function p = bisect (A, mode) %#ok %BISECT computes a node separator based on METIS_ComputeVertexSeparator. % % Example: % s = bisect(A) bisects A. Uses tril(A) and assumes A is symmetric % s = bisect(A,'sym') the same as p=bisect(A) % s = bisect(A,'col') bisects A'*A % s = bisect(A,'row') bisects A*A' % % A must be square for p=bisect(A) and bisect(A,'sym'). % % s is a vector of length equal to the dimension of A, A'*A, or A*A', % depending on the matrix bisected. s(i)=0 if node i is in the left % subgraph, s(i)=1 if it is in the right subgraph, and s(i)=2 if node i % is in the node separator. % % Requires METIS, authored by George Karypis, Univ. of Minnesota. This % MATLAB interface, via CHOLMOD, is by Tim Davis. % % See also metis, nesdis. % Copyright 2006-2023, Timothy A. Davis, All Rights Reserved. % SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ error ('bisect mexFunction not found') ;