, b) ; err1 = norm (S2*x-b,1) / norm (S,1) ; fprintf ('CHOLMOD residual: %6.1e (sparse b)\n', err1) ; x = S2\b ; err2 = norm (S2*x-b,1) / norm (S,1) ; fprintf ('MATLAB residual: %6.1e (sparse b)\n', err2) ; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % test the row delete k = max (1, fix (n/2)) ; tic LD6 = ldlrowmod (LD,k) ; t6 = toc ; fprintf ('\nCHOLMOD time: ldlrowmod, delete %10.4f nnz(L) %d', ... t6, nnz (LD6)) ; I = speye (n) ; S2 = S ; S2 (k,:) = I (k,:) ; S2 (:,k) = I (:,k) ; % check the factorization, LD6 has LDL' factorization of S2 [L,D] = ldlsplit (LD6) ; err = ldl_normest (S2, L, D) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('11!') ; end % test the row add, by adding the row back in again Ck = S (:,k) ; S2 (:,k) = Ck ; S2 (k,:) = Ck' ; tic LD7 = ldlrowmod (LD6,k,Ck) ; t7 = toc ; fprintf ('\nCHOLMOD time: ldlrowmod, add %10.4f nnz(L) %d', ... t7, nnz (LD7)) ; % check the factorization, LD7 has LDL' factorization of S [L,D] = ldlsplit (LD7) ; err = ldl_normest (S, L, D) / lnorm ; if (err > 1e-6) error ('12!') ; end % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % catch % fprintf ('failed\n') ; % end clear A S C L R LD LD2 LD3 D p q C1 C2 LD3 S2 LD4 b x LD5 I LDL6 LD7 Ck end fprintf ('test0 passed\n') ;