//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CHOLMOD/MATLAB/etree2: MATLAB interface to CHOLMOD etree //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CHOLMOD/MATLAB Module. Copyright (C) 2005-2023, Timothy A. Davis. // All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Usage: // // parent = etree2 (A) returns etree of A, uses triu(A) // parent = etree2 (A, 'col') returns etree of A'*A // parent = etree2 (A, 'sym') same as etree2 (A) // parent = etree2 (A, 'row') same as etree2 (A', 'col') // parent = etree2 (A, 'lo') returns etree of A, uses tril(A) // // [parent post] = etree2(...) also returns a postorder of the tree // // etree2 (A, 'col') does not form A'*A and is thus faster than etree2 (A'*A) // and takes less memory. Likewise, etree (A, 'row') does not // form A*A', and is thus faster than etree2 (A*A') and takes less memory. #include "sputil2.h" void mexFunction ( int nargout, mxArray *pargout [ ], int nargin, const mxArray *pargin [ ] ) { double dummy = 0 ; int64_t *Parent ; cholmod_sparse *A, Amatrix ; cholmod_common Common, *cm ; int64_t n, coletree, c ; char buf [LEN] ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start CHOLMOD and set defaults //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cm = &Common ; cholmod_l_start (cm) ; sputil2_config (SPUMONI, cm) ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get inputs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nargout > 2 || nargin < 1 || nargin > 2) { mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: [parent post] = etree2 (A, mode)") ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get input matrix A //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A = sputil2_get_sparse_pattern (pargin [0], CHOLMOD_DOUBLE, &Amatrix, cm) ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get A->stype, default is to use triu(A) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A->stype = 1 ; n = A->nrow ; coletree = FALSE ; if (nargin > 1) { buf [0] = '\0' ; if (mxIsChar (pargin [1])) { mxGetString (pargin [1], buf, LEN) ; } c = buf [0] ; if (tolower (c) == 'r') { // unsymmetric case (A*A') if string starts with 'r' A->stype = 0 ; } else if (tolower (c) == 'c') { // unsymmetric case (A'*A) if string starts with 'c' n = A->ncol ; coletree = TRUE ; A->stype = 0 ; } else if (tolower (c) == 's') { // symmetric upper case (A) if string starts with 's' A->stype = 1 ; } else if (tolower (c) == 'l') { // symmetric lower case (A) if string starts with 'l' A->stype = -1 ; } else { mexErrMsgTxt ("etree2: unrecognized mode") ; } } if (A->stype && A->nrow != A->ncol) { mexErrMsgTxt ("etree2: A must be square") ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compute the etree //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent = cholmod_l_malloc (n, sizeof (int64_t), cm) ; if (A->stype == 1 || coletree) { // symmetric case: find etree of A, using triu(A) // column case: find column etree of A, which is etree of A'*A cholmod_l_etree (A, Parent, cm) ; } else { // symmetric case: find etree of A, using tril(A) // row case: find row etree of A, which is etree of A*A' // R = A' cholmod_sparse *R ; R = cholmod_l_transpose (A, 0, cm) ; cholmod_l_etree (R, Parent, cm) ; cholmod_l_free_sparse (&R, cm) ; } if (cm->status < CHOLMOD_OK) { // out of memory or matrix invalid mexErrMsgTxt ("etree2 failed: matrix corrupted!") ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return Parent to MATLAB //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- pargout [0] = sputil2_put_int (Parent, n, 1) ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // postorder the tree and return results to MATLAB //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nargout > 1) { int64_t *Post ; Post = cholmod_l_malloc (n, sizeof (int64_t), cm) ; if (cholmod_l_postorder (Parent, n, NULL, Post, cm) != n) { // out of memory or Parent invalid mexErrMsgTxt ("etree2 postorder failed!") ; } pargout [1] = sputil2_put_int (Post, n, 1) ; cholmod_l_free (n, sizeof (int64_t), Post, cm) ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // free workspace //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cholmod_l_free (n, sizeof (int64_t), Parent, cm) ; sputil2_free_sparse (&A, &Amatrix, 0, cm) ; cholmod_l_finish (cm) ; if (SPUMONI > 0) cholmod_l_print_common (" ", cm) ; }